H.B. NO.














relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of the thirty-second representative district.





     SECTION 1.  The following sums, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to finance the projects listed in this Act, are hereby appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii for fiscal year 2012-2013.

     1.   To be expended by the department of education:

      A.  Aiea elementary school, Oahu

          Additional design and construction for air conditioning of buildings A and B, ground and site improvements, and equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                  $300,000

          Construction                          $1,200,000

          Total funding                         $1,500,000

      B.  Aiea elementary school, Oahu

          Design and construction for campus-wide electrical upgrades.

          Design                                   $75,000

          Construction                            $500,000

          Total funding                           $575,000

      C.  Aiea intermediate school, Oahu

          Design and construction for a retaining wall, perimeter fence and gate, ground and site improvements, and equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                  $150,000

          Construction                            $800,000

          Total funding                           $950,000

      D.  Aiea intermediate school, Oahu

          Additional design and construction for campus-wide electrical upgrades, ground and site improvements, and equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                  $200,000

          Construction                          $1,000,000

          Total funding                         $1,200,000

      E.  Aiea intermediate school, Oahu

          Design, construction, and equipment for electrical upgrades and heat abatement improvements or air conditioning, including appurtenances.

          Design                                   $99,000

          Construction                            $400,000

          Equipment                                 $1,000

    Total funding                           $500,000

F.  Aiea high school, Oahu

Design and construction for campus-wide electrical upgrades.

Design                                  $240,000

          Construction                          $2,000,000

          Total funding                         $2,240,000

      G.  Aiea high school, Oahu

          Design, construction, and equipment for improvements to athletic facilities, including a new building or an addition to existing buildings for two classrooms, a weight training room, permanent restrooms, and a concession for the athletic field.

          Design                                  $600,000

          Construction                          $6,340,000

          Equipment                                $60,000

          Total funding                         $7,000,000

      H.  Aiea high school, Oahu

          Design and construction for an amphitheater, sidewalk safety improvements, campus-wide erosion control, retaining walls, drainage improvements, ground and site improvements, and equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                  $300,000

          Construction                          $2,500,000

          Total funding                         $2,800,000

      I.  Aiea public library, Oahu

          Additional construction and equipment for the construction of the photovoltaic system, program meeting room, and related improvements for the new Aiea public library.

          Construction                          $1,525,000

          Equipment                               $225,000

          Total funding                         $1,750,000

     J.   Aliamanu elementary school, Oahu

          Design, construction, and equipment for the expansion              of the administration building; ground and site                    improvements; equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                  $400,000

          Construction                          $3,075,000

          Equipment                                $25,000

          Total funding                         $3,500,000     K.     Aliamanu elementary school, Oahu

          Design, construction, and equipment for the expansion              of the library; ground and site improvements;                      equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                  $500,000

          Construction                          $4,460,000

          Equipment                                $40,000

          Total funding                         $5,000,000

     L.   Aliamanu middle school, Oahu

          Design and construction for a physical education

          running surface; ground and site improvements;

          equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                   $20,000

          Construction                            $180,000

          Total funding                           $200,000

     M.   Alvah Scott elementary school, Oahu

          Design and construction for campus-wide electrical upgrades.

          Design                                  $150,000

          Construction                          $1,000,000

          Total funding                         $1,150,000

      N.  Alvah Scott elementary school, Oahu

          Design and construction for air conditioning for building E, ground and site improvements, and equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                  $150,000

          Construction                            $600,000

          Total funding                           $750,000

      O.  Alvah Scott elementary school, Oahu

          Plans, design and construction for the repair of basketball courts.

          Plans                                     $1,000

          Design                                    $1,000

          Construction                            $198,000

          Total funding                           $200,000

      P.  Alvah Scott elementary school, Oahu

          Design and construction for traffic safety improvements and parking expansion, ground and site improvements, and equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                   $75,000

          Construction                            $650,000

          Total funding                           $725,000

     Q.   Hickam elementary school, Oahu

          Construction and equipment for upgrade to school wide              telephone system.

          Construction                             $10,000

          Equipment                                $50,000

          Total funding                            $60,000

     R.   Makalapa elementary school, Oahu

          Construction for replacement of air conditioning                   ducts.

          Construction                             $26,300

          Total funding                            $26,300

     S.   Moanalua elementary school, Oahu

          Design, construction, and equipment for a new

          technology center as an expansion of the library

          or new building; ground and site improvements;

          equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                  $150,000

          Construction                          $1,970,000

          Equipment                                $30,000

          Total funding                         $2,150,000

     T.   Moanalua elementary school, Oahu

          Design and construction for parking safety

          improvements, including additional parking and

          new drop-off lane; ground and site improvements;

          equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                   $30,000

          Construction                            $300,000

          Total funding                           $330,000

     U.   Moanalua middle school, Oahu

          Design and construction for air-conditioning

          expansion in buildings B and F.

          Design                                  $200,000

          Construction                          $1,000,000

          Total funding                         $1,200,000

     V.   Moanalua middle school, Oahu

          Design and construction for a new media

          technology center and renovations to existing

          computer labs; ground and site improvements;

          equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                                  $400,000

          Construction                          $4,450,000

          Equipment                               $150,000

          Total funding                         $5,000,000

     W.   Moanalua middle school, Oahu

          Construction of P3 ramp to comply with ADA standards.

          Construction                             $60,000

          Total funding                            $60,000

     X.   Moanalua middle school, Oahu

          Design and construction for renovation of restrooms to         comply with ADA standards.

          Design                                     $1,000

          Construction                          $1,999,000

          Total funding                         $2,000,000

     Y.   Moanalua high school, Oahu

          Design and construction of athletic field turf.

