Rep. John M. Mizuno, Chair |
Rep. Jo Jordan, Vice Chair |
Rep. Della Au Belatti |
Rep. Jessica Wooley |
Rep. Faye P. Hanohano |
Rep. Ryan I. Yamane |
Rep. Chris Lee |
Rep. Corinne W.L. Ching |
Rep. Dee Morikawa |
Rep. Kymberly Marcos Pine |
Rep. Rida T.R. Cabanilla, Chair |
Rep. Pono Chong, Vice Chair |
Rep. Mele Carroll |
Rep. Ken Ito |
Rep. Jerry L. Chang |
Rep. Derek S.K. Kawakami |
Rep. Denny Coffman |
Rep. Mark M. Nakashima |
Rep. Sharon E. Har |
Rep. Kymberly Marcos Pine |
Rep. Robert N. Herkes |
Rep. Cynthia Thielen |
Thursday, July 28, 2011 |
10:00 a.m. |
Conference Room 329 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
The purpose of this informational briefing is to address the issues of the
homelessness in preparation for the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation and
ascertain the possibility of developing collaborations with interested parties
for the creation of safe-zone sites for the homeless as a temporary reprieve.
The Human Services and Housing Committees will be hearing testimony from
various individuals and organizations in relation to addressing homelessness
and APEC. The briefing will conclude with the Chairs of Human Services and
Housing identifying avenues of relief for the homeless in anticipation for the
conference, primarily the use of safe-zones, and other possible strategies for
the implementation of such policy proposals via administrative initiative (county
or state), legislative bill proposals, business initiatives, or public private
partnership initiatives to best address Hawaii's homeless.
The following organizations and their representatives have been invited to
participate in this briefing:
State of Hawaii Homeless Coordinator
State of Hawaii Department of Human Services
State of Hawaii Department of Public Safety
State Homeless Programs
City and County of Honolulu, Department of Community Services
Honolulu Police Department
Bishop Larry Silva, Honolulu Diocese, Catholic Church
Civic and community organizations who provide services to homeless
Agencies and faith based organizations which receive state funding
Housing providers of emergency and transitional housing
Hawaii Hotel & Lodging Association
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to
participate in the informational briefing (i.e., sign language interpreter or
wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-6050 to
make a request for arrangements at least 24 hours prior to the briefing.
Prompt requests help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and
appropriate accommodations.
For further information, please call the Committee Clerk at x6-6050.
________________________________________ Rep. Rida T.R. Cabanilla Chair |
______________________________________ Rep. John M. Mizuno Chair |
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