H.C.R. NO.



H.D. 1















     WHEREAS, one of the largest state departments, the Department of Health has displayed continual inconsistency within its structure and organization; and


     WHEREAS, since 2008, the Department of Health has transferred 236 full-time employees and nearly $300 million within its department, moving positions and funds out to another sub-org or program ID one year, only to move them again the next year; and


     WHEREAS, these movements appear to be arbitrary band-aid approaches to structural weaknesses in one of the State's largest departments; and


     WHEREAS, the current Department of Health strategic plan for the fiscal years spanning 2011-2014 titled, "Foundations for Healthy Generations", is a mere four pages in length and lacks detailed planning critical for strategic direction to meet a dynamic operating environment; and


     WHEREAS, the Department of Health's current strategic plan does not provide details for implementation or for funding, staffing, operations, or response to anticipated national and environmental policy changes; and


     WHEREAS, a meaningful organizational and strategic plan of the Department of Health is long overdue, and will improve the delivery of critical health services provided by this large, taxpayer-funded institution that uses a large percentage of the state budget by examining in-depth the effectiveness and efficiency of departmental operations, both at the management and administrative levels, including the:

     (1)  Organization and management of the Department of Health, especially with regard to placement of programs and personnel; and


     (2)  Efficacy of fiscal operations, especially with respect to spending and accountability; and


     WHEREAS, such an organizational and strategic plan will help to ensure that the Department of Health fulfills its mission to administer programs that protect, preserve, care for, and improve the physical and mental health of all people in the State; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2012, the Senate concurring, that the Department of Health shall prepare a five-year organizational and strategic plan that incorporates any or all previous retooling, restructuring, or strategic plans into one all-inclusive document; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the organizational and strategic plan shall account for each year of the five year period, beginning with the 2013 calendar year and shall include:


(1)  A detailed description of each agency and program ID of the Department of Health, including the program objective for each;


(2)  A detailed description of department-wide and agency specific goals of the Department of Health's current reorganization efforts;


(3)  A cost-benefit analysis of any proposed personnel or funding transfers within the department;


(4)  A department-wide and agency-specific expenditure plan including all means of financing for each of the five years covered by the organizational and strategic plan;


(5)  Forecasted changes in the external regulatory environment and the Department of Health's plan to respond to those changes, including funding, staffing, and program modifications; and

(6)  Anticipated increases or decreases in demand for services, including anticipated impact on resource expenditures resulting from those changes, detailed forecasts in anticipated clientele numbers, and corresponding funding needs by program ID; and 


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health shall submit its comprehensive five-year strategic plan no later than November 1, 2012; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Director of Health.

Report Title: 

Department of Health; Five-Year Organizational and Strategic Plan