S.B. NO. |
2849 |
S.D. 2 |
H.D. 1 |
Proposed |
SECTION 1. Chapter 87A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding three new parts to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
§87A-A Definitions. For the purposes of this part:
"Fund" means a bargaining unit health benefits trust fund.
§87A-B Bargaining unit health benefits trust funds; establishment. (a) There is established outside the state treasury, trust funds to be known as follows:
(1) The "Bargaining Unit (1) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (1);
(2) The "Bargaining Unit (2) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (2);
(3) The "Bargaining Unit (3) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (3);
(4) The "Bargaining Unit (4) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (4);
(5) The "Bargaining Unit (5) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (5);
(6) The "Bargaining Unit (6) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (6);
(7) The "Bargaining Unit (7) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (7);
(8) The "Bargaining Unit (8) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (8);
(9) The "Bargaining Unit (9) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (9);
(10) The "Bargaining Unit (10) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (10);
(11) The "Bargaining Unit (11) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (11);
(12) The "Bargaining Unit (12) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (12); and
(13) The "Bargaining Unit (13) Health Benefits Trust Fund", for employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of bargaining unit (13).
(b) Each fund shall consist of contributions, interest, income, dividends, refunds, rate credits, and other returns. It is hereby declared that any and all sums contributed or paid from any source to the funds created by this part, and all assets of the funds including any and all interest and earnings on the same, are and shall be held in trust by the respective board for the exclusive use and benefit of the employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries of the respective fund, and shall not be subject to appropriation for any other purpose whatsoever. Each fund shall be under the control of the respective board and placed under the department of budget and finance for administrative purposes.
§87A-C Bargaining unit health benefits trust funds; purpose. (a) Each fund shall be used to provide the fund's employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries with health and other benefit plans, and to pay administrative and other expenses of the fund. All assets of each fund are and shall be dedicated to providing health and other benefit plans to the employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries in accordance with the terms of those plans and to pay administrative and other expenses of the fund, and shall be used for no other purposes except those set forth in this section.
(b) Each fund, including any of the fund's earnings on investments, and rate credits or reimbursements from any carrier or self-insured plan and any earning or interest derived therefrom, may be used to stabilize health and other benefit plan rates; provided that the approval of the governor and the legislature shall be necessary to fund administrative and other expenses necessary to effectuate this purpose.
(c) Each fund may be used to provide group life insurance benefits to its respective employees to the extent that contributions are provided for group life insurance benefits in sections 87A-32 and 87A-37.
(d) At the discretion of each fund's respective board, some or all of each fund may be used as a reserve against or to pay the fund's future costs of providing health and other benefits plans established under sections 87A-23 and 87A-37.
§87A-D Employer contributions to bargaining unit health benefits trust funds irrevocable. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, all of the monthly contributions that the State and counties make to the bargaining unit health benefits trust funds under section 87A-32 and all other contributions that the State and counties may make to the funds, shall be irrevocable; provided that this shall not preclude the funds from returning contributions or payments made by the State or any county under a mistake of fact within one year after the payment of contributions or payments.
§87A-E State and county contributions to the bargaining unit health benefits trust funds; active employees. (a) The State, through the department of budget and finance, and the counties, through their respective departments of finance, shall pay to the fund a monthly contribution equal to the amount specified in the applicable public sector collective bargaining agreements for each of their respective employee-beneficiaries and employee-beneficiaries with dependent-beneficiaries, which shall be used toward the payment of costs of a health benefits plan; provided that:
(1) The monthly contribution shall be a specified dollar amount;
(2) The monthly contribution shall not exceed the actual cost of a health benefits plan;
(3) If both husband and wife are employee-beneficiaries, the total contribution by the State or the county shall not exceed the monthly contribution for a family plan; and
(4) If the State or any of the counties establish cafeteria plans in accordance with Title 26, United States Code section 125, the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and part II of chapter 78, the monthly contribution for those employee-beneficiaries who participate in a cafeteria plan shall be made through the cafeteria plan, and the payments made by the State or counties shall include their respective contributions to the fund and their employee-beneficiary's share of the cost of the employee-beneficiary's health benefits plan.
(b) The State, through the department of budget and finance, and the counties, through their respective departments of finance, shall pay to the fund a monthly contribution equal to the amount specified in the applicable public sector collective bargaining agreement for each of their respective employees, to be used toward the payment of group life insurance benefits for each employee.
§87A-F State and county contributions to bargaining unit health benefits trust funds not considered wages or salary. Contributions made by the State or the counties under this part shall not be considered wages or salary of an employee-beneficiary. No employee-beneficiary shall have any vested right in or be entitled to receive any part of any contribution made to the fund.
§87A-G Reimbursement for state contributions to bargaining unit health benefits trust funds. (a) All state agencies having control of funds other than the general fund shall reimburse the State for contributions made by the State pursuant to section 87A-32 on account of agency employees whose compensation is paid in whole or part from funds other than the general fund.
(b) All state and county agencies receiving federal funds, which may be expended for the purpose of replacing the contributions payable by the State to the fund, shall set aside a portion of the federal funds sufficient to reimburse the State for contributions made by the State pursuant to section 87A-32 on account of the employees in the agencies whose compensation is paid in whole or part from federal funds.
§87A-H Employee-beneficiary contributions to bargaining unit health benefits trust funds; health benefits plans. (a) Each employee-beneficiary shall make a monthly contribution to the fund amounting to the difference between the monthly charge of the health benefits plan selected by the employee-beneficiary and the contribution made by the State or county for the employee-beneficiary to the fund. Nothing in this section shall prohibit any employee-beneficiary from participating in a cafeteria plan authorized under Title 26 United States Code section 125, Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and part II of chapter 78.
