S.B. NO. |
2527 |
S.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. Section 302A-1151, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§302A-1151 Sale of school lands
unnecessary for school purposes. The chairperson of the board of land and
natural resources is hereby requested, upon the recommendation and approval of
the superintendent, to sell any state lands, including the buildings thereon,
once used but no longer necessary for school purposes; provided that no school
facility or portion of a school facility shall be sold before that facility or
portion of the facility is made available for use by the department, [or]
charter schools, or pre-plus programs pursuant to [sections] section
302A-1151.5 [and 302B-3.6]."
SECTION 2. Section 302A-1151.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Use of vacant public school facilities [by charter schools]. (a)
When the department considers whether to close any particular public school, it
shall simultaneously give reasonable consideration to making all or portions of
the facilities of the public school available [for the exclusive occupancy
and use by a charter school or joint occupancy and use by the charter school
and the department; provided that the department may elect to use the
facilities for the support of public education programs, with
preference given to instructional uses over administrative uses.] to
charter schools and pre-plus programs; provided that the facilities may
be used for any other purpose the board deems appropriate.
[(b) The department shall submit a notice
of possible availability of a public school to the charter school review panel
as early as possible; provided that if a vacancy is established, a notice of
vacancy shall be submitted to the charter school review panel no later than
thirty days after the establishment of the vacancy.
(c) Pursuant to section 302B-3.6 and upon
receipt of a notice pursuant to subsection (b), the charter school review panel
shall solicit applications from charter schools interested in using and
occupying all or portions of the facilities of the public school and submit a
prioritized list of charter schools to the department for final determination
of which charter school, if any, shall be authorized to use and occupy the
public school facilities.
(d) Upon the selection of a charter school
to use a vacant school facility or portion of a school facility, the department
and the charter school review panel shall enter into necessary
agreements within ninety days of the selection to carry out the purposes of
this section.
(e) After receipt by the charter school
review panel of a notice pursuant to subsection (b), if the charter school
review panel does not provide a prioritized list of charter schools because no
charter school has requested to use the facilities of the public school, or if
the department receives the prioritized list but determines that no charter
school on the list is an appropriate candidate to occupy and use the
facilities, the department shall give reasonable consideration to making all or
portions of the facilities of the public school, if closed, available for
occupancy and use for other educational purposes.]
(b) The department shall identify unused public school facilities that may be appropriate for:
(1) Charter schools;
(2) Early learning programs; and
(3) Any other purpose the board deems appropriate.
Suitable empty classrooms, as determined by the department, shall be inventoried for potential use by charter schools, early learning programs, or for any other purpose the board deems appropriate. Priority shall be given to facilities on sites with sufficient space for three or more classrooms.
[(f)] (c) The department shall adopt rules necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.
[(g)] (d) For purposes of this
section, "public school" means any school that falls within the
definition of public schools in section 302A-101, except for charter schools."
SECTION 3. Section 302B-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (i) to read as follows:
"(i) The powers and duties of the panel shall be to:
(1) Appoint and evaluate the executive director and approve staff and salary levels for the charter school administrative office;
(2) Review, approve, or deny charter applications for new charter schools in accordance with section 302B-5 for the issuance of new charters; provided that applicants that are denied a charter may appeal to the board for a final decision pursuant to section 302B-3.5;
(3) Review, approve, or deny significant amendments to detailed implementation plans to maximize the school's financial and academic success, long-term organizational viability, and accountability. Charter schools that are denied a significant amendment to their detailed implementation plan may appeal to the board for a final decision pursuant to section 302B-3.5;
[(4) Pursuant to section 302B-3.6, compile
and submit prioritized lists of charter schools to the department and enter
into necessary agreements with the department to authorize charter schools to
use and occupy vacant public school facilities or portions of school facilities;
(5)] (4)
Adopt reporting requirements for charter schools;
[(6)] (5)
Review annual self-evaluation reports from charter schools and take appropriate
[(7)] (6)
Adopt a clear process and rigorous organizational and educational
criteria, including student achievement as a significant factor, for the
authorization and reauthorization of school charters;
[(8)] (7)
Evaluate each school charter, for the purpose of determining
reauthorization, no later than four years following the initial issue of a
charter and every six years thereafter; provided that charter schools that are denied reauthorization may appeal to the board
for a final decision pursuant to section 302B-3.5;
[(9)] (8)
Evaluate any aspect of a charter school that the panel may have concerns with
and take appropriate action, which may include special monitoring, temporary
withholding of an allocation for noncompliance issues, probation, or charter
revocation; provided that charter schools that have their charter revoked may
appeal to the board for a final decision pursuant to section 302B‑3.5;
[(10)] (9)
Periodically adopt improvements in the panel's monitoring and oversight of
charter schools;
[(11)] (10)
Periodically adopt improvements in the office's support of charter schools and
management of the charter school system;
[(12)] (11)
Review, modify, and approve charter schools' all means of finance budget, based
upon criteria and an approval process established by the panel;
[(13)] (12)
Survey all charter school facilities prior to, and in preparation for,
determining recommendations to allocate non-per-pupil facilities funds to
charter schools with facilities needs. The survey shall include, at minimum,
for each charter school facility:
(A) The current status of the facility;
(B) Facilities costs, including all rents, leases, purchases, and repair and maintenance for lands and buildings;
(C) A prioritized list of facilities needs;
(D) Any capital improvement projects underway or scheduled; and
(E) Whether the facility is a conversion or start-up charter school, and current and projected enrollment;
[(14)] (13) Evaluate and investigate charter schools when concerns arise that
necessitate the resolution or assistance with the resolution of legal, fiscal,
health, safety, and other serious issues; and
[(15)] (14) Ensure that local school
boards are fulfilling their oversight responsibilities pursuant to section 302B‑7."
