H.B. NO.














relating to voter registration.





     SECTION 1.  Chapter 11, part II, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§11-     Online voter registration.  (a)  By no later than January 1, 2012, the chief election officer shall create, implement, and maintain an electronic system for voter registration that is publicly available on the website of the office of elections.

     (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who is qualified to register to vote and who has a valid Hawaii driver's license or certificate of identification may submit an affidavit of voter registration electronically on the website of the office of elections.

     (c)  The chief election officer shall require a person who submits an affidavit pursuant to this section to include:

     (1)  The number from the applicant's Hawaii driver's license or certificate of identification;

     (2)  The applicant's date of birth;

     (3)  The last four digits of the applicant's social security number;

     (4)  The applicant's residence, including mailing address;

     (5)  A statement that the applicant's residence was acquired with the intent to make Hawaii the person's legal residence with its accompanying obligations;

     (6)  A statement that the applicant is a citizen; and

     (7)  Any other information the chief election officer deems necessary to establish the identity of the affiant.

     (d)  The applicant shall affirmatively attest to the truth of the information provided in the affidavit and affirmatively assent to the use of the applicant's signature from the applicant's driver's license or certificate of identification.

     (e)  For each electronic affidavit, the chief election officer shall obtain an electronic copy of the applicant's signature from:

     (1)  The appropriate examiner of drivers, if the applicant provides a Hawaii driver's license number; or

     (2)  The attorney general, if the applicant provides a certificate of identification number.

     (f)  Upon submission of an electronic affidavit, the electronic voter registration system shall provide for immediate verification that:

     (1)  The applicant has a Hawaii driver's license or certificate of identification;

     (2)  The number for the Hawaii driver's license or certificate of identification provided by the applicant matches the number on file with the examiner of drivers or attorney general, as the case may be; and

     (3)  The date of birth provided by the applicant matches the date of birth for that person that is on file with the examiner of drivers or attorney general as the case may be.

     (g)  Upon verification of all information, in accordance with subsection (f), the electronic voter registration system shall provide immediate acknowledgement of receipt of the affidavit and information concerning disposition will be made available to the applicant.

     Disposition letters shall be provided to the applicant by regular mail and by electronic mail when an electronic mail address is provided by the applicant.

     (h)  Upon receiving all information from an applicant and verifying the information, in accordance with subsection (e), the chief election officer shall send the information to the appropriate county clerk for further action as required by this chapter.

     (i)  The chief election officer shall employ security measures to ensure the accuracy and integrity of voter registration affidavits submitted electronically pursuant to this section.

     (j)  The chief election officer may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to implement this section."

     SECTION 2.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 3.  This Act shall take effect upon approval.








Report Title:

Online Voter Registration



Requires electronic voter registration on the website of the office of elections by 1/1/12.  Establishes requirements for online voter registration, including identification and affidavits.




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