S.B. NO. |
2603 |
relating to the secure and fair enforcement for mortgage licensing act.
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the purpose of this Act is to allow the State to continue to work towards meeting its obligations under the federal Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 (S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act). The S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act requires states to have a clear system of regulation that complies with the federal law in place to regulate the residential mortgage industry or face federal takeover of the intrastate residential real estate industry. The legislature finds that it is in the best interest of the State that licensing and regulation of the domestic mortgage industry remain with the State and out of the hands of the federal government. The legislature began the process of compliance with the federal law by creating chapter 454F, Hawaii Revised Statutes, through the passage of Act 32 in the First Special Session of 2009. The legislature finds that Act 32 was a necessary step in meeting the mandates of the S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act, but that the current measure is also necessary to refine the regulatory system created by Act 32.
The legislature further finds that the fees and appropriations from the compliance resolution fund contained in this Act are adequate to fully fund the regulatory system contained in chapter 454F, Hawaii Revised Statutes. The legislature also finds that the mortgage recovery fund will protect the State's consumers by making it easier to recover losses caused by individuals or companies that violate the law governing fair mortgage lending practices.
Finally, the legislature finds that this Act and Act 32 contain appropriate provisions to effectuate a smooth transfer of the regulatory regime governing mortgage professionals from the system created by chapter 454, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to the new system created by chapter 454F, Hawaii Revised Statutes. The legislature particularly notes that this Act both authorizes the commissioner of financial institutions to hire temporary employees to overcome the initial administrative hurdle of processing a large number of licensing applications and statutorily creates permanent positions in the division of financial institutions of the department of commerce and consumer affairs to carry out the continuing requirements of this Act.
SECTION 2. Chapter 412, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to part V of article 9 to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§412:9‑ Registration with Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System. In accordance with section 454F-A, all nondepository financial services companies shall register with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System in order to allow their employees who perform the functions of a mortgage loan originator as defined in section 454-1 to create a sponsorship relationship as required by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System."
SECTION 3. Chapter 454F, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding eleven new sections to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§454F-A Registration of nondepository financial services loan companies. For purposes of this chapter, nondepository financial services loan companies licensed pursuant to article 9, chapter 412 are not mortgage loan companies; provided that nondepository financial services loan companies shall adhere to any licensing requirements imposed by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System on individual employees who perform the function of a mortgage loan originator.
§454F-B Automatic secondary review of license application. The commissioner shall establish, by rule pursuant to chapter 91, a procedure for the secondary review of an application that was determined on initial review to not meet the criteria for licensure.
§454F-C Mortgage recovery fund. (a) There is created in the state treasury a special fund to be known as the mortgage recovery fund to be expended by the commissioner as specified in this section.
(b) Upon application for or renewal of a mortgage loan originator or mortgage loan originator company license under this chapter, an applicant shall pay, in addition to any other fees required under this chapter, a fee to the division of financial institutions for deposit in the mortgage recovery fund as follows:
(1) $250 for each principal office location of mortgage loan originator companies licensed or seeking licensure under this chapter;
(2) $150 for each branch office location of a mortgage loan originator company licensed or seeking licensure under this chapter; and
(3) $100 for each mortgage loan originator licensed or seeking licensure under this chapter.
The commissioner may adjust the fees payable pursuant to this subsection at the time of license renewal by rule or order as necessary to maintain a balance of $2,000,000 in the mortgage recovery fund.
(c) All interest that accrues in the mortgage recovery fund shall be added to the balance of the mortgage recovery fund.
(d) The mortgage recovery fund shall be used to reimburse persons to whom a Hawaii court awards actual damages resulting from acts constituting violations of this chapter by a mortgage loan originator company or mortgage loan originator licensed or required to be licensed under this chapter at the time that the act was committed.
(e) Punitive damages awarded by a court shall not be recoverable from the mortgage recovery fund.
(f) The following persons are ineligible to recover from the mortgage recovery fund:
(1) A lender found by a court to have acted, directly or through an agent, in violation of this chapter where the violation is a basis of the court's award of a monetary judgment to an injured party;
(2) A person who acquires a mortgage loan through acts that are found by a court to be in violation of this chapter where the violation is a basis for the court's award of a monetary judgment to an injured party; or
(3) The spouse, personal representative of the spouse, or personal representative of a judgment debtor described in paragraphs (1) or (2).
