Senator Clayton Hee, Chair |
Senator Maile S.L. Shimabukuro, Vice Chair |
Monday, April 4, 2011 |
9:00 a.m. |
Conference Room 016 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
RELATING TO PROSTITUTION. Makes it a misdemeanor to offer or agree to pay a fee to engage in sexual conduct within seven hundred fifty feet of a school or public park. Effective January 7, 2059. (HB44 HD1)
RELATING TO PROMOTING PROSTITUTION. Amends section 28-101, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to give the "greatest priority" to cases involving promoting prostitution, when the attorney general is determining whether to fund or provide for witness security and protection.
RELATING TO PROMOTING PROSTITUTION. Increases the grade of offense for promoting prostitution in the first and second degree to a class A and B felony, respectively. Effective January 7, 2059. (HB241 HD1)
RELATING TO PROMOTING PROSTITUTION. Expands the offenses of prostitution and solicitation of prostitution to cover patrons of prostitutes. Makes the offense of habitual solicitation of prostitution a class C felony, and applies the law to those who habitually patronize prostitutes. Removes the sunset date of Act 192, Session Laws of Hawaii 2008. Effective January 7, 2059. (HB242 HD1)
RELATING TO PUBLIC ORDER. Prohibits urination and defecation in public places in the Waikiki area. Act to sunset December 31, 2014. Effective January 1, 2059. (HB254 HD1)
RELATING TO COURTS OF APPEAL. Shortens the time period for filing an application for writ of certiorari with the supreme court from 90 to 30 days, but permits an extension upon written request of up to 30 additional days. Effective January 1, 2012. (HB299 HD1)
RELATING TO STATUTORY REVISION: AMENDING VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF THE HAWAII REVISED STATUTES FOR THE PURPOSE OF CORRECTING ERRORS AND REFERENCES, CLARIFYING LANGUAGE, AND DELETING UNNECESSARY PROVISIONS. Amends various provisions of the Hawaii Revised Statutes for the purpose of correcting errors and references, clarifying language, and deleting unnecessary provisions. (HB381 HD1)
RELATING TO THE UNIFORM MILITARY AND OVERSEAS VOTERS ACT. Enacts Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act to ensure ability of members of the military and others eligible voters who are overseas to participate in all elections for federal, state, and local offices. Authorizes ballots and balloting materials to be transmitted by facsimile or electronic mail. Effective July 1, 2020. (HB461 HD1)
RELATING TO EVIDENCE. Extends evidentiary presumptions regarding publications and legal opinions to those posted to government websites. Effective July 1, 2011. (HB439 HD1)
RELATING TO CIVIL RIGHTS. Prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression as a public policy matter and specifically with regard to employment.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Provides for instant runoff voting for all elections in which no primary election is held; authorizes the chief election officer or the county clerk to use the instant runoff voting method in special elections that would normally require a separate runoff election if no candidate received a majority of votes. Effective January 7, 2059. (HB638 HD1)
RELATING TO DOMESTIC ABUSE PROTECTIVE ORDERS. Allows a temporary restraining order to remain in effect for up to 180 days or until the protective order's effective date, whichever occurs first. Provides when protective orders orally stated by the court shall be effective. Effective July 1, 2050. (HB968 HD1)
Decision Making to follow, if time permits.
FOR AMENDED HEARING NOTICES: If the notice is an amended notice, measures that have been deleted are stricken through and measures that have been added are underscored. If there is a measure that is both underscored and stricken through, that measure has been deleted from the agenda.
Persons wishing to testify should submit testimony in one of the following ways by 10:00 a.m. the day prior to the hearing:
· By Email: Testimony may be emailed if less than 5 pages in length, to the Committee at . Please indicate the measure, date and time of the hearing. Email sent to individual offices or any other Senate office will not be accepted.
· By Web: Testimony may be submitted online if less than 4MB in size, at
· In person: 1 copy of their testimony to the committee clerk, Room 002, State Capitol.
· By fax: Testimony may be faxed if less than 5 pages in length, to the Senate Sergeant-At-Arms Office at 586-6659 or 1-800-586-6659 (toll free for neighbor islands), at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. When faxing, please indicate to which committee the testimony is being submitted and the date and time of the hearing.
Please note: If you submit your written testimony after 10:00 a.m. the day prior to the hearing, please sign-in at the staff table to testify orally. A copy of your testimony may not be available during the hearing but will be posted online for the public after the hearing.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids or services to participate in the public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the committee clerk 24 hours prior to the hearing so arrangements can be made.
Please note: All testimony received by the Hawaii Senate will be posted on the Hawaii Legislature's Website. Documents made available through the Testimony hyperlink(s) above may not be posted until the start of the hearing.
Public Folder. A folder labeled “Public Folder” containing the testimonies for the hearing will be available for shared use by members of the public.
________________________________________ Senator Clayton Hee Chair |