S.B. NO.



S.D. 1
















     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that medicaid is the cornerstone of health care for the most needy within Hawaii.  Furthermore, the legislature has previously recognized that it is in the public interest to ensure that health care payments made with state funds or controlled by the State are sufficient to cover the actual costs of care.  However, inadequate payment and reimbursement from medicaid have compromised access to medical care not only for the uninsured and those covered by medicaid but also for individuals who are covered by private employer-based health insurance.

     As documented in numerous media reports, the inadequacy of medical care services, especially in specialty-care coverage in rural areas and on the neighbor islands, has reached a critical level.  Furthermore, Hawaii's physicians serving medicaid‑eligible persons have been adversely affected by the inadequacy of medicaid reimbursements and payments.

     The purpose of this Act is to increase the payment for physician services for medicaid-eligible persons, including fee‑for-service and QUEST-eligible individuals, and the QUEST expanded care program.

     SECTION 2.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $           or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2012-2013 to increase payments for physician services for the care of medicaid-eligible persons, including fee-for-service, QUEST physician services, and the QUEST expanded care program.

     The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of human services for the purposes of this Act; provided that:

     (1)  The sum is equitably distributed between medicaid fee-for-service physician services and health plans that provide QUEST physician services, including the QUEST expanded care program, so that the health plans can increase the payment for these physician services; and

     (2)  The sum, when added to the amount of reimbursement payable under the appropriate medicaid fee schedule, shall in no event exceed       per cent of the appropriate medicare fee schedule applicable to Hawaii.

     SECTION 3.  The department of human services shall include in its budget request for each year of the 2013-2015 fiscal biennium a sum at least equal to the sum appropriated in section 2, in addition to its baseline medicaid request, that will allow for increased moneys to be paid out for physician services for medicaid-eligible persons, including fee-for-service and QUEST physician services, including the QUEST expanded access program.  The department shall report the amount of the baseline medicaid sum and the additional funds to be paid out for physician services to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular sessions of 2013 and 2014.

     SECTION 4.  The department of human services shall report to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular sessions of 2013 and 2014 the amount of funding necessary to:

     (1)  Continue the increased payments for physician services up to      per cent of the appropriate medicare fee schedule applicable to Hawaii; and

     (2)  Increase payments up to      per cent of the appropriate medicare fee schedule applicable to Hawaii to all medicaid fee-for-service and QUEST providers, including the QUEST expanded care program, if approved.

     SECTION 5.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2050.


Report Title:

Medicaid; Physician Services; Payments Increase; Appropriation



Appropriates funds for the 2012-2013 fiscal year to increase the payments for physician services to medicaid-eligible persons, including fee-for-service, QUEST provider services, and QUEST expanded access program up to a certain per cent of the current medicare rate.  Requires DHS to report to the legislature baseline medicaid and additional funds needed for fiscal years 2013-2014 and 2014‑2015.  Requires DHS to seek an appropriation in an amount equal to at least the amount appropriated in 2012-2013 for additional payments for physician services during the 2013-2015 fiscal biennium.  Effective 7/1/2050.  (SD1)




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