H.R. NO. |
182 |
requesting the counties to require evidence of SUFFICIENT space to park a recreational vehicle when a person applies to register the vehicle.
WHEREAS, the number of motor vehicles in the State increases every year, resulting in traffic and congestion on neighborhood streets from vehicles parked on the street; and
WHEREAS, recreational vehicles are more than twice the size of standard cars and sport utility vehicles, making them too large to park in many garages and driveways; and
WHEREAS, in some residential neighborhoods with narrow streets, vehicles larger than a standard car or sport utility vehicle that park on the street impede residents from ingress and egress from their driveways to the main roads; and
WHEREAS, large vehicles, including recreational vehicles, that are parked on the street also pose potential safety hazards by obstructing the view of drivers of oncoming traffic when the driver attempts to make a turn onto another road; and
WHEREAS, the owner of a vehicle should be responsible for the recreational vehicle and park the vehicle on the owner's property instead of on the street; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2010, that this body requests the counties to require evidence of sufficient space on private property to park a recreational vehicle when a person applies to register the vehicle with the county agency responsible for motor vehicle registration; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Mayor, the Chairperson of the Council, and the head of the agency responsible for motor vehicle registration for each county.
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Recreational Vehicles; Parking