          Design                                  $300,000

          Construction                          $2,000,000

          Total funding                         $2,300,000

     Z.   Moanalua high school, Oahu

          Design and construction of all-weather athletic


          Design                                  $450,000

          Construction                          $3,000,000

          Total funding                         $3,450,000     AA.     Moanalua high school, Oahu

          Design, construction, and equipment for

          performing arts center phase II.

          Design                                $4,000,000

          Construction                         $24,000,000

          Equipment                             $1,000,000

          Total funding                        $29,000,000

     BB.  Mokulele elementary school, Oahu

          Construction for library roofing repairs.

          Construction                             $50,000

          Total funding                            $50,000

     CC.  Mokulele elementary school, Oahu

          Design and construction of roofing for walkway from            building F to school offices.

          Design                                    $1,000

          Construction                             $99,000

          Total funding                           $100,000

     DD.  Mokulele elementary school, Oahu

          Plans, design, and construction for ADA compliant              elevator in building F.

          Plans                                     $1,000

          Design                                    $1,000

          Construction                            $998,000

          Total                                 $1,000,000

     EE.  Nimitz elementary school, Oahu

          Design and construction of campus-wide air                     conditioning; ground and site improvements; equipment              and appurtenances.

          Design                                  $757,000

          Construction                          $6,466,000

          Total funding                         $7,223,000

     FF.  Nimitz elementary school, Oahu

          Design and construction for a new library building;            ground and site improvements; equipment and                        appurtenances.

          Design                                  $529,000

          Construction                          $6,547,000

          Equipment                                $80,000

          Total funding                         $7,156,000

     GG.  Pearl Harbor elementary school, Oahu

          Plans, design, and construction for a new library              building; ground and site improvements; equipment and              appurtenances.

          Plans                                     $1,000

          Design                                    $1,000

          Construction                          $7,150,000

          Total funding                         $7,152,000

     HH.  Pearl Harbor elementary school

          Design and construction for parking lot and expansion              improvements.

          Design                                    $1,000

          Construction                            $739,000

          Total funding                           $740,000

     II.  Pearl Harbor Kai elementary school

          Construction for replacement of sliding doors in                   building C.

          Construction                            $158,000

          Total funding                           $158,000

     JJ.  Pearl Harbor Kai elementary school

          Construction for drainage improvement for play court.

          Construction                             $47,000

          Total funding                            $47,000

     KK.  Pearl Harbor Kai elementary school

          Design and construction for renovation of buildings B              and C to comply with ADA standards.

          Design                                    $2,000

          Construction                            $474,000

          Total funding                           $476,000

     LL.  Radford high school, Oahu

          Plans, land, design, construction, and equipment for               upgrades to 8 lanes of track.

          Plans                                     $1,000

          Land                                      $1,000

          Design                                    $1,000

          Construction                            $300,000

          Equipment                                 $1,000

          Total funding                           $304,000

     MM.  Radford high school, Oahu

          Construction for multi-use room in building F.

          Construction                          $2,000,000

          Total funding                         $2,000,000

      2.  To be expended by the department of transportation:

      A.  Kamehameha highway, Oahu

          Construction to equip all crosswalks along Kamehameha highway with in-roadway lighted warning systems.

          Construction                          $1,000,000

          Total funding                         $1,000,000

      3.  To be expended by Hawaii Public Housing Authority:

      A.  Puuwai Momi, Oahu

          Operations and construction for security checkpoints.

          Operations                              $260,000

          Construction                             $40,000

          Total funding                           $300,000

     SECTION 2.  The sums appropriated for the respective capital projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 3.  The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $337,173,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary is appropriated for fiscal year 2012-2013 for the purpose of capital improvement projects for the benefit of the seventeenth representative district, as follows:

     1.   To be expended by the department of transportation:

     A.   Honolulu International Airport, Oahu

          Construction for runway 22 culvert improvements.

          Construction                         $15,023,000

          Total Funding                        $15,023,000

     B.   Honolulu International Airport, Oahu

          Construction for new mauka concourse                           improvements.

          Construction                        $261,000,000

          Total Funding                       $261,000,000

     C.   Honolulu International Airport, Oahu

          Construction for Elliot Street support                             facilities.

          Construction                         $37,000,000

          Total Funding                        $37,000,000

     D.   Honolulu International Airport, Oahu

          Construction for overseas terminal 2nd level                        roadway improvements.

          Construction                          $3,000,000

          Total Funding                         $3,000,000

     E.   Honolulu International Airport, Oahu

          Construction for international arrivals building                   ceiling replacement.

          Construction                         $16,000,000

          Total Funding                        $16,000,000

     2.   To be expended by the department of accounting and             general services.

     A.   Aloha Stadium, Oahu

          Plans, designs, and construction for the                      mitigation and elimination of conditions that may             become hazardous to health and safety, including                 repairs, alterations, and improvements to the                 Aloha Stadium to meet code, safety, and/or                       operational requirements.

          Plans                                    $1,000

          Design                                   $1,000

          Construction                          $5,148,000

          Total funding                         $5,150,000

     SECTION 4. The sums appropriated for the respective capital projects set forth in section 3 shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 5.  The appropriations made for the capital improvement projects authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal biennium for which the appropriation is made; provided that all moneys from the appropriations unencumbered as of June 30, 2014, shall lapse as of that date.

     SECTION 6.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2012.








Report Title:

Capital Improvement Projects; Thirty-second Representative District Schools; Appropriation



Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects for schools in the Thirty-second Representative District.  Effective July 1, 2012.




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