(b) During the period the health benefits plan selected by an employee-beneficiary is in effect, the employee-beneficiary, if allowed by law, shall authorize the employee-beneficiary's contribution to be withheld and transmitted to the fund monthly by the comptroller, employees' retirement system, or finance officer who disburses the employee-beneficiary's compensation, pension, or retirement pay. If an employee-beneficiary's contribution to the fund is not withheld and transmitted to the fund, the employee-beneficiary shall pay the monthly contribution:
(1) In the case of an employee-beneficiary who normally receives the employee-beneficiary's compensation from the comptroller or employees' retirement system, directly to the fund by the first day of each month; or
(2) In the case of all other employee-beneficiaries, to the respective finance officer from whom the employee-beneficiary normally receives compensation for transmittal to the fund by the first day of each month.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (a), an employee-beneficiary's monthly contribution to the fund shall include the amount that would have been the employee-beneficiary's contribution if the employee-beneficiary had not elected to participate in the cafeteria plan.
§87A-I Employee-beneficiary or qualified-beneficiary contributions; long-term care benefits plan. (a) During the period the long-term care benefits plan is in effect, the employee-beneficiary, if allowed by law, shall authorize the employee-beneficiary's contribution to be withheld and transmitted to the respective fund monthly by the comptroller, employees' retirement system, or finance officer who disburses the employee-beneficiary's compensation, pension, or retirement pay. If an employee-beneficiary's monthly contribution to the respective fund is not withheld and transmitted to the applicable fund, the employee-beneficiary shall pay the monthly contribution directly to the board's designated carrier or third-party administrator as specified by the board.
(b) Qualified-beneficiaries shall pay monthly contributions directly to the respective board's designated carrier or third-party administrator as specified by the board.
§87A-J Eligibility. Each board shall establish eligibility criteria to determine who can qualify as an employee-beneficiary, dependent-beneficiary, or qualified-beneficiary under its respective fund, consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
§87A-K Annual financial audit. (a) Each fund shall be subject to an annual financial audit by an independent auditor. Each fund shall be responsible for the cost of its audit.
(b) The results of the annual audit of each fund shall be submitted to the relevant employers, the relevant exclusive representative, and the legislature not later than six months after the end of the applicable fiscal year.
(c) The unaudited accounts of the bargaining units use of the amounts specified in the applicable collective bargaining agreements shall be public record.
(d) The attorney general is authorized to investigate any discrepancies noted in any audit conducted pursuant to subsection (a) or discovered on the attorney general's own initiative. The attorney general may take corrective action, including criminal charges, if necessary.
(e) Any surplus or deficit at the end of a fiscal year, which results from the provision of health and other benefit plans, shall be included in the unaudited accounts of the respective fund.
§87A-L Definitions. For purposes of this part:
"Administrator" means the person appointed by the board of trustees of a bargaining unit health benefits trust fund.
"Board" means as defined in section 87A-1.
"Fund" means a bargaining unit health benefits trust fund described in section 87A-B.
§87A-M Other powers. In addition to the power to administer its respective fund, each board may:
(1) Collect, receive, deposit, and withdraw money on behalf of the fund;
(2) Invest moneys in the same manner specified in section 88-119(1)(A), (1)(B), (1)(C), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7);
(3) Hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer, or dispose of any securities or other investments of the fund, as well as the proceeds of those investments and any money belonging to the fund;
(4) Appoint, and at pleasure dismiss, an administrator and other fund staff. The administrator and staff shall be exempt from chapter 76 and shall serve under and at the pleasure of the board;
(5) Make payments of periodic charges and pay for reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out the purposes of the fund;
(6) Contract for the performance of financial audits of the fund and claims audits of its insurance carriers;
(7) Retain auditors, actuaries, investment firms and managers, benefit plan consultants, or other professional advisors to carry out the purposes of this chapter;
(8) Establish health benefits plan and long-term care benefits plan rates that include administrative and other expenses necessary to effectuate the purposes of the fund; and
(9) Require any department, agency, or employee of the State or counties to furnish information to the board to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
§87A-N Other duties. Each board shall:
(1) Authorize charges and payments from the fund only upon vouchers countersigned by the chairperson and any other person designated by the board;
(2) Maintain accurate records and accounts of all financial transactions of the fund that shall be audited annually and summarized in an annual report to the governor and legislature;
(3) Maintain suitable and adequate records and provide information requested by State and county employers as necessary to carry out the purpose of the fund;
(4) Procure fiduciary liability insurance and error and omissions coverage for all trustees; and
(5) Procure a fidelity bond of a reasonable amount for the chairperson and any other person authorized to handle fund moneys.
§87A-O Rules; policies, standards, and procedures. (a) Each board may adopt rules for the purposes of this chapter. Rules shall be adopted without regard to chapter 91. Rule-making procedures shall be adopted by each board and shall minimally provide for:
(1) Consultation with employers and affected employee organizations with regard to proposed rules;
(2) Adoption of rules at open meetings that permit the attendance of any interested persons;
(3) Approval of rules by the governor; and
(4) Filing of rules with the lieutenant governor.
(b) The board may also issue policies, standards, and procedures consistent with its rules.
(c) Each board may adopt rules, without regard to chapter 91, governing dispute resolution procedures in the event of impasse in decision-making; provided that the rules shall be adopted with the concurrence of six trustees.
PART . Other POwers and Duties of the Administrator
§87A-P Definitions. For purposes of this part:
"Administrator" means the administrator of the Hawaii public employee health benefits trust fund.
"Fund" means the Hawaii public employee health benefits trust fund.
