S.B. NO. |
2294 |
relating to discrimination.
SECTION 1. Section 368-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§368-3 Powers and functions of commission. The commission shall have the following powers and functions:
(1) To receive, investigate, and conciliate complaints alleging any unlawful discriminatory practice under part I of chapter 489, chapter 515, and part I of chapter 378, and complaints filed under this chapter, and conduct proceedings on complaints alleging unlawful practices where conciliatory efforts are inappropriate or unsuccessful; provided that the commission shall not investigate religious entities, churches, and other places of worship;
(2) To hold hearings and make inquiries, as it deems necessary, to carry out properly its functions and powers, and for the purpose of these hearings and inquiries, to administer oaths and affirmations, conduct depositions, compel the attendance of parties and witnesses and the production of documents by the issuance of subpoenas, examine parties and witnesses under oath, require answers to interrogatories, and delegate these powers to any member of the commission or any person appointed by the commission for the performance of its functions;
(3) To commence civil action in circuit court to seek appropriate relief, including the enforcement of any commission order, conciliation agreement, or predetermination settlement;
(4) To issue the right to sue to a complainant;
(5) To order appropriate legal and equitable relief or affirmative action when a violation is found;
(6) To issue publications and results of investigations and research that, in its judgment, will tend to promote goodwill and minimize or eliminate discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations;
(7) To submit annually to the governor and the legislature a written report of its activities and recommendations for administrative or statutory changes required to further the purposes of this chapter;
(8) To appoint an executive director, deputy executive director, attorneys, and hearings examiners who shall be exempt from chapter 76, and investigators and other necessary support personnel who shall be subject to chapter 76. Section 28-8.3 notwithstanding, an attorney employed by the commission as a full-time staff member may represent the commission in litigation, draft legal documents for the commission, provide other necessary legal services to the commission, and shall not be deemed to be a deputy attorney general; and
(9) To adopt rules under chapter 91."
SECTION 2. Section 378-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definition of "employer" to read as follows:
""Employer" means any person,
including the State or any of its political subdivisions and any agent of such
person, having one or more employees, but shall not include the United States[.],
or a religious entity, church, or other places of worship."
SECTION 3. Section 489-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definition of "place of public accommodation" to read as follows:
""Place of public accommodation" means a business, accommodation, refreshment, entertainment, recreation, or transportation facility of any kind whose goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations are extended, offered, sold, or otherwise made available to the general public as customers, clients, or visitors. By way of example, but not of limitation, place of public accommodation includes facilities of the following types:
(1) A facility providing services relating to travel or transportation;
(2) An inn, hotel, motel, or other establishment that provides lodging to transient guests;
(3) A restaurant, cafeteria, lunchroom, lunch counter, soda fountain, or other facility principally engaged in selling food for consumption on the premises of a retail establishment;
(4) A shopping center or any establishment that sells goods or services at retail;
(5) An establishment licensed under chapter 281 doing business under a class 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 license, as defined in section 281-31;
(6) A motion picture theater, other theater, auditorium, convention center, lecture hall, concert hall, sports arena, stadium, or other place of exhibition or entertainment;
(7) A barber shop, beauty shop, bathhouse, swimming pool, gymnasium, reducing or massage salon, or other establishment conducted to serve the health, appearance, or physical condition of persons;
(8) A park, a campsite, or trailer facility, or other recreation facility;
(9) A comfort station; or a dispensary, clinic, hospital, convalescent home, or other institution for the infirm;
(10) A professional office of a health care provider, as defined in section 323D-2, or other similar service establishment;
(11) A mortuary or undertaking establishment; and
(12) An establishment that is physically located within the premises of an establishment otherwise covered by this definition, or within the premises of which is physically located a covered establishment, and which holds itself out as serving patrons of the covered establishment.
"Place of public accommodation" shall not include facilities that are religious entities, churches, or other places of worship. No place of public accommodation defined in this section shall be requested to reconstruct any facility or part thereof to comply with this chapter."
SECTION 4. Section 515-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§515-4 Exemptions. (a) Section 515-3 does not apply:
(1) To the rental of a housing accommodation in a building which contains housing accommodations for not more than two families living independently of each other if the owner or lessor resides in one of the housing accommodations; or
(2) To the rental of a room or up to four rooms in a housing accommodation by an owner or lessor if the owner or lessor resides in the housing accommodation.
(b) Nothing in section 515-3 shall be deemed to prohibit refusal, because of sex, including gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or marital status, to rent or lease housing accommodations:
(1) Owned or operated by a religious institution and used for church purposes as that term is used in applying exemptions for real property taxes; or
(2) Which are part of a religiously affiliated institution of higher education housing program which is operated on property that the institution owns or controls, or which is operated for its students pursuant to Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972.
(c) Nothing in this chapter regarding familial status or age shall apply to housing for older persons as defined by Title 42 United States Code Section 3607(b)(2).
(d) Nothing in section 515-3 shall be deemed to prohibit refusal to rent or lease housing accommodations due to sincere religious belief."
SECTION 5. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
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Report Title:
Discrimination; Religious Freedom; Accommodations; Employment
Clarifies the separation between church and state in terms of civil rights commission investigations, hiring, public accommodation, and rental housing practices.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.