SECTION 4. Section 302A-1506.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-1506.5 Early learning
facilities; identifying sites. (a) The department of education
shall identify unused public school facilities to be used for early learning
programs and services. Suitable empty classrooms, as determined by the
department, shall be inventoried for potential use for early learning programs
and services. Priority shall be given to facilities on sites with sufficient
space for three or more classrooms to be renovated or constructed.
(b) The department shall assist in the
identification of possible construction sites for private providers to build
early learning facilities.
(c) The department shall submit an annual
report to the legislature and the early learning council no later than twenty
days prior to the convening of each regular session on:
(1) The number of classrooms that would be
suitable for programs and services in the early learning system established by
chapter 302L; and
(2) The cost of renovating these classrooms
to meet the standards of programs and services in the early learning system."]
SECTION 5. Section 302B-3.6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302B-3.6] Occupancy and
use of facilities of public schools. (a) When the department
considers whether to close any particular public school, the department shall
submit a notice of possible availability of a public school or notice of
vacancy of a public school to the charter school review panel pursuant to
section 302A-1151.5(b); provided that the department has not elected to use the
public school to support education programs.
(b) If a charter school exclusively
or jointly occupies or uses buildings or facilities of a public school
immediately prior to converting to a charter school, upon conversion that
charter school shall be given continued exclusive or joint use of the buildings
or facilities; provided that:
(1) The State may reclaim some or all of
the buildings or facilities if it demonstrates a tangible and imperative need
for such reclamation;
(2) The State and the conversion charter
school voluntarily enter into an agreement detailing the portion of those
buildings or facilities that shall be reclaimed by the State and a timetable
for the reclamation. If a timetable cannot be reached, the State may petition
the panel for the reclamation, and the panel may grant the petition only to the
extent that is not possible for the conversion charter school and the
department to jointly occupy or use the buildings or facilities.
(c) Upon receipt of a notice pursuant to
section 302A-1151.5(b), the panel shall solicit applications from charter
schools interested in using and occupying all or portions of the facilities of
the public school by:
(1) Promptly notifying all charter schools
that the public school is being considered for closure; and
(2) Affording each charter school an
opportunity to submit an application with a written explanation and
justification of why the charter school should be considered for possible
occupancy and use of the facilities of the public school.
(d) After fully considering each charter school's
application and based on the applications received and on other considerations,
the panel shall:
(1) Provide a written response to each
charter school's application after each application has been fully considered;
(2) Compile a prioritized list of charter
schools and submit the list to the department for final determination of which
charter school, if any, shall be authorized to use and occupy the public school
(e) Upon the selection of a charter school
to use a vacant school facility or portion of a school facility, the department
and the panel shall enter into necessary agreements within ninety days
of the selection to carry out the purposes of this section; provided that any
agreement between the panel and the department shall stipulate that a charter
school that uses and occupies a public school facility or portion of a public
school facility shall be responsible for the full or pro rata share of the
repair and maintenance costs for that facility or portion of the facility, as
the case may be.
(f) The
panel shall adopt policies and procedures necessary to carry out the purposes of this section, including
but not limited to:
(1) Procedures for charter schools
to apply in writing to use vacant school facilities;
(2) Criteria for the panel to use in
determining which charter schools to include on the prioritized list to be
submitted to the department; and
(3) Procedures for the panel to notify
charter school applicants that are granted or denied the use of vacant school
(g) For purposes of this section,
"public school" means any school that falls within the definition of
public schools in section 302A-101, except for charter schools."]
SECTION 6. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 7. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2050.
Report Title:
Education; Facilities; Pre-plus Programs; Charter Schools
Amends section 302A-1151.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to require the department of education to consider allowing charter schools and pre-plus programs to occupy all or a portion of public school facilities the department is considering for closure; provided that the department may consider using the facilities for any other purpose the board of education deems appropriate. Requires the department of education to identify unused public schools facilities for possible use by charter schools, early learning programs, or for any other purpose the board of education deems appropriate. Repeals sections 302A-1506.5 and 302B-3.6, Hawaii Revised Statutes. Effective 7/1/2050. (SD1)
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.