S.B. NO. |
2953 |
relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of THE twenty-fourth SENATORIAL DISTRICT.
SECTION 1. The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $15,939,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary, and the same sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for fiscal year 2010-2011, for the purpose of capital improvement projects for the twenty-fourth senatorial district, as follows:
1. Aikahi elementary school, Oahu
A. Upgrade telephone system, repair the roof of building D, and renovate cafeteria and bathrooms.
Design and construction $125,000
Total funding $125,000
2. Benjamin Parker elementary, Oahu
A. Repair cafeteria ceiling.
Design and construction $100,000
Total funding $100,000
3. Castle high school, Oahu
A. Upgrade to LED lighting fixtures, digital sound system for auditorium.
Design and construction $500,000
Total funding $500,000
B. Electrical replacement and upgrade for building BB (auditorium).
Plans $10,000
Construction $25,000
Equipment $250,000
Total funding $285,000
4. Enchanted Lake elementary school, Oahu
A. Electrical upgrade for the entire campus.
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $98,000
Total funding $100,000
B. Covered walkway for administration building (K-1).
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $98,000
Total funding $100,000
C. Covered walkway from building F (library) to the main corridor.
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $98,000
Total funding $100,000
5. Kaelepulu elementary school, Oahu
A. Replace walkway steps from parking lot to building C that have shifted due to erosion.
Design $25,000
Construction $150,000
Total funding $175,000
B. Upgrade telecommunications network.
Design $35,000
Construction $145,000
Total funding $180,000
C. Covered walkway improvements.
Design $40,000
Construction $140,000
Total funding $180,000
D. Classroom renovations for the entire campus.
Design $100,000
Construction $1,500,000
Total funding $1,600,000
6. Kailua intermediate school, Oahu
A. Electrical upgrade for the entire campus.
Design $91,600
Construction $824,400
Total funding $916,000
7. Kainalu elementary school, Oahu
A. Covered walkway repair between buildings D and E and extending to the cafeteria.
Design $35,000
Construction $200,000
Total funding $235,000
8. Kalaheo high school, Oahu
A. Plan, design, construction, and equipment for a regulation football/soccer field, lengthen the physical education field and install field lights and bleachers.
Plans $75,000
Design $75,000
Construction $350,000
Equipment $250,000
Total funding $750,000
9. Kaneohe elementary school, Oahu
A. Expand the school library, grading for an access road to the library, and construction of a parking area near the library that complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Design $100,000
Construction $1,100,000
Total funding $1,200,000
10. King intermediate school, Oahu
A. Expand the cafeteria to serve as a theater/performance center and construct an adjoining restroom facility, remodel kitchen area in gymnasium.
Plans $50,000
Construction $400,000
Equipment $80,000
Total funding $530,000
11. Mokapu elementary school, Oahu
A. Electrical upgrade for the entire campus.
Design $120,000
Construction $1,080,000
Total funding $1,200,000
12. Olomana school, Oahu
A. Plans, design, and construction for an extension of the physical education portable room.
Plans $5,000
Design $8,000
Construction $75,000
Total funding $88,000
13. Olomana youth center, Oahu
A. Construct an open-air field house for indoor sports (basketball, volleyball, etc.).
Construction $1,500,000
Equipment $100,000
Total funding $1,600,000
14. Puohala elementary school, Oahu
A. Structural assessment to address the separation of walls in buildings on entire campus.
Total funding $250,000
15. Boys and girls club, Oahu
A. Provide a grant pursuant to chapter 42F, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to renovate the boys' locker facility in the athletic department wing at Kailua intermediate school to create separate boys' and girls' locker facilities and staff offices that can be used by the boys and girls club after school program.
Total funding $1,500,000
16. Hawaii state hospital, Oahu
A. Commission of a study for the demolition of the Goddard building.
Total funding $250,000
B. Plans and design for a Joint Forensic Facility.
Total funding $250,000
17. Department of land and natural resources
A. Plans and design for an engineering study and environmental assessment to restore water flow from Kawai Nui marsh to Kawai Nui stream.
Total funding $425,000
B. Update the master plan for Kawainui marsh for the planning, design, and construction of project features that include parks, trails, education, visitor and maintenance facilities, wildlife habitat restoration areas, and other wildlife sanctuary and park features; completion of an environmental assessment on the impact to the Kailua waterways and Kawainui marsh, if necessary; obtaining work permits for the project features.
Plans $400,000
Design $150,000
Construction $250,000
Total funding $800,000
C. Plans, design, and construction to mitigate damage to the habitat and improve waterways at Kaelepulu pond.
Plans $100,000
Design $100,000
Construction $800,000
Total funding $1,000,000
18. Department of transportation
A. Sidewalk and pedestrian improvements for Lilipuna road, Waikalua road, and William Henry road.
Plans $50,000
Design $75,000
Construction $1,000,000
Total funding $1,125,000
B. Traffic study for ingress and egress to Olomana and Pohakupu subdivisions.
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $23,000
Total funding $25,000
C. Plans and construction for a parking lot behind the Olomana fire station at Maunawili elementary school.
Plans $10,000
Construction $240,000
Total funding $250,000
D. Installation of storm drains in Kaneohe and Kailua.
Plans $10,000
Design $10,000
Construction $20,000
Equipment $60,000
Total funding $100,000
SECTION 2. The appropriation made for the capital improvement projects authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made; provided that all moneys from the appropriation unencumbered as of June 30, 2012, shall lapse as of that date.
SECTION 3. The sums appropriated for the respective capital projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act as follows:
(1) For items 1 through 14, the expending agency shall be the department of education;
(2) For item 15, the expending agency shall be the department of human services;
(3) For item 16, the expending agency shall be the department of health;
(4) For item 17, the expending agency shall be the department of land and natural resources; and
(5) For item 18, the expending agency shall be the department of transportation.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2010.
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Report Title:
CIP; 24th Senatorial District
Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the 24th senatorial district.
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