H.B. NO.



H.D. 1
















     SECTION 1.  The purpose of this Act is to address economic development by identifying, as state policy, the key economic sectors that are essential to the growth and diversification of the economy of Hawaii.  Additionally, this Act intends to create long-term support for the key economic sectors that are pillars for economic diversification in the state of Hawaii by identifying some of the essential projects within these economic sectors and expressing support for these projects as key elements in building these industries into successful economic drivers for our people in the long term.

     SECTION 2.  Chapter 226, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new part to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:


     §226-     Economic sectors of importance to Hawaii.  It is the policy of the State to delineate the key economic sectors of importance for economic diversification in Hawaii and to identify some of the key projects within these sectors that are important to the long-term growth and success of these industries. It is the intent of the state to complete or facilitate the completion of the following key projects within the following sectors by December 31, 2023, as a material way to support and advance these industries:

     (1)  Renewable energy:

          Renewable energy production facilities that meet the goals of the first decade of the Hawaii clean energy initiative and facilitate the development of a smart grid system and electrical interconnectivity between Oahu and the neighbor islands;

     (2)  Broadband:

          Fund and develop infrastructure that provides coverage for one hundred per cent of land in the State: zoned for business, commercial, industrial, hotel, or resort use and land used for higher education instruction or research and to connect all key state facilities and buildings by high speed broadband with an emphasis on wireless connectivity;

     (3)  Infrastructure and construction:

          Repair, upgrade and build state of the art harbors, airports, and other transportation projects that provide for the quick, reliable, and affordable transportation of people and goods and building housing and other commercial facilities, including:

         (A)  The airport modernization project of the department of transportation, as it exists as of the effective date of this section;

          (B)  The harbor modernization project of the department of transportation, as it exists as of the effective date of this section;

         (C)  The locally preferred alternative mass transit system of the city and county of Honolulu; and

          (D)  The 690 Pohukaina street mixed use transit oriented development project;

     (4)  Aerospace:

          To leverage Hawaii's position in the Pacific among thirty–eight other space faring Pacific nations as well as the State's unique environment, which is essential for the development and testing of new technologies to be used in aerospace, lunar, and near earth object exploration and research as well as economic development including;

           (1) The thirty-meter telescope on Mauna Kea;

          (2)  The pacific international space center for exploration systems aerospace research and development park in Hilo and the international lunar research park near Mauna Kea;

(3)  A next generation avionics and pilot training facility in Oahu; and

(4)  An extreme environments center and other earth science initiatives within the university of Hawaii;

     (5)  Visitor industry:

          To ensure the continued development of the needed workforce for the various service industries that visitors demand of a world-class vacation destination, including:

          (A)  The Diamond Head culinary institute on the slope of Diamond Head; and

          (B)  A community college campus in West Hawaii;

     (6)  Film and digital media:

          To grow and expand Hawaii's film and digital media industry by creating an environment that will incentivize more film production in Hawaii and transform it into a robust industry by facilitating the development of both the physical infrastructure as well as the workforce needed for the industry to grow, including:

          (A)  Development of two major film studios with at least one of the studios on a neighbor island; and

          (B)  Development of digital animation and post-production facilities with at least one facility on the neighbor islands;

     (7)  Military:

          Work to support the United States military and other federal defense partners by continuing to support adequate training, repair, and building facilities to support the operational and defense capacity of United States armed forces in the Pacific region, including:

         (A)  Supporting and incentivizing current and future use of the Pearl Harbor shipyard for naval shipbuilding and ship repair; and

          (B)  Supporting the current uses at the Pahakaloa training area and the pacific missile range facility at Barking Sands, Kauai."

     SECTION 3.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2112.


Report Title:

Economic Development; Specific Ten-Year Projects



Expresses as state policy an intent to complete or facilitate the completion of a list of special economic development projects by December 31, 2023.  Effective July 1, 2112.  (HB2145 HD1)




The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.