Report Title:
Capital Improvements
Capital Improvements for the 19th District.
H.B. NO. |
1535 |
relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of the nineteenth representative district.
SECTION 1. The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary is appropriated for fiscal year 2009-2010 for the purpose of capital improvement projects for the nineteenth representative district, as follows:
I. To be expended by the Department of Education:
A. 19th District Schools, Oahu
(1) Installation of photovoltaic panels in select schools within the 19th representative district
Plans $50,000
Design $50,000
Construction and equipment $900,000
Total Funding $1,000,000
(2) Installation of air conditioning or solar ventilators
Plans $25,000
Design $25,000
Construction and equipment $450,000
Total Funding $500,000
B. Kahala Elementary School, Oahu
(1) Reroofing of all buildings except the administration, library, and cafeteria.
Design $40,000
Construction $360,000
Total Funding $400,000
(2) Repaving of parking lot in back of administration building and marking of parking stalls.
Design $4,000
Construction $36,000
Total Funding $40,000
(3) Removal and replacement of K playground
Design $7,500
Construction $67,500
Total Funding $75,000
(4) Reroofing of walkway between A building and
Design $15,000
Construction $135,000
Total Funding $150,000
C. Kalani High School, Oahu
(1) Design and construction of security screens and stairwell gates for second floor project for buildings A-E; total of 10 stairwells to deter vandalism, theft, and trespassing on the second level of school campus.
Design $50,000
Construction $450,000
Total Funding $500,000
(2) Design and construction for improvements to athletic track; ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances
Design $300,000
Construction $3,800,000
Total Funding $4,100,000
(3) Design, construction, and equipment for girls locker room/shower building; ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances
Design $600,000
Construction $7,500,000
Equipment $100,000
Total Funding $8,200,000
D. Liholiho Elementary School, Oahu
(1) Plans, design and construction for 8th Avenue parking lot expansion
Plans and design $20,000
Construction $125,000
Total Funding $145,000
(2) Plans, design, and construction for 3 lights for the field area
Plans and design $35,000
Equipment $1,000
Construction $222,000
Total Funding $258,000
(3) Plans, design, and construction for parking lot lights for 8th and 9th Avenue lots
Plans and design $45,000
Equipment $1,000
Construction $310,000
Total Funding $356,000
E. Queen Lili`uokalani Elementary School, Oahu
(1) Plans, design, and construction of elevator for administration building for ADA compliance and to serve special education pre-school.
Planning $5,000
Design $50,000
Construction $500,000
Total Funding $555,000
(2) Elevated walkway from administration/library building to Building E for ADA compliance and to service special education pre-school.
Planning $5,000
Design $50,000
Construction $500,000
Total Funding $550,000
F. Wilson Elementary School, Oahu
(1) Plan, design, and construction of a multipurpose building to house music department, physical education department, and science and technology laboratories.
Planning $50,000
Design $850,000
Construction $7,100,000
Total Funding $8,000,000
II. To be expended by the University of Hawaii, Manoa
A. Kapiolani Community College, Oahu
(1) Renovation of fine dining area
Design $153,000
Equipment $158,000
Construction $1,423,000
Total Funding $1,734,000
III. To be expended by the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation
A. Leahi Hospital, Oahu
(1) Upgrading of grease trap
Construction/Equipment $150,000
Total Funding $150,000
(2) Spalling repair and painting
Design $240,000
Construction $2,460,000
Total Funding $2,700,000
SECTION 2. The sums appropriated for the respective capital projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 3. The appropriations made for the capital improvement projects authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal biennium for which the appropriation is made; provided that all moneys from the appropriation unencumbered as of June 30, 2012, shall lapse as of that date.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.
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