§87A-Q Plans for part-time, temporary, and seasonal or casual employees. (a) The administrator may offer medical, hospital, or surgical benefits plans to part-time, temporary, and seasonal or casual employees at no cost to the employers. The administrator may determine eligibility for part-time, temporary, and seasonal or casual employees by rules exempt from chapter 91 as provided in section 87A-26.
(b) The administrator shall establish the medical, hospital, or surgical benefits plan or plans, which shall be exempt from the minimum group requirements of article 10A of chapter 431. The medical, hospital, or surgical benefits plan or plans shall provide, pay for, arrange for, or reimburse the cost of medical, hospital, or surgical services, and may include prescribed hospital in-patient and out-patient service and medical benefits.
(c) The administrator may contract for the medical, hospital, or surgical benefits plan or plans. Each part-time, temporary, and seasonal or casual employee enrolled for medical, hospital, or surgical benefits shall pay monthly contributions directly to the fund's designated carriers. The monthly contributions may include the carrier's administrative costs.
§87A-R Eligibility. (a) The administrator shall establish eligibility criteria to determine who can qualify as an employee-beneficiary, dependent-beneficiary, or qualified-beneficiary, consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
(b) A retired member of the employees' retirement system; a county pension system; or a police, firefighters, and bandsmen pension system of the State or county, shall be eligible to qualify as an employee-beneficiary:
(1) Regardless of whether the retired member was actively employed by the State or county at the time of the retired employee's retirement; and
(2) Without regard to the date of the retired member's retirement.
(c) A dependent of a retired member shall be eligible to qualify as an employee-beneficiary or dependent-beneficiary:
(1) Regardless of whether the retired member was actively employed by the State or county at the time of the retired employee's retirement; and
(2) Without regard to the date of the retired member's retirement.
§87A-S Other powers of the administrator. In addition to the power to administer the fund, the administrator may:
(1) Collect, receive, deposit, and withdraw money on behalf of the fund;
(2) Invest moneys in the same manner specified in section 88-119(1)(A), (1)(B), (1)(C), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7);
(3) Hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer, or dispose of any securities or other investments of the fund, as well as the proceeds of those investments and any money belonging to the fund;
(4) Appoint, and at pleasure dismiss, fund staff. The staff shall be exempt from chapter 76 and shall serve under and at the pleasure of the administrator;
(5) Make payments of periodic charges and pay for reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out the purposes of the fund;
(6) Contract for the performance of financial audits of the fund and claims audits of its insurance carriers;
(7) Retain auditors, actuaries, investment firms and managers, benefit plan consultants, or other professional advisors to carry out the purposes of this chapter;
(8) Establish health benefits plan and long-term care benefits plan rates that include administrative and other expenses necessary to effectuate the purposes of the fund; and
(9) Require any department, agency, or employee of the State or counties to furnish information to the fund to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
§87A-T Other duties. The administrator shall:
(1) Authorize charges and payments from the fund;
(2) Maintain accurate records and accounts of all financial transactions of the fund that shall be audited annually and summarized in an annual report to the governor and legislature;
(3) Maintain suitable and adequate records and provide information requested by State and county employers as necessary to carry out the purpose of the fund;
(4) Procure fiduciary liability insurance and error and omissions coverage for the administrator; and
(5) Procure a fidelity bond of a reasonable amount for the administrator and any other person authorized to handle fund moneys.
§87A-U Rules. The administrator may adopt rules for the purposes of this chapter pursuant to chapter 91."
SECTION 2. Part III of Chapter 87A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§87A- Definitions. As used in this part:
"Administrator" means the administrator of the Hawaii public employee health benefits trust fund.
"Fund" means the Hawaii public employee health benefits trust fund and the bargaining unit health benefits trust funds."
SECTION 3. Part IV of Chapter 87A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding two new sections to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§87A- Definitions. As used in this part:
"Administrator" means the administrator of the Hawaii public employee health benefits trust fund.
"Fund" means the Hawaii public employee health benefits trust fund described in section 87A-30.
§87A- Administrator; appointment; removal; salary. (a) The administrator of the Hawaii public employee health benefits trust fund shall be appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate. The administrator shall serve for a term of five years and thereafter until a successor is appointed. The administrator may only be removed from office by the governor, provided the governor shall give prior notification of such removal to the president of the senate and speaker of the house of representatives.
(b) The salary of the administrator shall be set by the director of finance and shall not be more than the maximum salary of the first deputies to department heads."
SECTION 4. Chapter 87A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending its title to read as follows:
SECTION 5. Section 87A-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new definition to be appropriately inserted and to read as follows:
""Bargaining unit health benefits trust fund" means the health benefits trust fund described in section 87A-A."
SECTION 6. Section 87A-1 is amended by amending the definitions of "board", "contribution", "health benefits plan", "long-term care benefits plan", "periodic charge", and "trustee" to read as follows:
""Board" means the board of
trustees of the [Hawaii employer-union] bargaining unit health
benefits trust fund described in section [87A-5.] 87A-B.
"Contribution" means money payments
made to any of the [fund] funds established by sections 87A-30
or 87A-B by the State, the counties, an employee-beneficiary, or a
"Health benefits plan" means:
(1) A group insurance contract or service agreement
that may include medical, hospital, surgical, prescribed drugs, vision, and
dental services, in which a carrier agrees to provide, pay for, arrange for, or
reimburse the cost of the services as determined by the respective board[;]
or the administrator of the Hawaii public employee health benefits trust
fund or respective bargaining unit health benefits trust fund; or
(2) A similar schedule of benefits established by the respective board or the administrator and provided through the fund on a self-insured basis.
"Long-term care benefits plan" means:
(1) A group insurance contract or service agreement in which a carrier agrees to provide, pay for, arrange for, or reimburse the cost of long-term care benefits as determined by the respective board or the administrator; or
(2) A similar schedule of benefits established by the respective board or administrator and provided through the fund on a self-insured basis.
