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HonorING Ann marie nalani kirk for outstanding services in safeguarding hawai‘i's natural and cultural resources, Educating the Youth of hawai‘i, and perpetuating Native Hawaiian oral traditions and history.
WHEREAS, the wealth and vitality of our State is due in large part to the efforts of civic-minded individuals who give so much of their time, energy, and talents to meet community and cultural needs and to fulfill a vision for the well-being of society; and
WHEREAS, ANN MARIE NALANI KIRK epitomizes such laudable characteristics through her tireless work on numerous social fronts, including her efforts to ensure the safety of Hawai‘i's natural and cultural resources, to educate the State's youth through video and film, and to perpetuate Native Hawaiian oral traditions and history through various forms of media technology; and
WHEREAS, ANN MARIE NALANI KIRK has proven herself to be a true daughter of Hawai‘i through her involvement in grassroots initiatives to protect the centuries-old heiaus Hawea and Pahua in Hawai‘i Kai, O‘ahu, and to create statewide awareness about the need to ban shark tours in the interest of public safety and in respect of Native Hawaiian cultural beliefs; and
WHEREAS, ANN MARIE NALANI KIRK launched her Web site in 2008, which functions as a rich repository of stories offered by lifelong residents of East O‘ahu's Maunalua Bay and thereby preserves the rich oral history of the area for succeeding generations to come; and
WHEREAS, ANN MARIE NALANI KIRK'S dedication to collecting and preserving the oral histories of Native Hawaiian kupuna (elders/ancestors) was recognized in 1996 when her critically acclaimed film "Happy Birthday, Tutu Ruth" received the Gold Apple award from the National Media Network Market; and
WHEREAS, ANN MARIE NALANI KIRK has worked for over 15 years as a producer and director for the Teleschool Branch of the Hawai‘i State Department of Education, during which time she has used the power of film to educate and empower Hawai‘i's youngest minds through such programs as "Choices," "Stories to Tell," "Voices and Wings," and "Pacific Clues"; and
WHEREAS, ANN MARIE NALANI KIRK received the 2009 award as Outstanding Alumnus of Sacred Hearts Academy for her selfless contributions to community service and her distinguished achievements as a filmmaker; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawai‘i, Regular Session of 2010, that this body hereby honors ANN MARIE NALANI KIRK for her outstanding service in safeguarding Hawai‘i's natural and cultural resources, educating the youth of Hawai‘i, and perpetuating Native Hawaiian oral traditions and history, and extends to her its sincerest gratitude and best wishes for her future endeavors.
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Ann Marie Nalani Kirk