S.B. NO.



S.D. 1
















     SECTION 1.  Section 304A-104.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:

      1.  By amending subsection (d) to read:

     "(d)  In making its presentations, the regents candidate advisory council shall:

     (1)  Develop a statement that includes the selection criteria to be applied and a description of the responsibilities and duties of a member of the board of regents and distribute this statement to potential candidates;

     (2)  Screen and qualify candidates for each position on the board of regents based on their background, experience, and potential for discharging the responsibilities of a member of the board of regents;

     (3)  Publicly advertise pending vacancies and actively solicit and accept applications from potential candidates;

     (4)  Develop and implement a fair, independent, and nonpartisan procedure for selecting candidates to serve on the board of regents; [and]

     (5)  Ensure student involvement in the recruitment and evaluation of candidates for the student member of the board of regents by establishing a student advisory group, consisting of the senior student affairs officer of the University of Hawaii system, student representatives from the University of Hawaii student caucus, and student life advisors from the various campuses, who will work with and assist the regents candidate advisory council with recruitment and will make recommendations to the regents candidate advisory council on the qualifications of the candidates applying for the student member position; and

    [(5)] (6)  Require each candidate to disclose any existing or anticipated contracts with the University of Hawaii or any existing or anticipated financial transactions with the University of Hawaii.

Upon submission of the names of candidates to the governor, the regents candidate advisory council shall make available the names of candidates to the public through the University of Hawaii."

      2.  By amending subsection (f) to read:

     "(f)  The regents candidate advisory council shall consist of seven members to be appointed without regard to section 26-34 as follows:

     (1)  One member shall be appointed by the president of the senate;

     (2)  One member shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives;

     (3)  One member shall be appointed by the governor;

     (4)  One member shall be appointed by one of the co-chairs of the All Campus Council of Faculty Senate Chairs of the University of Hawaii; provided that beginning on July 1, 2010, no person may be appointed as a member of the regents candidate advisory council under this paragraph, if within the five years immediately preceding that appointment, the person served on the All Campus Council of Faculty Senate Chairs of the University of Hawaii;

     (5)  One member shall be appointed by the chairperson of the Executive Council of the University of Hawaii Student Caucus; provided that beginning on July 1, 2010, no person may be appointed as a member of the regents candidate advisory council under this paragraph, if within one year immediately preceding that appointment, the person served on the Executive Council of the University of Hawaii Student Caucus;

     (6)  One member shall be appointed by the chairperson of the Association of Emeritus Regents; and

     (7)  One member shall be appointed by the president of the University of Hawaii Alumni Association;

provided that members appointed under paragraphs (4) to (7) shall be selected from the general public and may include members of the constituencies represented; provided further that each appointee satisfies the requirements for appointment provided in this subsection[, except that individuals who are or have served as members of the executive councils or boards for the organizations under paragraphs (4) or (5) within the last five years immediately preceding the establishment of or a vacancy on the regents candidate advisory council for which the persons may be qualified to fill shall not be eligible to serve as members of the regents candidate advisory council].

     The regents candidate advisory council shall be selected in a wholly nonpartisan manner.  If any member has not been appointed within one hundred eighty days of May 1, 2007, the sitting members on the regents candidate advisory council shall make an interim appointment to fill the vacant seat.  The interim appointee shall satisfy the requirements for appointment provided in this subsection and shall serve until the time when the appropriate appointing authority makes an appointment for the vacant seat as provided in this subsection.  Appointees to the regents candidate advisory council shall have a general understanding of the purposes of higher education, the mission of the University of Hawaii system, and the responsibilities of the board of regents.  Appointees shall be individuals who are widely viewed as having placed the broad public interest ahead of special interests, having achieved a high level of prominence in their respective professions, and being respected members of the community."

     SECTION 2.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 3.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.




Report Title:

University of Hawaii; Regents Candidate Advisory Council



Establishes a student advisory group to assist the regents candidate advisory council (RCAC) with recruitment and make recommendations on the qualifications of the candidates for the student member position.  Shortens the time during which an individual is ineligible for appointment to the RCAC due to past service on the executive council of the University of Hawaii student caucus.  (SD1)




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