"Periodic charge" means the periodic payment by the respective board or administrator to a carrier for any health benefits plan or long-term care benefits plan.
"Trustee" means a trustee of the board
of trustees of the [Hawaii employer-union] a bargaining unit
health benefits trust [fund,] funds, as described in section [87A-5.]
SECTION 7. Section 87A-1 is amended by repealing the definition of "fund".
["Fund" means the Hawaii
employer-union public employee health benefits trust fund established in
section 87A-30."]
SECTION 8. chapter 87A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the title to part II to read as follows:
SECTION 9. Section 87A-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§87A-5 Composition of each
board. [The] Each board of trustees of [the
employer-union] a bargaining unit health benefits trust fund shall
consist of ten trustees appointed by the governor in accordance with the
following procedure:
(1) Five trustees[, one of whom shall represent
retirees,] to represent employee-beneficiaries and to be [selected as
(A) Three trustees shall be]
appointed from a list of two nominees per trustee selected by [each of]
the [three] exclusive representative [organizations that have the
largest number of employee-beneficiaries;] organization; and
[(B) One trustee shall be appointed
from a list of two nominees selected by mutual agreement of the remaining
exclusive employee representative organizations; and
(C) One trustee representing
retirees shall be appointed from a list of two nominees selected by mutual
agreement of all eligible exclusive representatives; and]
(2) Five trustees to represent public employers.
Section 26-34 shall not apply to board member
selection and terms. [Notwithstanding any other provision of this section,
no exclusive representative of a bargaining unit that sponsors or participates
in a voluntary employee beneficiary association shall be eligible to select
nominees or to be represented by a trustee on the board.]
As used in this section, the term "exclusive representative" shall have the same meaning as in section 89-2."
SECTION 10. Section 87A-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§87A-6 Term of a trustee; vacancy. The term of office of each trustee shall be four years; provided that a trustee may be reappointed for one additional consecutive four-year term.
A vacancy on the board shall be filled in the
same manner as the trustee who vacated that position was nominated or
appointed; provided that the criteria used for nominating or appointing the
successor shall be the same criteria used for nominating or appointing the
person's predecessor[; provided further that vacancies on the board for each
trustee position representing retirees and employee-beneficiaries appointed
under section 87A-5(1)(A) and (B) shall be filled by appointment of the
governor as follows:
(1) If a vacancy occurs in one of the
trustee positions described in section 87A-5(1)(A), then the vacancy shall be
appointed from a list of two nominees submitted by the exclusive employee
representative from among the three largest exclusive employee representatives
that does not have a trustee among the three trustee positions;
(2) If a vacancy occurs in a trustee
position described in section 87A-5(1)(B), then the vacancy shall be appointed
from a list of two nominees submitted by mutual agreement of the exclusive
employee representatives described in section 87A-5(1)(B); and
(3) If a vacancy occurs in the retiree
position described in section 87A-5(1)(C), then the vacancy shall be appointed
from a list of two nominees submitted by mutual agreement of all eligible
exclusive employee representatives].
If by the end of a trustee's term the trustee is not reappointed or the trustee's successor is not appointed, the trustee shall serve until the trustee's successor is appointed."
SECTION 11. Section 87A-7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Chair, vice-chair, and secretary-treasurer. The trustees of each board
shall elect from among the members of the respective board a chair, a
vice-chair, and a secretary-treasurer."
SECTION 12. Section 87A-8, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Compensation and expenses. Each trustee shall serve without compensation,
but the trustees may be reimbursed from the respective fund for any
reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out the purposes of the [fund.]
respective funds."
SECTION 13. Section 87A-9, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Legal adviser. The attorney general shall serve as legal adviser to [the]
each board and the administrator and shall provide legal
representation for each of the [Hawaii employer-union] bargaining
unit health benefits trust [fund.] funds and the Hawaii public
employee health benefits trust fund."
SECTION 14. Section 87A-10, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Meetings; notice. Meetings of each board may be scheduled, and
notice of meetings shall be provided as follows:
(1) The chairperson may call a meeting of the board at any time by giving at least six calendar days' written notice of the time and place of the meeting to all trustees; and
(2) A majority of the trustees may call a meeting of the board by giving at least ten calendar days' written notice of the time and place to all other trustees."
SECTION 15. Section 87A-12, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Records and minutes. [The] Each board shall keep records and
minutes of all meetings of the board."
SECTION 16. Chapter 87A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the title of part III to read as to read as follows:
SECTION 17. Section 87A-15, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Administration of the [fund.] funds. The [board]
boards and administrator shall administer and carry out the purpose of
the [fund.] respective funds. Health and other benefit plans
shall be provided at a cost affordable to both the public employers and the
public employees."
SECTION 18. Section 87A-16, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Health benefits plan; carriers. (a) [The] Each board and
the administrator shall establish the health benefits plan or plans[,]
for its respective fund, which shall be exempt from the minimum group
requirements of chapter 431.
(b) [The] Each board and the administrator
may contract for health benefits plans or provide health benefits through a
noninsured schedule of benefits."
SECTION 19. Section 87A-17, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Group life insurance benefits or group life insurance program. [The]
Each board and the administrator may provide benefits under a
group life insurance benefits program or group life insurance program to fund's
respective employees."
SECTION 20. Section 87A-18, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§87A-18 Long-term care benefits plan;
carrier or third-party administrator. (a) [The] Each board and
the administrator may establish a long-term care benefits plan or plans for
the respective fund's employee-beneficiaries; the spouses, parents, grandparents,
in-law parents, and in-law grandparents of the respective fund's
employee-beneficiaries; and qualified-beneficiaries. The plan or plans shall
be at no cost to employers and shall comply with article 10H of chapter 431.
