S.C.R. NO.



S.D. 1














WHEREAS, the farm to school program connects schools with local farms with the objectives of supporting local agriculture, educating students about food cultivation, mitigating adverse environmental impacts caused by transporting food across long distances, and instilling healthy eating habits in students; and


WHEREAS, the farm to school program contains two major components:  first, students receive education on nutrition, and are taught the value of buying and eating local food, and second, local food is served in school cafeterias, giving students the choice to eat healthier and fresher produce; and


WHEREAS, the National Farm to School Program reports that some form of the farm to school program is currently operating in 8,776 schools in forty different states; and


     WHEREAS, several Hawaii schools participate in alternative farm to school programs, including:


     (1)  ‘AINA IS: Actively Integrating Nutrition & Agriculture in Schools is a farm to school program currently in ten Oahu elementary schools:  Aikahi, Waialae, Wheeler, Makaha, Ahuimanu, Samuel M. Kamakau charter school, Waikiki, Ala Wai, Sunset Beach, and Waialua;


     (2)  Moanalua Elementary School and Moanalua Intermediate and High School, which feed their students by using local foods and a school garden, which is incorporated as part of their learning;


     (3)  MA‘O Organic Farms is an organic farm located in Waianae, Oahu, with two farm to school projects in Waianae Intermediate and High School, including a half-acre on-campus organic garden - the first Hawaii public school to have a certified organic garden; and


     (4)  The Kohala Center, through its Hawai‘i Island School Garden Network, works with over forty-five public, charter, and private schools on Hawaii island to help island schools build gardening and agricultural programs that will significantly contribute to the increased consumption of locally produced foods; and


WHEREAS, these schools and programs can serve as models for an expansion of the farm to school program in public schools statewide; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2010, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Senate Committees on Economic Development and Technology; Education and Housing; Higher Education; and Water, Land, Agriculture and Hawaiian Affairs, and the House Committees on Economic Revitalization, Business and Military Affairs; Education; Higher Education; and Agriculture convene a working group to examine farm to school models; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in addition to members of the above legislative committees, the working group include representatives from the:


     (1)  University of Hawai‘i College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources;


     (2)  Department of Agriculture;


     (3)  Department of Education;


     (4)  Hawaii Association of Independent Schools;


     (5)  Hawai‘i Nutrition and Physical Activity Coalition (NPAC);


     (6)  Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation;


     (7)  Hawaii Farmers Union;


     (8)  Kokua Hawai‘i Foundation, AINA In Schools Program;


     (9)  MA‘O Organic Farms;


    (10)  The Kohala Center;


    (11)  Malama Kaua‘i;


    (12)  Sustainable Living Institute on Maui; and


    (13)  Slow Food Oahu; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the working group members be appointed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the examination include local models such as ‘AINA IS:  Actively Integrating Nutrition & Agriculture in Schools, Moanalua Elementary School, MA‘O Organic Farms, and The Kohala Center, as well as national programs such as the Summer Food Service Program, Child and Adult Care Food Program, School Breakfast Program, and Afternoon Snack Program; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the working group propose a pilot farm to school program for each island, to include, at minimum:


     (1)  Concepts of local, fresh food production, safety, supply, and procurement;


     (2)  Infrastructure development;


     (3)  Financing, including federal and private sector funding sources;


     (4)  Health and nutrition education;


     (5)  Family and community outreach and involvement; and


     (6)  The means to address barriers and challenges to implementation of a farm to school program, including government procurement requirements and training programs for farms; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the working group report its findings and recommendations, including a pilot farm to school program for each island to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2011; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Superintendent of Education, Chair of the Board of Education, Chair of the Board of Agriculture, Dean of the University of Hawai‘i College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Hawaii Association of Independent Schools, Hawai‘i Nutrition and Physical Activity Coalition, Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation, Hawaii Farmers Union, Kokua Hawai‘i Foundation, AINA In Schools Program, MA‘O Organic Farms, The Kohala Center, Malama Kaua‘i, Sustainable Living Institute on Maui, and Slow Food Oahu.

Report Title: 

Farm to School Pilot Program; Working Group; 2011 Report