S.R. NO.













requesting the establishment of a joint government and private sector human resources task force to study the simplification of job classifications within state government and the streamlining of operations between the Department of human resources development and line departments.



     WHEREAS, House Concurrent Resolution No. 76, S.D. 1, 2009, established a Task Force on Reinventing Government to examine the current operations and organization of state government and make recommendations on making state government more efficient; and


     WHEREAS, the Task Force on Reinventing Government organized a Human Resources Subcommittee (Subcommittee) to examine issues germane to the efficiency of operations with the Department of Human Resources Development (Department); and


     WHEREAS, among the recommendations of the Subcommittee was the recommendation to simplify the job classification system and clear up redundancy in operations between the Department and line departments; and


     WHEREAS, currently there is one thousand seven hundred job classifications within the government of the State of Hawaii; and


     WHEREAS, an excessive number of job classifications has led to some confusion and inefficiencies in the operation of the Department; and


     WHEREAS, a reduction in the number of job classifications would help government agencies manage job positions better and create more flexibility in implementing broad job classifications for certain occupations; and


     WHEREAS, less job classifications within government would enable the Department to streamline its operations and become more efficient in its duties; and


     WHEREAS, the findings of the Subcommittee, as included in the Report of the Task Force on Reinventing Government, stated:


"The Subcommittee finds that existing practice is inefficient and creates confusion because roles and responsibilities of DHRD [Department of Human Resources Development], as the central agency, and personnel staff in the line departments are not clearly defined.  Refinement of roles and responsibilities may lead to adjustment of staffing levels in either the central agency or line department staff, or both.  The central agency should take the lead in determining the level of its authority, with the administration communicating these roles clearly to the line level.  It is anticipated that the level of authority will vary by department and by function within departments, based upon the ideal for that particular department.  Due to the lack of clear role definition, too often there is inconsistency in policy application, and communication between the central agency and line departments is limited.  This impacts the consistency of policy application, as well as compliance with collective bargaining agreements."; and


     WHEREAS, a joint government and private sector Human Resources Task Force to study the operations of the Department and provide recommendations on improvements would help to make State government more efficient; and


     WHEREAS, the level of compensation and job classifications are not always accurate or consistent across a broad range of job classifications; and


     WHEREAS, the Legislature believes that the Department should simplify job classifications and streamline operations and efficiencies with line departments; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2010, that the Department of Human Resources Development establish a joint government and private sector Human Resources Task Force (Task Force); and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Task Force is requested to:


     (1)  Study the simplification of the State's job classification system and develop a more flexible job classification system to allow government agencies greater latitude in classifying job positions to better enable vacant positions to be filled in accordance with the vital needs of each job;


     (2)  Determine whether the level of compensation across all job classifications is appropriate and facilitates the creation of a broad range or band of job classifications;


     (3)  Study the role and responsibilities of the Department as a central agency and how its authority is utilized with respect to the staff of line departments; and


     (4)  Establish benchmarks that are based upon developing best practices and that identify specific impediments to reforming the civil service compensation management system; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Task Force provide recommendations on how the Department can implement best practice benchmarks and determine an appropriate and consistent level of authority and policy application by department and by function within each department; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Task Force shall comprised external and internal practitioners in state government who have a broad historical and visionary knowledge of job evaluation that is not limited to job position classifications; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Task Force submit its recommendations and proposed legislation, if necessary, to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the 2011 Regular Session; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Director of Human Resources Department and the Chair of the Task Force on Reinventing Government.









Report Title: 

Job Classification; DHRD; Human Resources Task Force; Benchmarks