(b) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, long-term care benefits shall be available only to:
(1) Employee-beneficiaries and their spouses, parents, and grandparents;
(2) Employee-beneficiary in-law parents and grandparents; and
(3) Qualified-beneficiaries who enroll between the ages of twenty and eighty-five,
who comply with the respective plan's age, enrollment, medical underwriting, and contribution requirements.
(c) [The] Each board and the administrator
may contract with a carrier to provide fully insured benefits or with a
third-party administrator to administer self-insured benefits."
SECTION 21. Section 87A-22, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Benefits plan information and enrollment. (a) [The] Each board
and the administrator shall make information summarizing approved
benefits plans available to each employee-beneficiary[.] covered by
the respective benefits plan. The information shall, to the extent
reasonably possible, be distributed to each employee-beneficiary covered by
a benefits plan at the same time and in the same manner.
(b) [The] Each board and the
administrator shall establish conditions and procedures for benefits plan
SECTION 22. Section 87A-23, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§87A-23 Health benefits plan
supplemental to medicare. [The] Each board and the administrator
shall establish a health benefits plan, which takes into account benefits
available to an employee-beneficiary and spouse under medicare, subject to the
following conditions:
(1) There shall be no duplication of benefits payable under medicare. The plan under this section, which shall be secondary to medicare, when combined with medicare and any other plan to which the health benefits plan is subordinate under the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' coordination of benefit rules, shall provide benefits that approximate those provided to a similarly situated beneficiary not eligible for medicare;
(2) The State, through the department of budget and finance, and the counties, through their respective departments of finance, shall pay to the fund a contribution equal to an amount not less than the medicare part B premium, for each of the following who are enrolled in the medicare part B medical insurance plan: (A) an employee-beneficiary who is a retired employee, (B) an employee-beneficiary's spouse while the employee-beneficiary is living, and (C) an employee-beneficiary's spouse, after the death of the employee-beneficiary, if the spouse qualifies as an employee-beneficiary. For purposes of this section, a "retired employee" means retired members of the employees' retirement system; county pension system; or a police, firefighters, or bandsmen pension system of the State or a county as set forth in chapter 88. If the amount reimbursed by the fund under this section is less than the actual cost of the medicare part B medical insurance plan due to an increase in the medicare part B medical insurance plan rate, the fund shall reimburse each employee-beneficiary and employee-beneficiary's spouse for the cost increase within thirty days of the rate change. Each employee-beneficiary and employee-beneficiary's spouse who becomes entitled to reimbursement from the fund for medicare part B premiums after July 1, 2006, shall designate a financial institution account into which the fund shall be authorized to deposit reimbursements. This method of payment may be waived by the fund if another method is determined to be more appropriate;
(3) The benefits available under this plan, when combined with benefits available under medicare or any other coverage or plan to which this plan is subordinate under the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' coordination of benefit rules, shall approximate the benefits that would be provided to a similarly situated employee-beneficiary not eligible for medicare;
(4) All employee-beneficiaries or dependent-beneficiaries who are eligible to enroll in the medicare part B medical insurance plan shall enroll in that plan as a condition of receiving contributions and participating in benefits plans under this chapter. This paragraph shall apply to retired employees, their spouses, and the surviving spouses of deceased retirees and employees killed in the performance of duty; and
(5) The board or administrator shall determine which of the employee-beneficiaries and dependent-beneficiaries, who are not enrolled in the medicare part B medical insurance plan, may participate in the plans offered by the fund."
SECTION 23. Chapter 87A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the title of part IV to read as follows:
SECTION 24. Section 87A-30, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§87A-30 Hawaii [employer-union]
public employee health benefits trust fund; establishment. There is
established outside the state treasury, a trust fund to be known as the "Hawaii
[Employer-Union] Public Employees Health Benefits Trust Fund".
The fund shall consist of contributions, interest, income, dividends, refunds,
rate credits, and other returns. It is hereby declared that any and all sums
contributed or paid from any source to the fund created by this part, and all
assets of the fund including any and all interest and earnings on the same, are
and shall be held in trust by the [board] administrator for the
exclusive use and benefit of the employee-beneficiaries and
dependent-beneficiaries and shall not be subject to appropriation for any other
purpose whatsoever. The fund shall be under the control of the [board] administrator
and placed under the department of budget and finance for administrative
SECTION 25. Section 87A-31, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (e) to read as follows:
"(e) At the discretion of the [board,]
administrator, some or all of the fund may be used as a reserve against
or to pay the fund's future costs of providing health and other benefits plans
established under sections 87A-23 and 87A-37 and any other benefits plans the [board]
administrator establishes for retired employees and their
beneficiaries. The [board] administrator may create separate
funds within the fund for this purpose. Each separate fund shall be subject to
all of the provisions of this chapter."
SECTION 26. Section 87A-32, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
State and county contributions; active employees. (a) The State, through
the department of budget and finance, and the counties, through their
respective departments of finance, shall pay to the fund a monthly contribution
equal to the amount established under chapter 89C [or specified in the
applicable public sector collective bargaining agreements, whichever is appropriate,]
for each of their respective employee-beneficiaries and employee-beneficiaries
with dependent-beneficiaries, which shall be used toward the payment of costs
of a health benefits plan; provided that:
(1) The monthly contribution shall be a specified dollar amount;
(2) The monthly contribution shall not exceed the actual cost of a health benefits plan;
(3) If both husband and wife are employee-beneficiaries, the total contribution by the State or the county shall not exceed the monthly contribution for a family plan; and
(4) If the State or any of the counties establish cafeteria plans in accordance with Title 26, United States Code section 125, the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and part II of chapter 78, the monthly contribution for those employee-beneficiaries who participate in a cafeteria plan shall be made through the cafeteria plan, and the payments made by the State or counties shall include their respective contributions to the fund and their employee-beneficiary's share of the cost of the employee-beneficiary's health benefits plan.
