H.C.R. NO. |
140 |
REQUESTING THE DIRECTOR of the Office of Aerospace Development to coordinate comments and identify a lead entity to prepare a proposal, on behalf of the State, FOR Hawaii to be selected AS ONE OF THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION'S SIX UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEM TEST SITES.
WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 and the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 require the Federal Aviation Administration to establish six unmanned aircraft system test sites; and
WHEREAS, this effort will also provide critical data necessary for establishing flight operations, certification standards, regulatory standards, and air traffic requirements to ensure safe operations for public and private unmanned aircraft systems; and
WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration has recently initiated a search for the six unmanned aircraft system test sites in the United States; and
WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration, in docket number FAA-2012-0252, announced a sixty-day period, expiring May 8, 2012, for soliciting public comments for purposes of refining test site requirements, designation standards, and oversight activities; and
WHEREAS, after the comment process is completed, the Federal Aviation Administration will issue a request for proposals to develop unmanned aircraft system test sites; and
WHEREAS, the selection of Hawaii as a national unmanned aircraft system test site would establish the State as a nationally recognized center of excellence for the development and testing of advanced aviation technologies, create high- paying jobs, and generate extramural revenue streams to the State; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2012, the Senate concurring, that the Director of the Office of Aerospace Development, in consultation with the Hawaii Aerospace Advisory Committee, is requested to coordinate comments from interested parties and identify a lead entity to prepare a proposal, on behalf of the State, to the Federal Aviation Administration for Hawaii to be selected as an unmanned aircraft system test site; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor; the Director of the Office of Aerospace Development; the Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism; the President of the University of Hawaii; the Adjutant General; the Commander of the United States Pacific Command; the Commander of the United States Pacific Fleet; the Commander of the Pacific Air Forces; the Commander of the United States Army Pacific; the Commander of the Marines Forces Pacific; the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and the Director of the Federal Aviation Administration.
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Unmanned Aircraft System Test Site; Federal Aviation Administration