H.C.R. NO.














urging the HAWAII VIRTUAL LEARNING NETWORK TO offer more advanced placement classes or provide priority TO students from SMALL or RURAL HIGH SCHOOLS to enroll in the network's advanced placement classes.




     WHEREAS, the advanced placement program provides accredited college level courses and examinations to high school students in most high schools across the nation, including Hawaii; and


     WHEREAS, advanced placement classes better prepare high school students for college by developing skills to master in depth college level material while still in high school; and


     WHEREAS, due to budget constraints not all Hawaii high schools offer advanced placement classes; and


     WHEREAS, many rural high schools with smaller student populations are at a distinct disadvantage by not having the critical population numbers to justify offering advanced placement classes; and


     WHEREAS, through the Hawaii Virtual Learning Network, the  State has recently begun providing various high school courses including advanced placement classes to high school students using on-line "distance learning" technology; and


     WHEREAS, for the 2009 academic year, the network offered fourteen advanced placement classes, all of which were filled to capacity; and


     WHEREAS, rural high school students at schools too small to offer advanced placement classes must compete with students from schools across the State that offer advanced placement classes, for a limited number of Network advanced placement class openings; and


     WHEREAS, this inequity places students from rural high schools at a distinct disadvantage; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2010, the Senate concurring, that the Hawaii Virtual Learning Network is urged to offer more advanced placement classes or provide priority to students from small or rural high schools to enroll in the Network's advanced placement classes; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Office of the Hawaii Virtual Learning Network, the Governor, the Superintendent of Education, the President of the University of Hawaii, and the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Myron B. Thompson Academy.









Report Title: 

Urges the Hawaii Virtual Learning Network to offer more advanced placement classes or provide priority to students from small or rural high schools to enroll in the Network's advanced placement classes.