S.B. NO. |
2762 |
SECTION 1. Section 40-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:
"(b) With respect to the executive
branch, except the University of Hawaii [until June 30, 2011,] and
the Hawaii tourism authority, and the department of education until June 30,
2011, the comptroller shall have complete supervision of all accounts. The
comptroller shall preaudit all proposed payments of $10,000 or more to
determine the propriety of expenditures and compliance with executive orders
and rules that may be in effect. When necessary, the comptroller shall
withhold approval of any payment. Whenever approval is withheld, the
department or agency concerned shall be promptly notified. With respect to the
University of Hawaii, the Hawaii tourism authority, and the department of
education, the comptroller shall issue warrants for the release of funds for
the operating costs of the university, the Hawaii tourism authority, or the
department of education, as applicable, in amounts and at times mutually agreed
upon by the governor or director of finance and the university, the Hawaii
tourism authority, or department of education, as applicable; provided[:]
(1) The amounts released shall not exceed the allotment ceilings for the respective funding sources of the university's or the department of education's appropriations established by the governor for an allotment period pursuant to section 37-34, or in the case of the Hawaii tourism authority, revenues received by the convention center enterprise special fund and the tourism special fund pursuant to section 237D-6.5; and
(2) The comptroller may issue warrants as an advance from the state treasury to the University of Hawaii, the Hawaii tourism authority, and the department of education to establish a checking account and provide working capital in amounts and at times mutually agreed upon by the governor or director of finance and the University of Hawaii, the Hawaii tourism authority, and the department of education.
The University of Hawaii shall preaudit all proposed payments of $10,000 or more and the Hawaii tourism authority and the department of education shall preaudit all proposed payments to determine the propriety of expenditures and compliance with applicable laws, executive orders, and rules as may be in effect. The University of Hawaii, the Hawaii tourism authority, and the department of education shall make disbursements for operating expenses from the amounts released by the comptroller and maintain records and documents necessary to support those disbursements at times mutually agreed upon by the university president, the executive director of the Hawaii tourism authority, or the superintendent of education, as applicable, and the comptroller; provided that when requested by the university, the Hawaii tourism authority, or department of education, the comptroller shall make all disbursements for the university, the Hawaii tourism authority, or department of education, as applicable, subject to available allotment. Funds released pursuant to this section shall be deposited by the university, the Hawaii tourism authority, or department of education, as applicable, in accordance with the provisions applicable to the director of finance by chapter 38. Except for moneys deposited by the Hawaii tourism authority in the convention center enterprise special fund pursuant to section 201B-8, and in the tourism special fund pursuant to section 201B-11, any interest earned on the deposit of funds released pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the state treasury at the end of each fiscal year."
SECTION 2. Section 40-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§40-2 Accounting systems and internal
control; enforcing the use of and inspection of the same. The accounting
system installed by the commission on public accountancy under Act 181, Session
Laws of Hawaii 1923, as amended by Act 220, Session Laws of Hawaii 1925, for
use in the offices of the comptroller, director of finance, departmental and
agency services of the State, and the auditors, treasurers, departmental and
agency services of the several counties shall be the accounting and reporting
systems of the State and counties; provided that the University of Hawaii[,
until June 30, 2011,] may install a different accounting system which shall
be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles as applied to
colleges and universities; and provided further that the department of education,
until June 30, 2011, may install a different accounting system which shall be
in conformity to generally accepted accounting principles. The comptroller
shall make such changes and modifications in the accounting system as shall
from time to time appear to be in the best interest of the State and counties.
The departments and agencies of the executive branch are respectively charged with the responsibility to maintain an adequate system of internal control and with the further responsibility to see that the internal control system continues to function effectively as designed. The comptroller shall make such investigations and audits from time to time to enforce the use of the accounting system and internal control systems in the executive branch.
The judiciary, the legislature, and each county shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of its respective internal control system."
SECTION 3. Section 40-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§40-4 Publication of statements.
The comptroller shall prepare and submit to the governor, immediately following
the close of each fiscal year, a statement of income and expenditure by funds,
showing the principal sources of revenue, the function or purpose for which
expenditures were made, together with a consolidated statement showing similar
information for all funds; also a statement showing the balance in each fund at
the beginning of the fiscal year, plus the receipts, minus the disbursements,
and the balance on hand at the close of the fiscal year after deducting
outstanding warrants and vouchers. The comptroller may request all agencies,
the judiciary, the University of Hawaii [until June 30, 2011], the Hawaii tourism authority, the department of education until June 30, 2011, and the
legislature to provide such information as may be required for the preparation
of statements."