(b) The State, through the department of
budget and finance, and the counties, through their respective departments of
finance, shall pay to the fund a monthly contribution equal to the amount established
under chapter 89C [or specified in the applicable public sector collective
bargaining agreement, whichever is applicable,] for each of their
respective employees, to be used toward the payment of group life insurance
benefits for each employee."
SECTION 27. Section 87A-33, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (e) to read as follows:
"(e) If the [board] administrator
adopts a rate structure that provides for other than self and family rates for the
health benefit plans, the base monthly contribution for the rate structure adopted
by the [board] administrator shall be adjusted to provide the equivalent
underwriting cost as the base monthly contribution that is provided for in this
SECTION 28. Section 87A-33.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
State and county contribution; reimbursement for retired employees. Effective
July 1, 2007, an employee-beneficiary who retires and relocates outside of the
State shall be reimbursed for the premiums paid by the employee-beneficiary for
a personal health insurance policy; provided that the [board] administrator
shall determine which employee-beneficiaries and what types of personal health
insurance policies shall be eligible for reimbursement and may set other
conditions that shall be met for the employee-beneficiary to receive the
reimbursements provided under this section.
The reimbursement shall be the lesser of:
(1) The actual cost of the personal health insurance policy; or
(2) The amount of the state or county contribution for the most comparable health benefits plan.
Reimbursements shall be paid by the fund on a quarterly basis upon the presentation of documentation that the premiums for the personal health insurance policy have been paid by the employee-beneficiary. This section shall apply to all employee-beneficiaries who retire and relocate outside of the State, regardless of their date of retirement."
SECTION 29. Section 89-9, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (e) to read as follows:
"(e) Negotiations relating to
contributions to the Hawaii employer-union health benefits trust fund or a
voluntary employees' beneficiary association trust shall be for the purpose of
agreeing upon the amounts that the State and counties shall contribute under
sections 87A-32 through 87A-37, toward the payment of the costs for a health
benefits plan, as defined in section 87A-1 and group life insurance benefits,
and the parties shall not be bound by the amounts contributed under prior
agreements[; provided that section 89-11 for the resolution of disputes by
way of arbitration shall not be available to resolve impasses or disputes
relating to the amounts the State and counties shall contribute to the Hawaii
employer-union health benefits trust fund or a voluntary employees' beneficiary
association trust established under chapter 87D]."
SECTION 30. Section 89-11, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By amending subsection (a) to read:
"(a) A public employer and an exclusive
representative may enter, at any time, into a written agreement setting forth
an alternate impasse procedure culminating in an arbitration decision pursuant
to subsection (f), to be invoked in the event of an impasse over the terms of
an initial or renewed agreement[.]; provided that no alternate
impasse procedure may be invoked to resolve impasses or disputes relating to
the amounts the State and counties shall contribute to the bargaining unit
health benefits trust funds or a voluntary employees' beneficiary association
trust established under chapter 87D. The alternate impasse procedure shall
specify whether the parties desire an arbitrator or arbitration panel, how the
neutral arbitrator is to be selected or the name of the person whom the parties
desire to be appointed as the neutral arbitrator, and other details regarding
the issuance of an arbitration decision. When an impasse exists, the parties
shall notify the board if they have agreed on an alternate impasse procedure.
The board shall permit the parties to proceed with their procedure and assist
at times and to the extent requested by the parties in their procedure. In the
absence of an alternate impasse procedure[,] or in the event of an
impasse relating to the amounts the State and counties shall contribute to the bargaining
unit health benefit trust funds or a voluntary employees' beneficiary
association trust established under chapter 87D, the board shall assist in
the resolution of the impasse at times and in the manner prescribed in
subsection (d) or (e), as the case may be. If the parties subsequently agree
on an alternate impasse procedure, the parties shall notify the board. The
board shall immediately discontinue the procedures initiated pursuant to subsection
(d) or (e) and permit the parties to proceed with their procedure."
2. By amending subsection (c) to read:
"(c) An impasse over the terms of an initial or renewed agreement and the date of impasse shall be as follows:
(1) More than ninety days after written notice by either party to initiate negotiations, either party may give written notice to the board that an impasse exists. The date on which the board receives notice shall be the date of impasse; and
(2) If neither party gives written notice of an
impasse and there are unresolved issues on [January 31] September 30
of [a] the second year [in which the agreement is due to
expire,] of a fiscal biennium, the board shall declare on [January
31] September 30 that an impasse exists and [February 1] October
1 shall be the date of impasse."
3. By amending subsection (e) to read:
"(e) If an impasse exists between a public employer and the exclusive representative of bargaining unit (2), supervisory employees in blue collar positions; bargaining unit (3), nonsupervisory employees in white collar positions; bargaining unit (4), supervisory employees in white collar positions; bargaining unit (6), educational officers and other personnel of the department of education under the same salary schedule; bargaining unit (8), personnel of the University of Hawaii and the community college system, other than faculty; bargaining unit (9), registered professional nurses; bargaining unit (10), institutional, health, and correctional workers; bargaining unit (11), firefighters; bargaining unit (12), police officers; or bargaining unit (13), professional and scientific employees, the board shall assist in the resolution of the impasse as follows:
(1) Mediation. During the first twenty days after the date of impasse, the board shall immediately appoint a mediator, representative of the public from a list of qualified persons maintained by the board, to assist the parties in a voluntary resolution of the impasse.
