Senator David Y. Ige, Chair |
Senator Josh Green, M.D., Vice Chair |
2:45 p.m. |
Conference Room 016 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
RELATING TO HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS. To increase health insurance premium transparency and to require a minimum amount of premiums to be spent on medical expenses.
RELATING TO TOXIC SUBSTANCES. Establishes the toxic mold remediation task force to examine the potential hazards of toxic indoor mold and fungal contamination, and to recommend standards and guidelines for its prevention and remediation.
RELATING TO HEALTHCARE. Transitions the Hawaii health systems corporation to federal and state nonprofit status. Makes appropriation for general obligation bonds for the repair and maintenance of facilities and transition expenses.
RELATING TO VITAL STATISTICS. Requires the department of health to provide each county's real property assessment division a monthly list of death records at no charge.
HTH/TIA, WAM [Measure added 02-03-10] |
RELATING TO THE MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA. Allows probationers and parolees who meet the requirements of qualifying patients to request that the terms of their probation or parole be modified to be allowed the medical use of marijuana.
PSM/HTH, JGO [Measure added 02-04-10] |
RELATING TO MEDICAL CANNABIS. Increases the amount of cannabis that constitutes an adequate amount by allowing a qualifying patient to possess 10 cannabis plants and 5 ounces of cannabis at any given time. Makes identification of the site where cannabis is grown confidential. Prohibits the department of public safety from requiring that a certifying physician be the patient's primary care physician. Prohibits certifying physicians from naming or describing a patient's particular debilitating condition. Increases the permissible ratio of patients to caregivers by allowing a caregiver to grow cannabis for no more than 4 patients.
HTH/PSM [Measure added 02-04-10] |
RELATING TO THE HAWAII STATE HOSPITAL. Requires the department of public safety to provide security at the State's secure psychiatric rehabilitation facility at Kaneohe. Requires report from DOH, with collaboration from PSD, to the legislature on its plan for the provision of short and long-term security for the Kaneohe facility and increasing and aging forensic population needs.
HTH/PSM, WAM [Measure added 02-04-10] |
RELATING TO THE HAWAII TOBACCO SETTLEMENT SPECIAL FUND. Deletes the requirement that the director of health convene an advisory group to plan the development and implementation of prevention programs and make recommendations on expenditures. Transfers the responsibilities of the advisory group to the tobacco prevention and control advisory board. Amends composition of the tobacco prevention and control advisory board.
HTH, WAM [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO IMMUNIZATION. Authorizes the Department of Health to establish and maintain a single repository of immunization records to be designated as the "Hawaii Immunization Registry" in order to aid, coordinate, and help promote efficient and cost-effective screening, prevention, and control of vaccine preventable diseases, including pandemic influenza.
HTH, WAM [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO TRAUMA. Provide statutory protection from discovery for the Department of Health trauma care multiagency and multidisciplinary peer review and quality assurance committees.
HTH, JGO [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS. Appropriates moneys from the community health centers special fund to be used by community health centers in the State. Directs the administration and the department of health to release funds to the community health centers.
HTH, WAM [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO THE RIGHTS OF VICTIMS. Amends crime victims' bill of rights to include notice or waiver of notice as to an offender's unfitness to stand trial, transfer to the state hospital or other psychiatric facility, or regaining fitness to proceed. Requires the department of health to provide notice of an offender's unauthorized absences.
HTH, JGO [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO NUISANCES. Requires Department of Health to order suspension of operation causing foul or noxious odor, gas, or vapor until examination determines not dangerous or injurious to health.
HTH [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO ANATOMICAL TRANSPLANTS. Prohibits health insurers from denying or limiting coverage for organ or tissue transplantation services on the basis that the insured, member, enrollee, or subscriber is infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.
HTH, CPN [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO INSURANCE. Requires health insurers and like entities to offer at least the same drug coverage to the insured that the insured had under the insured's previous policy with a different insurer or like entity.
HTH, CPN [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO INSURANCE. Mandates the offer of health insurance coverage for dependents up to age 27 at the option of the parents.
HTH, CPN [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO MEDICAL PROCEDURES. Requires that patients be informed of the amount of radiation exposure to the patient prior to obtaining consent to an x-ray or computed tomography scan.
HTH [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO HEALTH CARE DATA. Ensures that appropriate health care entities are able to receive lab data in electronic format to facilitate the use and development of health care exchange networks.
HTH, JGO [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. Requires providers of accident or health and sickness insurance to base prescription drug coverage on a drug formulary or prior authorization requirements established and regularly updated by a drug formulary advisory board whose membership includes practicing physicians, pharmacists, and health care practitioners.
HTH, CPN [Measure added 02-05-10] |
RELATING TO PHARMACIES. Requires all pharmacies and remote dispensing pharmacies to have the capacity to accommodate electronic prescriptions. Requires all pharmacies and dispensing pharmacies to maintain prescription records electronically.
HTH, CPN [Measure added 02-05-10] |
No testimony will be accepted.
FOR AMENDED HEARING NOTICES: If the notice is an amended notice, measures that have been deleted are stricken through and measures that have been added are underscored. If there is a measure that is both underscored and stricken through, that measure has been deleted from the agenda.