Report Title:
CIP; 3rd Senatorial District
Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the 3rd senatorial district.
S.B. NO. |
1243 |
relating to capital improvement Projects for the benefit of the third senatorial district.
SECTION 1. The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $148,030,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary is appropriated for fiscal year 2009-2010 for the purpose of capital improvement projects for the third senatorial district as follows:
1. Construct the extension of Ane Keohokalole highway which includes new roadways, relocation, and/or construction of utilities and other improvements. $15,000,000
2. Additional improvements to Queen Kaahumanu highway, phase 2.
A. Queen Kaahumanu highway
Additional improvements $10,000,000
Total funding $10,000,000
3. Improvements to Mamalahoa highway.
A. Mamalahoa highway
Guardrails and shoulders at
Puuanahulu $1,000,000
Total funding $1,000,000
4. Additional improvements for Kawaihae harbor.
A. Kawaihae harbor
Additional improvements $25,000,000
Total funding $25,000,000
5. Additional improvements to Kona courthouse.
A. Kona courthouse
Additional improvements $10,000,000
Total funding $10,000,000
6. Expansion and improvements for area hospitals.
A. Kona community hospital
Emergency room expansion $10,000,000
Total funding $10,000,000
B. Kohala hospital
Expansion for long term care $10,000,000
Total funding $10,000,000
C. West Hawaii community health center
Establishment of the Waikoloa
satellite health center $5,000,000
Total funding $5,000,000
7. Additional expansion and improvements of Kohala public library.
A. Kohala public library
Planning and design $130,000
Construction $1,120,000
Total funding $1,250,000
8. Facility expansion for Kona
community college.
A. Kona community college
Facility expansion $20,000,000
Total funding $20,000,000
9. Development and construction of the
Laiopua community center and
acute care center
A. Laiopua community center and acute care center
Construction $10,000,000
Total funding $10,000,000
10. Improvement for Kohala ditch.
A. Interim repair to restore agricultural water to the agricultural operations in North Kohala that depend on the Kohala ditch, including the Clover Leaf Dairy on state agricultural land at Upolu.
2-24" or 1-36" pipe installed
from Hawi weir to Hawi intake $632,000
Miscellaneous fixtures, design
and concrete work $308,000
Pipe, fixture, design and concrete
work from Hawi intake to
Reservoir #3 intake $560,000
Total funding $1,500,000
B. Dam safety repairs to Reservoir 3,
Kohala ditch system, North Kohala,
located half on state land, half on
Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate
land, and fed by water from the
Kohala ditch.
Planning and design $150,000
Construction $1,500,000
Total funding $1,650,000
C. Other miscellaneous repairs to
open ditch section of Kohala
ditch, North Kohala, including
gunnite reinforcement and other
hardening of ditch structures.
Planning and design $20,000
Construction $300,000
Total funding $320,000
11. Facility expansion for Waimea middle school.
A. Waimea middle school
Facility expansion $10,000,000
Total funding $10,000,000
12. Facility expansion for Waikoloa middle school.
A. Waikoloa middle school
Portable buildings $2,900,000
Total funding $2,900,000
13. Additional improvements of Honokaa high school.
A. Plans, design, and construction of bleachers, a press box, a certified kitchen upgrade/snack bar, and restrooms connected to the field
Planning and design $205,000
Construction $1,795,000
Total funding $2,000,000
14. Improvements to Kawaiahae harbor.
A. Kawaiahae harbor
Utility/waterline improvements $300,000
Total funding $300,000
15. Improvements to Hapuna beach state park.
A. Hapuna beach state park
Bathrooms $500,000
Total funding $500,000
16. Improvements to the shooting range.
A. Shooting range
Improvements $250,000
Total funding $250,000
17. Improvements to Kapaau boat ramp.
A. Kapaau boat ramp
Planning and design $76,000
Construction $684,000
Total funding $760,000
18. Improvements to the natural energy laboratory.
A. Natural energy laboratory
Seawater system improvements $5,250,000
Total funding $5,250,000
19. Improvements to Honokaa gym.
A. Honokaa gym lockers, showers, and
multi-purpose facilities
Planning and design $40,000
Construction $310,000
Total funding $350,000
20. Addition of new swimming pool in Honokaa.
A. Honokaa swimming pool
Planning and design $501,000
Construction $4,499,000
Total funding $5,000,000
SECTION 2. The appropriation made for the capital improvement project authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal biennium for which the appropriation is made; provided that all moneys from the appropriation unencumbered as of June 30, 2012, shall lapse as of that date.
SECTION 3. The sums appropriated for the respective capital projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act as follows:
(1) For items 1, 2, 3, and 4 the expending agency shall be the department of transportation;
(2) For item 5 the expending agency shall be the judiciary;
(3) For items 6 and 7 the expending agency shall be the department of accounting and general services;
(4) For item 8 the expending agency shall be the University of Hawaii;
(5) For item 9 the expending agency shall be the department of human services; and
(6) For item 10 the expending agency shall be the department of agriculture;
(7) For items 11, 12, and 13 the expending agency shall be the department of education;
(8) For items 14, 15, 16, and 17 the expending agency shall be the department of land and natural resources;
(9) For item 18 the expending agency shall be the department of business, economic development, and tourism; and
(10) For items 19 and 20 the expending agency shall be the county of Hawaii.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.
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