Rep. Ryan I. Yamane, Chair

Rep. Dee Morikawa, Vice Chair


Rep. Della Au Belatti

Rep. John M. Mizuno

Rep. Faye P. Hanohano

Rep. Jessica Wooley

Rep. Jo Jordan

Rep. Corinne W.L. Ching

Rep. Chris Lee

Rep. Kymberly Marcos Pine





Friday, January 28, 2011




Conference Room 329

State Capitol

415 South Beretania Street




HB 512                                                 RELATING TO PALLIATIVE CARE                                  HLT, CPC, FIN

                                                              Requires policies of accident and health or sickness insurance

                                                              to provide coverage for palliative care. Define palliative care.


HB  407                                                RELATING TO HEALTH CARE                                                         HLT, LAB, FIN

                                                              Allows representatives of health care provider organizations

                                                              to serve on the prepaid health advisory council; increases the

                                                              number of members on the council from seven to nine.


HB 247                                                 RELATING TO INVOLUNTARY HOSPITILIZATION    HLT, JUD, FIN

                                                              Permits involuntary hospitalization in a psychiatric facility of

                                                              a sexually violent predator. Defines sexually violent predator.


HB 116                                                 RELATING TO MEDICAL ENTERPRISE ZONES                            HLT, ERB, FIN

                                                              Establishes medical enterprise zones in the State to encourage

                                                              the development of medical research services. Creates a 7s year

                                                              pilot medical enterprise zone in West Maui.


HB 409                                                 RELATING TO TAX CREDITS                                                           HLT, ERB, FIN

                                                              Creates a tax credit for certain employers who offer their

                                                              employees a qualified wellness program.


HB 691                                                 RELATING TO YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION                            HLT, EDN, FIN

                                                              Provides for continued funding for a teen suicide prevention

                                                              coordinator within the department of health and for teen suicide

                                                              prevention services within the department of education. Makes

                                                              appropriations to departments of health and education.


HB 613                                                 RELATING TO HEALTH INSURANCE                                             HLT, CPC/JUD

                                                              Removes the sunset clause provisions section 5 of Act 227,

                                                              Session Laws of Hawaii 2008




HB 129                                                 RELATING TO PERINATAL CARE                                   HLT, FIN              

                                                              Appropriates moneys for the continued operation of the

                                                              Perinatal Addiction Treatment of Hawaii program and clinic.


HB 507                                                 RELATING TO HEALTH                                                                     HLT, FIN

                                                              Establishes a position of statewide fall prevention and early

                                                              detection coordinator under the department of health and makes

                                                              an appropriation for the position.


HB 594                                                 RELATING TO HEALTH                                                                     HLT, FIN

                                                              Appropriates funds to the department of human services to

                                                              match the federal disproportionate share hospital allowance

                                                              allocated to the State.


HB 598                                                 RELATING TO EMERGENCY ON-CALL PHYSICIANS HLT, FIN

                                                              Establishes a tax credit equal to five per cent of the amount of

                                                              Medical malpractice insurance premium paid by a physician

                                                              Provides on-call services to emergency departments.


HB 614                                                 RELATING TO CHILDREN                                                  HLT, FIN

                                                              Establishes a hospital-based screening and assessment and

                                                              Intensive home visitation program under the department of

                                                              health; appropriates funds from the tobacco settlement special

                                                              fund and the temporary assistance to needy families fund.


HB 615                                                 RELATING TO MENTAL HEALTH                                   HLT, FIN

                                                              Adds crisis substance abuse and alcohol treatment as a covered

                                                              benefit. Amends the definition of “serious mental illness” to

                                                              “severe mental illness” and to include major depressive disorder,

                                                              anxiety disorders, and borderline personality disorders. Requires

                                                              department of health to include in its crisis hotline program for

                                                              emergency intervention services trained and certified

                                                              professionals. Prohibits the adult mental health services program

                                                              from limiting the number of hours of treatment per patient and

                                                              requires case managers to be assigned based on the DSM IV.

                                                              Establishes an assertive community treatment program under

                                                              DOH. Makes an appropriation to the DOH to establish a

                                                              Community care crisis center.


HB 484                                                 RELATING TO ADVANCED PRACTICE REGISTERED                HLT, CPC


                                                              Requires each hospital within the State to allow advanced

                                                              practice registered nurses to practice within the full scope of

                                                              the practice.













Persons wishing to offer comments should submit testimony at least 24 hours prior to the hearing with a transmittal cover indicating:

·     Testifier's name with position/title and organization;

·     The Committee the comments are directed to;

·     The date and time of the hearing;

·     Measure number; and

·     The number of copies the Committee is requesting. 


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PAPER:  2 copies (including an original) to Room 310 in the State Capitol;

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If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the House public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-6150 or email your request for an interpreter to at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements.  Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.


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Rep. Ryan I. Yamane