§454F-D Statute of limitations for claims on mortgage recovery fund. No action to recover from the mortgage recovery fund shall be instituted more than one year after termination of all court proceedings, including appeals, that result in a judgment recoverable from the mortgage recovery fund.
§454F-E Recovery limits of mortgage recovery fund. (a) A person entitled to receive payment from the mortgage recovery fund may receive reimbursement of actual damages, not including post judgment interest or attorney's fees and court costs awarded by the court, subject to the limitations in subsections (b) and (c) and subject to the availability of sufficient moneys in the mortgage recovery fund at the time payment is ordered.
(b) The commissioner shall make payments from the mortgage recovery fund only pursuant to a court order and in an amount equal to the lesser of the unsatisfied portion of the creditor's judgment or $50,000.
(c) Payments from the mortgage recovery fund shall be limited to an aggregate of $100,000 against any one person in a single action. If the total claims in a single action against a person exceed the aggregate limit of $100,000, the court shall prorate payment based on principles of equity.
§454F-F Effect on direct recovery. Recovery of damages from the mortgage recovery fund shall not impede the right of a person injured by a violation of this chapter to recover additional damages caused by a violation of this chapter, pursuant to a court order from a judgment debtor.
§454F-G Authorized place of business. Every mortgage loan originator company licensed pursuant to this chapter shall have and maintain a principal place of business in this State.
§454F-H Reinstatement of expired licenses. (a) A license issued pursuant to this chapter that expires due to failure to satisfy the minimum standards for renewal may be reinstated if the licensee meets the following requirements:
(1) The license shall be reinstated between January 1 and February 28 of the year immediately following the year in which the license expired;
(2) All continuing education courses required for license renewal for the year in which the license expired shall be completed between January 1 and February 28 of the year immediately following the year in which the license expired; provided that continuing education courses that satisfy the previous year's requirement shall not also be credited toward satisfying the current year's continuing education requirements; and
(3) The licensee shall pay all applicable licensing, reinstatement, and late fees assessed by the commissioner.
(b) A licensee who fails to meet the requirements for renewal of an expired license established by this section may apply for a new license and shall meet the requirements for new licenses in effect at the time of application.
§454F-I Presumption of control. An individual is presumed to control a mortgage loan originator company if that individual is a director, general partner, managing director, or executive officer of that mortgage loan originator company.
§454F-J Mortgage loan originator and mortgage loan originator company fees. (a) A mortgage loan originator shall pay the following fees to obtain and maintain a valid mortgage loan originator license:
(1) Initial application fee of $200;
(2) License fee of $200;
(3) Annual license renewal fee of $200; and
(4) Criminal background check fee of $35.
(b) A mortgage loan originator company shall pay the following fees to maintain a valid mortgage loan originator company license or branch license.
(1) Fees payable for a principal office of a mortgage loan originator company:
(A) Initial application fee of $300;
(B) License fee of $300;
(C) Annual license renewal fee of $300; and
(D) Criminal background check fee of $35 for each control person, executive officer, director, general partner, and manager.
(2) Fees payable for each branch office of a mortgage loan originator company:
(A) Initial application fee of $100;
(B) License fee of $100; and
(C) Annual license renewal fee of $100.
(c) The fees established by this section are non‑refundable and are in addition to any fees established and charged by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System, an approved educational course provider, an approved educational testing provider, a law enforcement agency for fingerprints and background checks, or by a credit reporting agency used by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System.
(d) The commissioner may establish, by rule pursuant to chapter 91, any other fees or charges necessary for the administration of this chapter.
§454F-K Division of financial institutions; staff. There are hereby created permanent staff positions, not subject to chapter 76, in the division of financial institutions of the department of commerce and consumer affairs to carry out the purposes of this chapter. All expenses associated with the hiring and employment of permanent staff pursuant to this section shall be paid out of the compliance resolution fund established pursuant to section 26-9(o)."
SECTION 4. Section 237-24.8, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:
"(b) As used in this section:
"Activities relating to the general servicing of fiduciary/custodial accounts" means those activities performed by trust companies which are directly or indirectly performed within the fiduciary/custodial relationship between the trust company or trust department of a financial institution and its client and which are not offered to any person outside of the fiduciary/custodial relationship.
