S.B. NO. |
2306 |
relating to Long-term Care.
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that Hawaii long-term care stakeholders believe that the fragmentation of the long-term care system is a major problem. They contend that there is no real long-term care system, every component is designed for a different purpose, and the components do not work together.
The legislature also finds that according to the Hawaii long-term care commission: (1) state government needs to assert stronger leadership over the entire long-term care population, including those not eligible for public programs; (2) the successes or failures of long-term care can contribute to or detract from the success of the other programs; and (3) Hawaii's laws are silent on the subject of leadership over long-term care.
The purpose of this Act is to establish a long-term care task force, establish the position of deputy healthcare transformation coordinator for long-term care within the office of the governor, and appropriate funds to support the position of the deputy healthcare transformation coordinator.
SECTION 2. (a) There is established a long-term care task force within the executive office on aging of the department of health for administrative purposes. The purpose of the long-term care task force shall be to identify state programs and services related to long-term care and determine the feasibility of consolidating existing state functions and funds relating to these programs and services to a single executive department. The task force shall convene within thirty days after the effective date of this Act.
(b) The task force shall be composed of:
(1) The deputy healthcare transformation coordinator established pursuant to this Act;
(2) One representative from the med-QUEST division of the department of human services;
(3) One member from the aging and disability resource center program;
(4) One member of the home- and community-based services community;
(5) One member of the nursing home community; and
(6) One member of the acute care hospitals community.
(c) In carrying out its duties under this section, the task force may request staff assistance from the department of health, the department of human services, and other appropriate state and county executive agencies;
(d) The members of the task force shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for expenses, including travel expenses, necessary for the performance of their duties.
(e) The task force shall:
(1) Identify state programs and services related to long-term care;
(2) Conduct a comprehensive review of the programs and services identified under paragraph (1) to determine the advantages, disadvantages, and feasibility of consolidating the programs and services under a single agency or one division within a larger department;
(3) Determine whether programs and services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental health programs should be included;
(4) Identify the most appropriate single agency or one division within a larger department to house long-term care programs and services;
(5) Formulate a timetable for the transfer of functions;
(6) Provide a timetable for compliance monitoring;
(7) Ensure that appropriations or funds for identified state programs and services are transferred as necessary to the identified agency or division;
(8) Ensure that all federal and state funds are fully allocated in the course of the transfer of funds;
(9) Resolve any other issues relating to the transfer of functions and funding to ensure the timely and efficient consolidation of responsibility of state long-term care programs and services under a single executive department; and
(10) If a consolidation is determined to be advantageous and feasible, recommend a single agency or one division within a larger department to best house all identified long-term care programs and services.
(f) The deputy healthcare transformation coordinator shall submit a report of the activities of the task force, including recommendations and proposed legislation, if any, to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the 2013 regular session. The legislative reference bureau shall assist the task force in drafting legislation to implement the task force's recommendations. The task force shall be dissolved on June 30, 2013.
SECTION 3. (a) There is established within the office of the governor a deputy healthcare transformation coordinator for long-term care to coordinate all state activities on long-term care relating to financing, access, service delivery, and quality assurance. The deputy healthcare transformation coordinator for long-term care shall:
(1) Be selected by the director of the executive office on aging and appointed by the governor as provided in section 26-34;
(2) Be under the authority of the healthcare transformation coordinator;
(3) Convene a council of agencies responsible for long-term care to develop policies and programs on quality of care, workforce, public education, and other long-term care issues;
(4) Coordinate the establishment and responsibilities of the long-term care task force pursuant to this Act;
(5) Work with the director of the executive office on aging on all issues relating to long-term care; and
(6) Annually report to the legislature on the state of the long-term care system in Hawaii no later than twenty days prior to the convening of each regular session.
(b) The position of the deputy healthcare transformation coordinator shall terminate when management over all long-term care services is consolidated within a single executive department.
SECTION 4. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2012-2013 for the position of the deputy healthcare transformation coordinator.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the office of the governor for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2012.
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Report Title:
Kupuna Caucus; Task Force; Deputy Healthcare Transformation Coordinator; Appropriation; Long-term Care Commission
Establishes and directs a task force to coordinate and consolidate state long-term care programs and services. Establishes the position of deputy healthcare transformation coordinator. Appropriates funds.
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