S.B. NO.



S.D. 1
















     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that the story of the 100th Infantry Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team (RCT) is linked to Hawaii as well as the rest of United States.  It is a story of Americans who went to war to prove their loyalty and to overcome prejudice, a story of honor and sacrifice.  It is also a story in danger of being lost for generations to come.

     The legislature further finds that a proposed Legacy Center for the 100th/442nd RCT would promote the story of the 100th/442nd RCT and preserve a mounting collection of historical material including photographs, letters, documents, publications, artifacts, audio-visual material, and wartime memorabilia.  The Center would also serve as a focus for the presentation of the archived materials as an educational resource facility for students, teachers, researchers, authors, and the general public.

     The Center would include a library for study and research and the housing of the veterans' oral history program; classrooms for study, lectures, and audio-visual presentations; and a visual exhibit space.  In addition, the Center is envisioned as a gathering place where people can go in honor of those who served in the 110th/442nd RCT.

     The legislature further finds that the proposed location for the Center is on the slopes of Diamond Head, adjacent to the Kapiolani community college campus.  Located at the corner of Diamond Head road and Makapuu avenue, the property is owned by the State of Hawaii, under the control and management of the department of land and natural resources.  The parcel is part of tax map key: 3-1-042:020.  The total area is seven acres, of which approximately four acres was set aside in 1999 for use by the University of Hawaii Kapiolani community college through Executive Order No. 3791.  The balance of the parcel is presently used by the State for storage and maintenance of vehicles.

     The purpose of this Act is to create a task force under the Kapiolani Community College to study the feasibility of transferring 1.5 acres of land adjacent to the approximately 3.993 acres of land set aside by Executive Order No. 3791, to the University of Hawaii Kapiolani community college, for a proposed Legacy Center for the 100th/442nd RCT.

     SECTION 2.  (a)  There is created a task force under the University of Hawaii Kapiolani community college to conduct a feasibility study of the transfer of approximately 1.5 acres of land adjacent to land set aside for use by the University of Hawaii Kapiolani community college through Executive Order No. 3791 and currently under the jurisdiction of the department of land and natural resources to establish a proposed legacy center for the 100th Infantry Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team, as described in section 1 of this Act.

     (b)  Members of the task force shall include representatives of the University of Hawaii Kapiolani community college, department of land and natural resources, the 100th Infantry Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team, relevant neighborhood boards, and affected community stakeholders.  Each entity shall select one representative to serve on the task force.

     (c)  The task force shall study the issues concerning the transfer of lands described under section 1 of this Act, including:

     (1)  The effects of the construction, operation, or maintenance of the legacy center on the existing subsurface water tunnel that is owned by the Honolulu board of water supply and located below the department of land and natural resources' state parks baseyard;

     (2)  Land transfer issues concerning title and any leases;

     (3)  Zoning and land classification issues;

     (4)  Costs to the department of land and natural resources to relocate its state parks baseyard from the subject property;

     (5)  Alternative sites for the Legacy Center, including other community college campuses; and

     (6)  The possibility of sharing the use of the property between the department of land and natural resources and the University of Hawaii Kapiolani community college.

     (d)  The task force shall report its findings and recommendations to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2012.

     SECTION 3.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.




Report Title:

Public Lands; University of Hawaii; Department of Land and Natural Resources; Legacy Center



Creates a task force under the University of Hawaii Kapiolani community college to conduct a study of the feasibility of transferring the lands currently under the jurisdiction of the department of land and natural resources to the University of Hawaii Kapiolani community college for a legacy center for the 100th Infantry Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team.  Report to legislature.  (SD1)




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