"Annual percentage rate" and "finance charge" have the same meaning as defined in the federal Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. sections 1605(a) to (c) and 1606).
"Deposit" means:
(1) Money or its equivalent received or held by a financial institution in the usual course of business and for which it has given or is obligated to give credit to:
(A) A commercial (including public deposits), checking, savings, time, or thrift account;
(B) A check or draft drawn against a deposit account and certified by the financial institution;
(C) A letter of credit; or
(D) A traveler's check, on which the financial institution is primarily liable;
(2) Trust funds received or held by a financial institution, whether held in the trust department or held or deposited in any other department of the financial institution;
(3) Money received or held by a financial institution, or the credit given for money or its equivalent received or held by a financial institution in the usual course of business for a special or specific purpose, regardless of the legal relationship thereby established, including, without being limited to, escrow funds, funds held as security for an obligation due the financial institution or others (including funds held as dealers' reserves) or for securities loaned by the financial institution, funds deposited by a debtor to meet maturing obligations, funds deposited as advance payment on subscriptions to United States government securities, funds held for distribution or purchase of securities, funds held to meet the financial institution's acceptances or letters of credit, and withheld taxes;
(4) Outstanding drafts, cashier's checks, money orders, or other officer's checks issued in the usual course of business for any purpose; or
(5) Money or its equivalent held as a credit balance by a financial institution on behalf of its customer if the financial institution is engaged in soliciting and holding the balances in the regular course of its business.
"Financial institution" means banks,
building and loan associations, development companies, financial corporations,
financial services loan companies, small business investment companies,
financial holding companies, mortgage loan originator companies[,]
as defined in chapter 454F, and trust companies all as defined in
chapter 241.
"Leasing of personal property" occurs if:
(1) The lease is to serve as the functional equivalent of an extension of credit to the lessee of the property;
(2) The property to be leased is acquired specifically for the leasing transaction under consideration, or was acquired specifically for an earlier leasing transaction;
(3) The lease is on a nonoperating basis, i.e., the financial institution may not, directly or indirectly:
(A) Provide for the maintenance, repair, replacement, or servicing of the leased property during the lease term;
(B) Purchase parts and accessories in bulk or for an individual property after the lessee has taken delivery of the property; or
(C) Purchase insurance for the lessee;
(4) At the inception of the lease the effect of the transaction will yield a return that will compensate the lessor financial institution for not less than the lessor's full investment in the property plus the estimated total cost of financing the property over the term of the lease, from:
(A) Rentals;
(B) Estimated tax benefits (capital goods excise tax credit, net economic gain from tax deferral from accelerated depreciation, and other tax benefits with a substantially similar effect); and
(C) The estimated residual value of the property at the expiration of the initial term of the lease;
(5) The maximum lease term during which the lessor financial institution must recover the lessor's full investment in the property, plus the estimated total cost of financing the property, shall be forty years; and
(6) At the expiration of the lease (including any renewals or extensions with the same lessee), all interest in the property shall be either liquidated or leased again on a nonoperating basis as soon as practicable (in no event later than two years from the expiration of the lease), but in no case shall the lessor retain any interest in the property beyond fifty years after the lessor's acquisition of the property."
SECTION 5. Section 412:3-502, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§412:3-502 Foreign financial
institution. No foreign financial institution shall receive deposits, lend
money, or pay checks, negotiate orders of withdrawal or share drafts from any
principal office, branch, agency, automatic teller machine, or other location
in this State, unless expressly authorized by this chapter, other laws of this
State, or federal law; provided that nothing in this section shall prohibit any
foreign financial institution from participating in the disbursement of cash
through an automatic teller machine network or from operating from any location
in this State as a [mortgage broker licensed under chapter 454, loan
originator licensed] licensee under chapter 454F, or as a real
estate collection servicing agent."
SECTION 6. Section 454F-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By adding ten new definitions to be appropriately inserted and to read:
""Borrower" means a person who has applied for or obtained a residential mortgage loan from or through a licensed mortgage loan originator or mortgage loan originator company or from a person required to be licensed as a mortgage loan originator or mortgage loan originator company under this chapter.