(2) Arbitration. If the impasse continues twenty days after the date of impasse, the board shall immediately notify the employer and the exclusive representative that the impasse shall be submitted to a three-member arbitration panel who shall follow the arbitration procedure provided herein.
(A) Arbitration panel. Two members of the arbitration panel shall be selected by the parties; one shall be selected by the employer and one shall be selected by the exclusive representative. The neutral third member of the arbitration panel, who shall chair the arbitration panel, shall be selected by mutual agreement of the parties. In the event that the parties fail to select the neutral third member of the arbitration panel within thirty days from the date of impasse, the board shall request the American Arbitration Association, or its successor in function, to furnish a list of five qualified arbitrators from which the neutral arbitrator shall be selected. Within five days after receipt of such list, the parties shall alternately strike names from the list until a single name is left, who shall be immediately appointed by the board as the neutral arbitrator and chairperson of the arbitration panel.
(B) Final positions. Upon the selection and appointment of the arbitration panel, each party shall submit to the panel, in writing, with copy to the other party, a final position which shall include all provisions in any existing collective bargaining agreement not being modified, all provisions already agreed to in negotiations, and all further provisions which each party is proposing for inclusion in the final agreement.
(C) Arbitration hearing. Within [one
hundred twenty] sixty days of its appointment, the arbitration panel
shall commence a hearing at which time the parties may submit either in writing
or through oral testimony, all information or data supporting their respective
final positions. The arbitrator, or the chairperson of the arbitration panel
together with the other two members, are encouraged to assist the parties in a
voluntary resolution of the impasse through mediation, to the extent
practicable throughout the entire arbitration period until the date the panel
is required to issue its arbitration decision.
(D) Arbitration decision. Within thirty days after the conclusion of the hearing, a majority of the arbitration panel shall reach a decision pursuant to subsection (f) on all provisions that each party proposed in its respective final position for inclusion in the final agreement and transmit a preliminary draft of its decision to the parties. The parties shall review the preliminary draft for completeness, technical correctness, and clarity and may mutually submit to the panel any desired changes or adjustments that shall be incorporated in the final draft of its decision. Within fifteen days after the transmittal of the preliminary draft, a majority of the arbitration panel shall issue the arbitration decision."
4. By amending subsections (g) and (h) to read:
"(g) The decision of the arbitration panel shall be
final and binding upon the parties on all provisions submitted to the
arbitration panel. If the parties have reached agreement with respect to the
amounts of contributions by the State and counties to the [Hawaii
employer-union] bargaining unit health benefits trust [fund] funds
or voluntary employees' beneficiary association trust by the tenth working
day after the arbitration panel issues its decision, the final and binding
agreement of the parties on all provisions shall consist of the panel's
decision and the amounts of contributions agreed to by the parties. If the
parties have not reached agreement with respect to the amounts of contributions
by the State and counties to the [Hawaii employer-union] bargaining
unit health benefits trust [fund] funds or voluntary employees'
beneficiary association trust by the close of business on the tenth
working day after the arbitration panel issues its decision, the parties shall
have five days to submit their respective recommendations for such
contributions to the legislature, if it is in session, and if the legislature
is not in session, the parties shall submit their respective recommendations
for such contributions to the legislature during the next session of the
legislature. In such event, the final and binding agreement of the parties on
all provisions shall consist of the panel's decision and the amounts of
contributions established by the legislature by enactment, after the
legislature has considered the recommendations for such contributions by the
parties. It is strictly understood that no member of a bargaining unit subject
to this subsection shall be allowed to participate in a strike on the issue of
the amounts of contributions by the State and counties to the [Hawaii
employer-union] bargaining unit health benefits trust [fund.]
funds or voluntary employees' beneficiary association trust. The
parties shall take whatever action is necessary to carry out and effectuate the
final and binding agreement. The parties may, at any time and by mutual
agreement, amend or modify the panel's decision.
Agreements reached pursuant to the decision of an
arbitration panel and the amounts of contributions by the State and counties to
the [Hawaii employer-union] bargaining unit health benefits trust
[fund,] funds or voluntary employees' beneficiary association trust,
as provided herein, shall not be subject to ratification by the employees
concerned. All items requiring any moneys for implementation shall be subject
to appropriations by the appropriate legislative bodies and the employer shall
submit all such items within ten days after the date on which the agreement is
entered into as provided herein, to the appropriate legislative bodies.
(h) Any time frame provided in an impasse
procedure, whether an alternate procedure or the procedures in this section,
may be modified by mutual agreement of the parties[.]; provided that
time frames may not be altered in impasse proceedings relating to the amounts the
State and counties shall contribute to the bargaining unit health benefits
trust funds or voluntary employees' beneficiary association trust established
under chapter 87D. In the absence of a mutual agreement to modify time
frames, any delay, failure, or refusal by either party to participate in the
impasse procedure shall not be permitted to halt or otherwise delay the
process, unless the board so orders due to an unforeseeable emergency. The
process shall commence or continue as though all parties were participating."
SECTION 31. Act 245, Session Laws of Hawaii 2005, as amended by Act 294, Session Laws of Hawaii 2007, section 2, as amended by Act 16, Session Laws of Hawaii 2008, section 18, is amended by amending section 8 to read as follows:
"SECTION 8. This Act shall take effect
upon its approval[, for the purpose of establishing a voluntary employees'
beneficiary association trust pilot program in March, 2006, and shall be
repealed on July 1, 2009; provided that sections 89-2, 89-3, 89-6, and 89-9,
Hawaii Revised Statutes, are reenacted in the form in which they read on the
day before the effective date of this Act; and provided further that the
amendments made to section 89-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, by Act 202, Session
Laws of Hawaii 2005, shall not be repealed when that section is reenacted on
July 1, 2009]."
