H.R. NO.













requesting a study on the REGIONAL TRAFFIC impactS of PROPOSED developmentS aND INCREASING TOURISM In the north shore and koolauloa districts.




     WHEREAS, the North Shore and Koolauloa districts of Oahu are rural, sparsely populated communities that are accessed via the narrow, two lane Kamehameha Highway; and


     WHEREAS, traffic congestion along this regional highway has become a major problem for residents, visitors, businesses and emergency services who get trapped in its gridlock; and


     WHEREAS, expansion of the Turtle Bay Resort could add several hundred vehicles per hour to the already congested roadway; and


     WHEREAS, the proposed Malaekahana residential development could also add hundreds of additional vehicles to Kamehameha Highway; and


     WHEREAS, development in Central Oahu has contributed to the traffic congestion on weekends and holidays, and the proposed Koa Ridge development could exacerbate existing congestion; and


     WHEREAS, more than fifty percent of visitors to Oahu visit the North Shore, thousands of them traveling daily in rental cars which add to traffic congestion; and


     WHEREAS, various in-fill developments, such as Kahuku Haleiwa, Waialua and smaller projects would add even more demand to highway capacity; and


     WHEREAS, there is very little capacity along Kamehameha Highway in the North Shore and Koolauloa Districts to absorb additional traffic demand; and


     WHEREAS, individual development projects are required only to study background conditions and the impacts their own projects will generate, yet total regional impacts of all potential developments and increasing tourism are not comprehensively studied and considered; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2012, that the Hawaii Department of Transportation study the cumulative traffic impacts of all proposed and likely developments on Kamehameha Highway in the North Shore and Koolauloa Districts; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the traffic impacts studied shall include all related traffic factors such as background levels, large developments, rental cars and tour buses, in-fill residential developments, and all other related factors; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the study analyze the cumulative traffic impacts with regard to highway capacity, such as vehicles per hour ratios, levels of service and other relevant statistical data;


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation submit a report, including any recommendations, to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2013; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the Director of the Department of Transportation.









Report Title: 

Transportation; Traffic Study