Rep. Ryan I. Yamane, Chair |
Rep. Scott Y. Nishimoto, Vice Chair |
Rep. Della Au Belatti |
Rep. John M. Mizuno |
Rep. Joe Bertram, III |
Rep. Maile S.L. Shimabukuro |
Rep. Tom Brower |
Rep. Lynn Finnegan |
Rep. Mele Carroll |
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 |
10:00 a.m. |
Conference Room 329 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
RELATING TO HEALTH INSURANCE. Mandates health insurance coverage to screen for colorectal cancer by colonoscopy or another screening modality graded A or B by the United States Preventive Services Task Force. (SD2)
RELATING TO INSURANCE. Requires health insurers and like entities to offer continued coverage of specific prescription medications where an individual's physician determines that continued coverage is in the best interest of the patient after changing insurance carriers. Effective 7/1/50. (SD2)
RELATING TO TIME FRAMES TO REGAIN FITNESS TO PROCEED. Establishes specific time frames for a commitment or release on conditions when unfit defendants are charged with non-violent petty misdemeanors (60 days) and non-violent misdemeanors (120 days). Effective 7/1/50. (SD2)
RELATING TO HEALTHCARE CLAIMS. Establishes a system under the department of commerce and consumer protection to collect, analyze, and distribute health insurance claims information; establishes a health care claims uniform reporting and evaluation task force to review the policies and procedures of the health care claims uniform reporting and evaluation system. Effective 7/1/2050.
RELATING TO HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Establishes a task force to evaluate the current state of health savings accounts options in Hawaii's health insurance market and to explore ways to expand access to these accounts in Hawaii. Effective 7/1/2050. (SD2)
RELATING TO THE HAWAII STATE HOSPITAL. Requires the department of public safety to provide security at Hawaii state hospital. Requires report from department of health, in collaboration with department of public safety, to the legislature on the plan for the provision of short and long-term security for the needs of the forensic population of the Hawaii state hospital. Effective 7/1/2050.
RELATING TO DIVERSION PROGRAM FOR CHEMICALLY DEPENDANT NURSES. Amends requirements for diversion programs for chemically dependent nurses to allow the board of nursing to recognize alternative program sponsors. Clarifies disciplinary and reporting requirements. (SD1)
RELATING TO HEALTHCARE. Creates licensing and regulatory standards for respiratory therapists. Effective 7/1/2050.
Persons wishing to offer comments should submit testimony at least 24 hours prior to the hearing with a transmittal cover indicating:
· Testifier's name with position/title and organization;
· The Committee the comments are directed to;
· The date and time of the hearing;
· Measure number; and
· The number of copies the Committee is requesting.
While every effort will be made to copy, organize, and collate all testimony received, materials received on the day of the hearing or improperly identified or directed to the incorrect office, may be distributed to the Committee after the hearing.
Submit testimony in ONE of the following ways:
PAPER: 4 copies (including an original) to Room 441 in the State Capitol;
FAX: For comments less than 5 pages in length, transmit to 586-8519 (for Oahu) or 1-800-535-3859 (for Neighbor Islanders without a computer to submit testimony through e-mail or the Web);
EMAIL: For comments less than 5 pages in length, transmit to ; or
WEB: For comments less than 4MB in size, transmit from the Web page at
Testimony submitted will be placed on the Legislative Web site after the hearing adjourns. This public posting of testimony on the Web site should be considered when including personal information in your testimony.
If during the course of the hearing it appears that there will not be sufficient time to allow everyone to be heard, the chairperson reserves the right to limit the remaining testifiers to three minutes. This three minute policy will be enforced to ensure fairness and adequate consideration to all bills.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the House public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-8515 or email your request for an interpreter to at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
Selected meetings are broadcast live. Check the current legislative broadcast schedule on the "Capitol TV" Web site at OR call 550-8074.
________________________________________ Rep. Ryan I. Yamane Chair |