"Branch office" means any location, separate from the principal place of business of the mortgage loan originator company that is identified by any means to the public or customers as a location at which the licensee holds itself out as a mortgage loan originator company.
"Control" means the power, either directly or indirectly, to direct management or policies of a company, whether through ownership of securities, by contract, or otherwise.
"Control person" means an individual who directly or indirectly exercises control over a licensee or applicant.
"Employee" means an individual who is:
(1) Hired to provide services for a licensee on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of the individual's independent business;
(2) Subject to tax withholding, the Federal Income Contributions Act, and other lawful deductions by the licensee as a condition of employment; and
(3) Subject to the right of the licensee to direct and control the actions of the individual.
"Exempt registered mortgage loan originator company" means any person who is required to be licensed by any other state or federal law, but is not required to be licensed under this chapter, and has the obligation to register with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System because one or more of the person's employees engage in the business of a mortgage loan originator.
"Independent contractor" means any person who has a contractual arrangement to perform mortgage loan originating, underwriting, or loan processing services to a licensee, but is not an employee of a licensee.
"License" means a license issued under this chapter.
"Licensee" means a mortgage loan originator, a mortgage loan originator company, or a person who is required to be licensed under this chapter. Licensee does not include an exempt registered mortgage loan originator or exempt registered mortgage loan originator company as defined by this section.
"Mortgage loan originator company" means:
(1) An individual not exempt under section 454F-2 who engages in the business of a mortgage loan originator as a sole proprietorship; or
(2) A person not exempt under section 454F-2 who employs or utilizes the exclusive services of one or more mortgage loan originators licensed or required to be licensed under this chapter."
2. By amending the definitions of "advertisement" or "advertising", "applicant", "insured depository institution", "loan processor or underwriter", "mortgage loan originator", "Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System", "registered mortgage loan originator", and "residential mortgage loan" to read:
""Advertisement" or "advertising" means:
(1) Issuing any card, sign, or device to any person;
(2) Causing, permitting, or allowing the placement of any sign or marking on or in any building, vehicle, or structure;
(3) Placing an advertisement in any newspaper, magazine, or on the Internet;
(4) Listing or advertising in any directory under a classification or heading that includes the words "mortgage loan originator", "mortgage loan originator company", or the like;
(5) Broadcasting commercials by airwave or internet transmission; or
(6) Transmitting any written communication, including:
(A) A letter or a postcard that encourages a
person to borrow from or through a mortgage loan originator[;] or a
mortgage loan originator company; or
(B) A written communication that encourages a person to refinance the person's existing residential mortgage loan and mentions that a new residential mortgage loan will reduce the monthly payment the borrower will pay on the new residential mortgage loan or reduce the interest rate on the borrower's existing residential mortgage loan.
"Applicant" means [an individual]
a person applying for the issuance of a license or a renewal of a
license under this chapter.
"Insured depository institution"
means the same as in 12 United States Code [Section] section 1813(c)(2);
provided that it also includes any credit union [whose deposits are insured
by the National Credit Union Association].
"Loan processor or underwriter" means
an individual who performs clerical or support duties as an employee at the
direction of and subject to the supervision and instruction of a [mortgage
loan originator or a] person [who is] licensed or exempt from
licensing [as a mortgage loan originator] under this chapter.
"Mortgage loan originator" means an individual who for compensation or gain or in the expectation of compensation or gain:
(1) Takes a residential mortgage loan application; or
(2) Offers or negotiates terms of a residential mortgage loan.
A mortgage loan originator includes an independent contractor as provided in section 454F-3.
"Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System"
means a mortgage licensing system developed and maintained by the Conference of
State Bank Supervisors and the American Association of Residential Mortgage
Regulators for the licensing and registration of [licensed] mortgage
loan originators[.], mortgage loan originator companies, and exempt
registered mortgage loan originators as defined by this chapter.
["Registered] "Exempt
registered mortgage loan originator" means any individual who:
(1) Meets the definition of mortgage loan originator and is an employee of:
(A) An insured depository institution;
(B) A subsidiary that is:
(i) Owned and controlled by an insured depository institution; and
(ii) Regulated by a federal banking agency; or
(C) An institution regulated by the Farm Credit Administration; and
(2) Is registered with, and maintains a unique
identifier through, the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System [and Registry.]
but is not required to be licensed under this chapter.
