H.B. NO.



















     SECTION 1.  The convenience of modern society has provided people with a variety of inexpensive food choices but has eliminated our connection and understanding of where food comes from, resulting in less healthful eating and a distancing from the natural environment that we depend on.

     A report made to the twenty-sixth legislature in response to Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 121, S.D. 1, H.D. 1, through the collaboration of private, public, and nonprofit entities, pointed to the problems of food insecurity and growing obesity rates that the State of Hawaii is facing.  One in every three children born in the year 2000 is expected to develop diabetes and the 2003 food security task force report found that over nineteen percent of Hawaii residents live in food insecure households.  Supporting local agriculture through initiatives like a farm-to-school program can serve to combat both of these problems.

     Increasing the consumption of locally grown foods will ensure that fresh, high quality produce is available for healthy meals in schools, hospitals, and correctional facilities throughout the State.  The increased revenue for local farmers will reverse the trend of farmers struggling to break even, and will place agriculture at the forefront as a driving economic force providing job creation and food security for our State.  Furthermore, the availability of local produce will ensure our children eat the highest quality food that will nourish their bodies, enhance their educational experience, and cultivate long-term healthy habits.

     The purpose of this Act is to establish a policy to buy local produce and support local agriculture and codify that policy in chapter 226, Hawaii Revised Statutes, the Hawaii State Planning Act.

     SECTION 2.  Section 226-7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:

     "(b)  To achieve the agriculture objectives, it shall be the policy of this State to:

     (1)  Establish a clear direction for Hawaii's agriculture through stakeholder commitment and advocacy.

     (2)  Encourage agriculture by making best use of natural resources.

     (3)  Provide the governor and the legislature with information and options needed for prudent decision making for the development of agriculture.

     (4)  Establish strong relationships between the agricultural and visitor industries for mutual marketing benefits.

     (5)  Foster increased public awareness and understanding of the contributions and benefits of agriculture as a major sector of Hawaii's economy.

     (6)  Seek the enactment and retention of federal and state legislation that benefits Hawaii's agricultural industries.

     (7)  Strengthen diversified agriculture by developing an effective promotion, marketing, and distribution system between Hawaii's producers and [consumer markets locally, on the continental United States, and internationally.] consumers in the State, nation, and world.

     (8)  Support research and development activities that strengthen economic productivity in agriculture, stimulate greater efficiency, and enhance the development of new products and agricultural by-products.

     (9)  Enhance agricultural growth by providing public incentives and encouraging private initiatives.

    (10)  Assure the availability of agriculturally suitable lands with adequate water to accommodate present and future needs.

    (11)  Increase the attractiveness and opportunities for an agricultural education and livelihood.

    (12)  Expand Hawaii's agricultural base by promoting growth and development of flowers, tropical fruits and plants, livestock, feed grains, forestry, food crops, aquaculture, and other potential enterprises.

    (13)  Promote economically competitive activities that increase Hawaii's agricultural self-sufficiency[.] including the increased purchase of Hawaii-grown foods by residents and increased use by governmental bodies as defined under section 103D-104.

    (14)  Promote and assist in the establishment of sound financial programs for diversified agriculture.

    (15)  Institute and support programs and activities to assist the entry of displaced agricultural workers into alternative agricultural or other employment.

    (16)  Facilitate the transition of agricultural lands in economically nonfeasible agricultural production to economically viable agricultural uses."

     SECTION 3.  Section 226-103, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (d) to read as follows:

     "(d)  Priority guidelines to promote the growth and development of diversified agriculture and aquaculture:

     (1)  Identify, conserve, and protect agricultural and aquacultural lands of importance and initiate affirmative and comprehensive programs to promote economically productive agricultural and aquacultural uses of such lands.

     (2)  Assist in providing adequate, reasonably priced water for agricultural activities.

     (3)  Encourage public and private investment to increase water supply and to improve transmission, storage, and irrigation facilities in support of diversified agriculture and aquaculture.

     (4)  Assist in the formation and operation of production and marketing associations and cooperatives to reduce production and marketing costs.

     (5)  Encourage and assist with the development of a waterborne and airborne freight and cargo system capable of meeting the needs of Hawaii's agricultural community.

     (6)  Seek favorable freight rates for Hawaii's agricultural products from interisland and overseas transportation operators.

     (7)  Encourage the development and expansion of agricultural and aquacultural activities which offer long-term economic growth potential and employment opportunities.

     (8)  Continue the development of agricultural parks and other programs to assist small independent farmers in securing agricultural lands and loans.

     (9)  Require agricultural uses in agricultural subdivisions and closely monitor the uses in these subdivisions.

    (10)  Support the continuation of land currently in use for diversified agriculture.

    (11)  Encourage residents and visitors to support Hawaii's farmers by purchasing locally-grown products."

     SECTION 4.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 5.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.








Report Title:

Policies for the Economy; Agriculture



Amends objectives and policies for the economy to support the purchase and consumption of locally grown products.  Effective upon approval.




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