SECTION 4. Section 40-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§40-6 Approval of business and
accounting forms. The comptroller shall determine the forms required to
adequately supply accounting and statistical data for the state government. The
comptroller shall require heads of departments and establishments of the state
government to submit proposed new forms or proposed changes in current business
and accounting forms for review and approval before ordering the same printed;
except that the University of Hawaii [until June 30, 2011,] and
the Hawaii tourism authority, and the department of education until June 30,
2011, shall be subject to this requirement only with respect to uniform
business and accounting forms of statewide use in the State's accounting
system. All standard state forms shall be classified, numbered, and
standardized in design, dimensions, color, and grade of paper and recorded in a
catalogue of accounting and statistical forms by the comptroller."
SECTION 5. Section 40-58, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§40-58 In favor of assignees. No
assignment of moneys by a person to whom the State is directly indebted shall
be effective unless the assignment is first approved by the comptroller or, in
the case of [the University of Hawaii and] the department of education[,]
until June 30, 2011, and the University of Hawaii by their respective
chief financial officers. The comptroller or the chief financial officers of
the University of Hawaii and the department of education may prescribe the form
for an assignment, and may approve the assignment within a reasonable time
period if, in their respective discretion, the rights or obligations of the
State, the University of Hawaii, or the department of education under any
contract or other undertaking or under any law, rule, or order by a competent
authority will not be prejudiced thereby. Upon approval of the assignment, the
comptroller or the respective chief financial officers of the University of Hawaii and the department of education shall draw a warrant payable to the
assignee. Except as to contracts encumbered by the comptroller, the University
of Hawaii, or the department of education, each expending agency, upon
notification of the comptroller's approval of an assignment, shall prepare a
claim for payment in accordance with the terms of the assignment."
SECTION 6. Section 40-81, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§40-81 Report by agencies receiving
special moneys. All state officers, departments, boards, bureaus,
commissions, or agencies collecting or receiving any moneys not required by law
to be deposited in the state treasury shall report to the comptroller all
receipts and disbursements on account thereof for each quarterly period of the
calendar year not later than the fifteenth day following the end of each
quarterly period on such forms and under such rules as may be prescribed by the
comptroller; provided that [until June 30, 2011,] with respect to all
moneys held outside the state treasury by the University of Hawaii or, until
June 30, 2011, by the department of education pursuant to the authority
granted to the university and the department of education by this chapter, the
University of Hawaii and the department of education shall report to the
comptroller all transactions for each quarterly period not later than the
fifteenth day following the end of each quarterly period on such forms and
under such rules as may be prescribed by the comptroller."
SECTION 7. Act 58, Session Laws of Hawaii 2004, as amended by section 50 of Act 22, Session Laws of Hawaii 2005, as amended by section 1 of Act 306, Session Laws of Hawaii 2006, and as amended by section 12 of Act 5, Special Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, is amended by amending section 14 to read as follows:
"SECTION 14. This Act shall take effect upon its approval; provided that:
(1) The amendments made to sections 40-1, 40-4, and 40‑6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, by part I of this Act shall not be repealed when those sections are reenacted on June 30, 2006, by section 1 of Act 137, Session Laws of Hawaii 2005;
(2) Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Part I shall be repealed on June 30, 2010, and:
(A) Sections 201B-2 and 201B-11, Hawaii Revised Statutes, shall be reenacted in the form in which they read on May 5, 2004; except that the amendments made by Act 5, Special Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, to section 201B-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and subsection (c) of section 201B-11, Hawaii Revised Statutes, shall not be repealed; and
(B) Sections 40-1, 40-4, and 40‑6,
Hawaii Revised Statutes, shall be reenacted in the form in which they read on [June
30, 1986;] May 5, 2004, except that the amendments made by sections 1,
3, and 4 of Act 161, Session Laws of Hawaii 2006, section 1 of Act 37, Session
Laws of Hawaii 2008, and sections 1, 3, and 4 of Act , Session Laws of Hawaii
2010, shall not be repealed; and
(3) Section 9 shall take effect on July 1, 2004."
SECTION 8. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 9. This Act shall take effect on June 29, 2010.
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By Request |
Report Title:
University of Hawaii; Autonomy
Repeals the sunset provisions, with respect to the University of Hawaii, from sections 40-1, 40-2, 40-4, 40-6, 40-58, and 40-81, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and amend section 14 of Act 58, Session Laws of Hawaii 2006, as amended, from repealing the provisions pertaining to the University of Hawaii in sections 40-1, 40-4, and 40-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.