H.R. NO.













requesting the university of hawaii to consider the concerns and issues raised with regard to the autonomy of the school of travel industry management.




     WHEREAS, because tourism is Hawaii's top industry, the University of Hawaii (UH) School of Travel Industry Management (TIM) is a very popular and important program that prepares students for jobs up and coming in the industry; and


     WHEREAS, TIM has been autonomous since 1991, after gaining separate accreditation and separating from the business college; and


     WHEREAS, in 2009, the UH-Manoa Chancellor's Advisory Committee, tasked with streamlining the university, preliminarily recommended, among other things, reconsolidation of TIM with the Shidler College of Business; and


     WHEREAS, this proposal has generated opposition among alumni, as well as current students and faculty; and


     WHEREAS, as a result, legislation was introduced to statutorily establish TIM independently and separate from any school or college of business administration established at UH; and


     WHEREAS, proponents and opponents raised strong points on both sides of the issue, with regard to costs and concerns regarding overall university autonomy, which was granted through a constitutional amendment in 2000; and


     WHEREAS, because UH was granted autonomy, such issues should be resolved at the university level first, whenever possible, before legislative action is taken; now, therefore,
     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2010, that UH is requested to consider the concerns and issues raised with regard to the autonomy of TIM; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UH is requested to establish a forum to receive public input and to resolve this issue at the university level; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the President of the University of Hawaii System, Chancellor of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Chairperson of the University of Hawaii Board of Regents, and Dean of the University of Hawaii School of Travel Industry Management.









Report Title: 

UH School of Travel Industry Management; Autonomy