SECTION 32. Act 245, Session Laws of Hawaii 2005, as amended by Act 294, Session Laws of Hawaii 2007, section 2, as amended by Act 5, Special Session Laws of Hawaii 2008, section 1, is amended by amending section 8 to read as follows:
"SECTION 8. This Act shall take effect upon its
approval[, for the purpose of establishing a voluntary employees'
beneficiary association trust pilot program in March, 2006 and shall be
repealed on July 1, 2010; provided that sections 89-2, 89-3, 89-6, and 89-9,
Hawaii Revised Statutes, are reenacted in the form in which they read on the
day before the effective date of this Act]."
SECTION 33. Section 87A-19, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§87A-19] Plans for part-time,
temporary, and seasonal or casual employees. (a) The board may
offer medical, hospital, or surgical benefits plans to part-time, temporary,
and seasonal or casual employees at no cost to the employers. The board may
determine eligibility for part-time, temporary, and seasonal or casual
employees by rules exempt from chapter 91 as provided in section 87A-26.
(b) The board shall establish the medical,
hospital, or surgical benefits plan or plans, which shall be exempt from the
minimum group requirements of article 10A of chapter 431. The medical,
hospital, or surgical benefits plan or plans shall provide, pay for, arrange
for, or reimburse the cost of medical, hospital, or surgical services, and may
include prescribed hospital in-patient and out-patient service and medical
(c) The board administrator may contract
for the medical, hospital, or surgical benefits plan or plans. Each part-time,
temporary, and seasonal or casual employee enrolled for medical, hospital, or
surgical benefits shall pay monthly contributions directly to the board's
designated carriers. The monthly contributions may include the carrier's
administrative costs."]
SECTION 34. Section 87A-21, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§87A-21] Eligibility. (a)
The board shall establish eligibility criteria to determine who can qualify as
an employee-beneficiary, dependent-beneficiary, or qualified-beneficiary,
consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
(b) A retired member of the employees'
retirement system; a county pension system; or a police, firefighters, and
bandsmen pension system of the State or county, shall be eligible to qualify as
an employee-beneficiary:
(1) Regardless of whether the retired
member was actively employed by the State or county at the time of the retired
employee's retirement; and
(2) Without regard to the date of the
retired member's retirement.
(c) A dependent of a retired member shall
be eligible to qualify as an employee-beneficiary or dependent-beneficiary:
(1) Regardless of whether the retired
member was actively employed by the State or county at the time of the retired
employee's retirement; and
(2) Without regard to the date of the
retired member's retirement."]
SECTION 35. Section 87A-24, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§87A-24 Other powers. In
addition to the power to administer the fund, the board may:
(1) Collect, receive, deposit, and withdraw
money on behalf of the fund;
(2) Invest moneys in the same manner
specified in section 88-119(1)(A), (1)(B), (1)(C), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and
(3) Hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer,
or dispose of any securities or other investments of the fund, as well as the
proceeds of those investments and any money belonging to the fund;
(4) Appoint, and at pleasure dismiss, an
administrator and other fund staff. The administrator and staff shall be
exempt from chapter 76 and shall serve under and at the pleasure of the board;
(5) Make payments of periodic charges and
pay for reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out the purposes of the fund;
(6) Contract for the performance of
financial audits of the fund and claims audits of its insurance carriers;
(7) Retain auditors, actuaries, investment
firms and managers, benefit plan consultants, or other professional advisors to
carry out the purposes of this chapter;
(8) Establish health benefits plan and
long-term care benefits plan rates that include administrative and other
expenses necessary to effectuate the purposes of the fund; and
(9) Require any department, agency, or
employee of the State or counties to furnish information to the board to carry
out the purposes of this chapter."]
SECTION 36. Section 87A-25, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§87A-25] Other
duties. The board shall:
(1) Authorize charges and payments from the
fund only upon vouchers countersigned by the chairperson and any other person
designated by the board;
(2) Maintain accurate records and accounts
of all financial transactions of the fund that shall be audited annually and
summarized in an annual report to the governor and legislature;
(3) Maintain suitable and adequate records
and provide information requested by State and county employers as necessary to
carry out the purpose of the fund;
(4) Procure fiduciary liability insurance
and error and omissions coverage for all trustees; and
(5) Procure a fidelity bond of a reasonable
amount for the chairperson and any other person authorized to handle fund
SECTION 37. Section 87A-26, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§87A-26] Rules; policies,
standards, and procedures. (a) The board may adopt rules for the
purposes of this chapter. Rules shall be adopted without regard to in
accordance with chapter 91. Rule-making procedures shall be adopted by the
board and shall minimally provide for:
(1) Consultation with employers and
affected employee organizations with regard to proposed rules;
(2) Adoption of rules at open meetings that
permit the attendance of any interested persons;
(3) Approval of rules by the governor; and
(4) Filing of rules with the lieutenant
(b) The board may also issue policies,
standards, and procedures consistent with its rules.
(c) The board may adopt rules, without
regard to chapter 91, governing dispute resolution procedures in the event of
impasse in decision-making; provided that the rules shall be adopted with the
concurrence of six trustees."]
SECTION 38. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 39. In codifying the new sections added by section 1 of this Act, the revisor of statutes shall substitute appropriate section numbers for the letters used in designating the new sections in this Act.
SECTION 40. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2012; provided that sections 29, 30, 31, and 32 shall take effect upon approval.
Report Title:
Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund; Trustee
Establishes bargaining unit health benefits trust funds. Changes the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund to provide health and other benefits to exempt employees and retirees and changes the name of the fund to the Hawaii Public Employee Health Benefits Trust Fund. Amends the impasse procedures for certain bargaining units by shortening the time frames for arbitration.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.