"Residential mortgage loan" means any
loan primarily for personal, family, or household use that is secured by a
mortgage, deed of trust, or other equivalent consensual security interest on a
dwelling as defined in [Section] section 103(v) of the Truth in
Lending Act, 15 United States Code [Section] section 1601 et seq.
or residential real estate."
SECTION 7. Section 454F-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§454F-2[]] Exemptions.
This chapter shall not apply to the following:
(1) [A] An exempt registered mortgage loan
originator, when acting for an insured depository institution, a subsidiary of
an insured depository institution regulated by a federal banking agency, or an
institution regulated by the Farm Credit Administration;
(2) Any individual who offers or negotiates terms of a residential mortgage loan with, or on behalf of, an immediate family member of the individual;
(3) Any individual who offers or negotiates terms of a residential mortgage loan secured by a dwelling that served as the individual's residence;
(4) A licensed attorney who negotiates the terms of a
residential mortgage loan on behalf of a client as an ancillary matter to the
attorney's representation of the client unless the attorney is compensated by a
lender, a mortgage [broker,] loan originator company, or other
mortgage loan originator or by an agent of a lender, mortgage [broker,] loan
originator company, or other mortgage loan originator;
[(5) An individual engaging solely in loan
processor or underwriter activities; provided that an individual, including an
independent contractor, who performs the services of a loan processor or
underwriter shall not represent to the public, through advertising or other
means of communicating or providing information, including the use of business
cards, stationery, brochures, signs, rate lists, or other promotional items,
that the individual can or will perform any of the activities of a mortgage
loan originator, and any loan processor or underwriter, including an
independent contractor, who advertises that the individual can or will perform
any of the activities of a mortgage loan originator or engages in the
activities of a mortgage loan originator shall not be exempt under this chapter
and shall obtain and maintain a license under this chapter and a valid unique
identifier issued by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System;
(6)] (5) A person or entity that only
performs real estate brokerage activities and is licensed or registered by the
State unless the person or entity is compensated by a lender, a mortgage [broker,]
loan originator company, or other mortgage loan originator or by an
agent of the lender, mortgage [broker,] loan originator company, or
other mortgage loan originator; [or]
[(7)] (6) A person or entity solely
involved in extensions of credit relating to timeshare plans, as the term is
defined in [Section] section 101(53D) of Title 11, United States
Code[.]; or
(7) An exempt registered mortgage loan originator company as defined by this chapter."
SECTION 8. Section 454F-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§454F-3[]] Requirement
of licensure. (a) Effective [August 1, 2010,] January 1,
2011, or such later date approved by the United States Department of Housing
and Urban Development pursuant to the authority granted under Public Law
110-289, Section 1508(e), [an individual,] a person, unless
specifically exempted from this chapter, shall not engage in the business of a
mortgage loan originator or mortgage loan originator company with
respect to any dwelling located in this State without first obtaining and
maintaining annually, a license under this chapter. Each licensed mortgage
loan originator or mortgage loan originator company shall register with
and maintain a valid unique identifier issued by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing
System, and shall submit to the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System any
reports that shall be in a form and contain information as the Nationwide Mortgage
Licensing System may require.
(b) A loan processor or underwriter who acts as an independent contractor shall not engage in the activities of a loan processor or underwriter unless that loan processor or underwriter obtains and maintains a license pursuant to section 454F‑4. Each loan processor or underwriter licensed as a mortgage loan originator shall obtain and maintain a valid unique identifier issued by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System."
SECTION 9. Section 454F-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§454F-4[]] License
and registration; application; issuance. (a) Applicants for a license
shall apply in a form as prescribed by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing
System or by the commissioner.
(b) To fulfill the purposes of this chapter, the commissioner shall establish relationships or contracts with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System or other entities designated by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System to collect and maintain records and process transaction fees or other fees related to licensees or other persons subject to this chapter.
(c) For the purpose and the extent necessary
to participate in the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System, the commissioner
may waive or modify, in whole or in part, by rule or order, any or all of the
requirements of this chapter and [to] establish new requirements as
reasonably necessary to participate in the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System.
