H.B. NO. |
1755 |
H.D. 2 |
SECTION 1. Chapter 11, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to part II to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§11- Application to register electronically. (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the clerk of each county may permit a person who has valid government issued identification that is capable of electronic confirmation to submit an application to register to vote electronically in lieu of a traditional signed application by mail or in person.
(b) The electronic application to register to vote shall be substantially similar in content to the application to register pursuant to section 11-15, and shall require the applicant to provide substantially similar information.
(c) The applicant's use of the electronic application to register shall constitute consent for election officials to obtain confirmatory information regarding the applicant from government databases associated with government issued identification, including the applicant's signature.
(d) The applicant's signature obtained from the government database may be utilized by election officials to validate and confirm a voter's identity in any election related matter in which a signature is necessary.
(e) The online application system may capture additional information from applicants, such as security questions to authenticate any future voter registration transactions by the applicant."
SECTION 2. Section 11-14, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§11-14 General county register;
restrictions in use. (a) The clerk of each county shall register all the
voters in the clerk's county in the general county register. The register
shall contain the name and address of each voter unless the voter's address is
deemed confidential pursuant to section 11-14.5. Additional information
required by section 11-15 may be included in the register at the discretion of
the clerk. [The voter's name shall be maintained alphabetically in the
register and be capable of segregation by precinct and representative district.
The clerk shall keep the original or photographic copy of the affidavit of
registration required by section 11-15.] The general county register shall
be available for election or government purposes only in accordance with
section 11-97.
(b) The affidavits filed under section 11-15
and the general county register may be copied, and the clerk may release voter
lists [and tabulating cards or computer tapes containing data furnished in
the affidavit;] or data; provided that information furnished in the
affidavits[, register, voter lists, cards, or tapes,] shall be copied or
released for election or government purposes only in accordance with section
(c) Voter registration information that is collected and maintained by the clerk of each county may be transmitted to a central file for the purpose of correlating registration data to prevent or detect duplicate voter registrations and for the compilation of election reports.
[(d) The clerk of each county shall
maintain records by computer tape or otherwise of office of Hawaiian affairs
registered voters to facilitate their identification as a separate category of
(e)] (d) Unless authorized under
section 11-97, it shall be unlawful for any person to use, print, publish, or
distribute any voter registration information acquired directly or indirectly
from the voter registration affidavits or any list prepared therefrom. Any
person who is designated by the clerk to register voters and collect voter
registration affidavits shall be advised of the provisions of this subsection.
Any person who violates this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor."
SECTION 3. Section 11-15, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§11-15 Application to register. (a) Any person qualified to and desiring to register as a voter in any county shall make and subscribe to an application in the form of an affidavit.
The affidavit shall contain the following information:
(1) Name;
(2) Social security number;
(3) Date of birth;
(4) Residence, including mailing address;
(5) That the residence stated in the affidavit is not simply because of the person's presence in the State, but that the residence was acquired with the intent to make Hawaii the person's legal residence with all the accompanying obligations therein; and
(6) That the person is a citizen.
An application to register to vote shall include a space to request a permanent absentee ballot.
[(b) Any person qualified to and desiring
to register as a voter for the election of members of the board of trustees of
the office of Hawaiian affairs shall make and subscribe to an application in
the form of an affidavit which shall state that the person is Hawaiian and
which shall contain the information required under subsection (a). The
affidavit shall also apply to all elections, primary, special primary, general,
special general, special, or county, held in the State, under all voting
systems used within the State, so far as applicable and not inconsistent with
this title.
(c)] (b) The applicant shall
swear to the truth of the allegations by self-subscribing [oath] affirmation
in the affidavit on application for voter registration or other form prescribed
by the chief election officer. Unless contested by a qualified voter, the clerk
may accept, as prima facie evidence, the allegation of the applicant in
information required in the affidavit in subsection (a)(5)[, and the
allegation of the applicant that the applicant is Hawaiian required in
subsection (b)]. In any other case where the clerk shall so desire or
believe the same to be expedient, the clerk may demand that the applicant
furnish substantiating evidence to the allegations of the applicant's
[(d)] (c) The applicant shall
then affix the applicant's signature to the affidavit. In the case where an
applicant is unable to write for the reason of illiteracy, blindness, or other
physical disability the applicant's mark shall be witnessed by another person
who shall sign the affidavit in the space provided. A voter having once been
registered shall not be required to register again for any succeeding election,
except as provided in this chapter. Affidavits approved by the clerk shall
thereupon be numbered appropriately, filed by the clerk and kept available for
election or government purposes in accordance with procedures established by
section 11-97. Approved voter registration transactions captured by the
online voter registration system established pursuant to section
11- shall be assigned a transaction number in a manner that is
substantially similar to the numbering of affidavits.
[(e)] (d) The clerk may
designate a subordinate or subordinates to act in the clerk's place and stead
in all matters covered by this section, except that no candidate shall be eligible
to serve as a subordinate."
SECTION 4. Section 11-24, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§11-24 Closing register[; list of
voters]. (a) At 4:30 p.m. on the thirtieth day prior to each primary,
special primary, or special election [(but], but if the day is a
Saturday, Sunday, or holiday then at 4:30 p.m. on the first working day
immediately thereafter[)], the general county register shall be closed
to registration for persons seeking to vote at the primary, special primary,
or special election and remain closed to registration until after the election,
subject to change only as provided in sections 11-21(c), 11-22, 11-25, 11-26,
and this section.
(b) Notwithstanding the closing of the
register for registration to vote at the primary or special primary election,
the register shall remain open for the registration of persons seeking to vote
at the general or special general election, until 4:30 p.m. on the thirtieth
day prior to the general or special general election [(but], but
if the day is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday then at 4:30 p.m. on the first
working day immediately thereafter[)], at the end of which period the
general county register shall be closed to registration and remain closed until
after the general or special general election next following, subject to change
only as provided in sections 11-21(c), 11-22, 11-25, and 11-26.
[(c) Immediately upon the closing of the
general county register, the clerk shall proceed to prepare a list of all
registered voters in each precinct, separately. The list shall contain, in
alphabetical order, without designation of the race or age of voters, the names
of all voters so registered in each precinct, and the residence of each unless
such residence is deemed confidential pursuant to section 11-14.5. The list
shall be available for inspection at the office of the county clerk prior to
election day. On election day the precinct officials shall post the list at
the precinct polling place.]"
SECTION 5. The chief election officer and the clerk of each county shall work collaboratively to study the feasibility of using the last four digits of an individual's social security number in lieu of using that number in its entirety in voter registration and record keeping, and shall submit a written report of its findings and recommendations and any suggested legislation to the legislature no less than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2013.
SECTION 6. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2012-2013 for the purpose of planning and designing an online voter registration system. Any remaining funds may be used toward the implementation of the online voter registration system.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the office of elections for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 7. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 8. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2030.
Report Title:
Voter Registration; Appropriation
Updates voter registration laws, including authorizing the acceptance of electronic applications to register to vote and the development of an online voter registration system that will cross-check the contents of the application with data associated with previously issued government identification. Makes an appropriation. Effective July 1, 2030. (HB1755 HD2)
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.