H.R. NO.













RECOGNIZING AND commendING THE SUSTAINABLE UH PROGRAM AND THE HELP US BRIDGE TEAM FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS TO creating a sustainable energy future for THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII system and the communities of hawaii.




WHEREAS, Sustainable UH is a student-led initiative at the University of Hawaii to increase the sustainability of facilities, education, research, and practices on University of Hawaii campuses; and


WHEREAS, Sustainable UH, started when a multidisciplinary student team called Help Us Bridge (HUB) were inspired to transform one building, Saunders Hall, into a model of sustainability for the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus; and


WHEREAS, the Sustainable Saunders project used easily implemented strategies, such as conducting waste audits, de-lamping, installing low flow plumbing fixtures, using recycled building materials, and installing renewable energy generators to reduce Saunders Hall's energy use by twenty-four per cent, saving $149,000 each year; and


WHEREAS, Sustainable UH's initiatives also include campus-wide workshops, annual Earth Day awareness celebrations, creation of a Sustainability 101 course curriculum, and creating the Student Sustainability Internship Program which has conducted waste and energy audits for federal and private clients; and


WHEREAS, Sustainable UH will extend the momentum and ideas proven successful by Sustainable Saunders to the entire University of Hawaii System as it endeavors in the 2009-2010 academic year to create $150,000 in energy savings at campuses around the State; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2010, that this body recognizes and commends the Sustainable UH program and the Help Us Bridge team for their accomplishments and dedication to creating a sustainable energy future for the University of Hawaii System and the communities of Hawaii; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Director of Sustainable UH, the Director of the Help Us Bridge team, and the President of the University of Hawaii System.









Report Title: 

Recognizing And Commending The Sustainable Uh Program And The Help Us Bridge Team For Their Contributions To Creating A Sustainable Energy Future For The University Of Hawaii System And The Communities Of Hawaii