S.R. NO.













urging the department of transportation to continue with the kamehameha realignment project to alleviate traffic in the vicinity of laniakea beach.



     WHEREAS, Laniakea Beach, on the North Shore of Oahu, is known for its turtle population and surf, and is a popular destination for tourists and Hawaii residents; and


     WHEREAS, a two-lane section of Kamehameha Highway that runs next to Laniakea Beach has become a traffic bottleneck, with an estimated two million tourists using the road each year, resulting in cars regularly backed up for miles on both sides of the road; and


     WHEREAS, the traffic bottleneck presents safety hazards, as people park their cars alongside the road and dart across the highway to view the sights; and


     WHEREAS, in an effort to alleviate traffic, the Department of Transportation is studying the feasibility of either realigning further inland the section of Kamehameha Highway that runs next to Laniakea Beach or constructing a bypass road in the vicinity; and


     WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation's realignment project is currently in the planning phase, with an environmental impact statement being prepared by a private consultant; and


     WHEREAS, the planning phase of the realignment project is anticipated to be completed in late 2012 or early 2013, to be followed by a design phase that will follow a schedule dependent on the results of the environmental impact statement; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2011, that the Department of Transportation is urged to continue with the Kamehameha Realignment Project, Vicinity of Laniakea, and to ensure that the project is held at a high priority as it moves forward; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Director of Transportation; Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources; Director of Transportation Services of the City and County of Honolulu; Executive Director of the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization; Chairperson of the North Shore Neighborhood Board No. 27; and Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Kamehameha Schools.









Report Title: 

Kamehameha Realignment Project; Laniakea Beach