S.B. NO.



S.D. 2
















     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that "fiber to the home" is a relatively new and quickly growing method of providing vastly higher bandwidth to consumers and businesses that enables more robust internet, voice, and video services.  Connecting homes directly to fiber optic cable provides significant improvements in the bandwidth that can be supplied to consumers, with current fiber optic technology capable of two-way transmission speeds of up to one hundred megabits per second.  As cable modem and digital subscriber line providers are challenged to provide higher bandwidth, improvements in fiber optic equipment offer constantly increasing available bandwidth without having to change the fiber.

     In its final report, the Hawaii broadband task force's first recommendation was to establish a forward-looking vision to make Hawaii globally competitive.  The task force recommended legislation that would enshrine in statute this vision to guide policy and action in recognizing broadband as critical infrastructure for the twenty-first century.  The task force encouraged the public and private sectors to strive together to enable every home and business in the State to access one hundred megabits per second upstream and downstream broadband service at prices comparable to those in leading economies of the world by 2012, with expandability to one thousand megabits per second thereafter, ensuring that every home and business will be capable of using this capability for educational, economic, social, cultural, and medical advancement.

     The purpose of this Act is to promote enhanced communication infrastructure for Hawaii residents by incorporating recommendations of the Hawaii broadband task force in the Hawaii state plan.

     SECTION 2.  Section 226-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:

     "(b)  To achieve the general economic objectives, it shall be the policy of this State to:

     (1)  Expand Hawaii's national and international marketing, communication, and organizational ties, to increase the State's capacity to adjust to and capitalize upon economic changes and opportunities occurring outside the State.

     (2)  Promote Hawaii as an attractive market for environmentally and socially sound investment activities that benefit Hawaii's people.

     (3)  Seek broader outlets for new or expanded Hawaii business investments.

     (4)  Expand existing markets and penetrate new markets for Hawaii's products and services.

     (5)  Assure that the basic economic needs of Hawaii's people are maintained in the event of disruptions in overseas transportation.

     (6)  Strive to achieve a level of construction activity responsive to, and consistent with, state growth objectives.

     (7)  Encourage the formation of cooperatives and other favorable marketing arrangements at the local or regional level to assist Hawaii's small scale producers, manufacturers, and distributors.

     (8)  Encourage labor-intensive activities that are economically satisfying and which offer opportunities for upward mobility.

     (9)  Foster greater cooperation and coordination between the government and private sectors in developing Hawaii's employment and economic growth opportunities.

    (10)  Stimulate the development and expansion of economic activities which will benefit areas with substantial or expected employment problems.

    (11)  Maintain acceptable working conditions and standards for Hawaii's workers.

    (12)  Provide equal employment opportunities for all segments of Hawaii's population through affirmative action and nondiscrimination measures.

    (13)  Stimulate the development and expansion of economic activities capitalizing on defense, dual-use, and science and technology assets, particularly on the neighbor islands where employment opportunities may be limited.

    (14)  Encourage businesses that have favorable financial multiplier effects within Hawaii's economy, particularly with respect to emerging industries in science and technology.

    (15)  Promote and protect intangible resources in Hawaii, such as scenic beauty and the aloha spirit, which are vital to a healthy economy.

    (16)  Increase effective communication between the educational community and the private sector to develop relevant curricula and training programs to meet future employment needs in general, and requirements of new, potential growth industries in particular.

    (17)  Foster a business climate in Hawaii[--including] that includes attitudes, tax and regulatory policies, and financial and technical assistance programs[--]that [is] are conducive to the expansion of existing enterprises and the creation and attraction of new business and industry.

    (18)  Promote broadband services as critical infrastructure for twenty-first century communications and encourage the public and private sectors to ensure that, by 2018, every home and business in the State has access to broadband service at prices comparable to those in leading economies of the world, for educational, economic, social, cultural, and medical advancement."

     SECTION 3.  The department of business, economic development, and tourism shall report annually to the governor and the legislature, not later than twenty days prior to the convening of each regular session of the legislature from the years 2013 to 2020, on the status of the administration's efforts to promote broadband services as critical infrastructure for twenty-first century communications and encourage the public and private sectors to ensure that every home and business in the State has access to broadband service.

     SECTION 4.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 5.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.


Report Title:

Communications Technology; Broadband Task Force



Promotes enhanced communication infrastructure for Hawaii residents by incorporating recommendations of the Hawaii broadband task force in the Hawaii state plan; requires the department of business, economic development, and tourism to submit an annual status report to the governor and legislature.  (SD2)




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