H.C.R. NO.














requesting the Board of education to work cooperatively with the Hawaii State public library system TO transfer the Pahala public AND SCHOOL library to the department of education to BE operateD as a school library for kau high school and to allow CONTINUED public access to the library.




     WHEREAS, public libraries are an important resource for learning for people of all ages; and


     WHEREAS, public libraries enable members in a community to have access to resources that would otherwise be unavailable, such as computers; and


     WHEREAS, the Pahala Public and School Library (Pahala Library) is located in Hawaii County, a rural area with limited public services where many residents do not have transportation capabilities for long distance drives; the library closest to the Pahala Library is the Naahelu Public Library, over thirteen miles away; and


     WHEREAS, the Pahala Library has closed temporarily from January 23, 2012 to February 23, 2012, due to a staffing shortage; and


     WHEREAS, this is not the first temporary closing of the Pahala Library due to a staffing shortage; and


     WHEREAS, House Bill No. 1873 (2012) would transfer the Pahala Library from the Hawaii State Public Library System to the Department of Education to serve as a library for Kau High School; and


     WHEREAS, if the Pahala Library is transferred to the Department of Education, Kau High School would have a valuable resource for its students; and


     WHEREAS, the transfer of the Pahala Library to the Department of Education, however, would mean that the Pahala community would cease to have convenient access to the resources of a public library; and


     WHEREAS, allowing the Pahala community to have continued access to the Pahala Library after its transfer to the Department of Education would benefit everyone in the community; and


     WHEREAS, the Department of Education and the Hawaii State Public Library System have a long-standing history of working cooperatively for the mutual benefit of students and the public; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2012, the Senate concurring, that the Department of Education is encouraged to work closely and cooperatively with the Hawaii State Public Library System to transfer the Pahala Public and School Library from the Hawaii State Public Library System to the Department of Education and allow the library to be used not only by Kau High School students and staff, but by the community as well; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, Chairperson of the Board of Education, Superintendent of Education, State Librarian, and Librarian of Pahala Public and School Library.









Report Title: 

Requesting the DOE and Hawaii public library system to work cooperatively for Pahala public library