[(d) In connection with an application for
licensing as a mortgage loan originator, the applicant, at a minimum, shall
furnish to the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System information concerning the
applicant's identity, including:
(1) Fingerprints for submission to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, and any governmental agency or entity
authorized to receive the fingerprints for a state, national, and international
criminal history background check; and
(2) Personal history and experience in a
form prescribed by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System including the
submission of authorization for the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and
the commissioner to obtain:
(A) An independent credit report
obtained from a consumer reporting agency described in Section 603(p) of the
Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 United States Code 1681 et seq.; and
(B) Information related to any
administrative, civil, or criminal findings by any governmental jurisdiction.
(e)] (d) The commissioner may
use the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System as an agent for requesting
information from and distributing information to the Department of Justice or
any governmental agency.
[(f)] (e) The commissioner may
use the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System as an agent for requesting and
distributing information to and from any source directed by the commissioner.
(f) An applicant for a license as a mortgage loan originator company that is a person other than an individual shall be registered with the business registration division of the department of commerce and consumer affairs to do business in this State before a license pursuant to this chapter shall be granted."
SECTION 10. Section 454F-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§454F-5[]] Issuance
of license. (a) The commissioner shall not issue a [mortgage
loan originator] license pursuant to this chapter unless the
commissioner makes at a minimum the following findings:
(1) The applicant, or in the case of an applicant that is not an individual, each of the applicant's control persons, executive officers, directors, general partners, and managing members, has never had a mortgage loan originator or a mortgage loan originator company license revoked in any jurisdiction; provided that a subsequent formal vacation of a revocation shall not be deemed a revocation;
(2) The applicant, or in the case of an applicant that is not an individual, each of the applicant's control persons, executive officers, directors, general partners, and managing members, has not been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere, or been granted a deferred acceptance of a guilty plea under chapter 853 to a felony in a domestic, foreign, or military court:
(A) During the seven-year period preceding the date of the application for licensing and registration; or
(B) At any time preceding the date of application, if the felony involved an act of fraud, dishonesty, breach of trust, or money laundering;
provided that any pardon of a conviction shall not be deemed a conviction for purposes of this section;
(3) The applicant, or in the case of an applicant
that is not an individual, each of the applicant's control persons, executive
officers, directors, general partners, and managing members, has
demonstrated financial responsibility, character, and general fitness to
command the confidence of the community and to warrant a determination that the
[mortgage loan originator] applicant shall operate honestly,
fairly, and efficiently pursuant to this chapter. For purposes of this [paragraph,]
section, a person is not financially responsible when the person has
shown a disregard in the management of the person's financial condition. A
determination that [an individual] a person has not shown
financial responsibility may be based on:
(A) Current outstanding judgments, except judgments solely as a result of medical expenses;
(B) Current outstanding tax liens or other government liens and filings;
(C) Foreclosures within the past three years; and
(D) A pattern of seriously delinquent accounts within the past three years;
(4) The applicant, or in the case of an applicant that is not an individual, each individual mortgage loan originator who is employed by the mortgage loan originator company or who provides exclusive services to the applicant as a mortgage loan originator, has completed the pre-licensing education requirement described in section 454F-6;
(5) The applicant, or in the case of an applicant that is not an individual, each individual mortgage loan originator who is employed by the mortgage loan originator company or who provides exclusive services to the applicant as a mortgage loan originator, has passed a written test that meets the test requirements in section 454F-7; and
(6) The applicant has met the [surety bond] mortgage
recovery fund requirement as required in section 454F‑C."
SECTION 11. Section 454F-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By amending subsection (a) to read:
"(a) [A person] An applicant
for licensure as a mortgage loan originator shall complete at least twenty
hours of pre‑licensing education approved in accordance with subsection
(b) that includes:
(1) Three hours of federal law and regulations;
(2) Three hours of ethics, that shall include instruction on fraud, consumer protection, and fair lending issues; and
(3) Two hours of training related to lending standards for the nontraditional mortgage product marketplace."
2. By amending subsection (e) to read:
"(e) The pre-licensing education
requirements approved by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System [in
subsection (a)] for any state shall be accepted as credit towards
completion of pre-licensing education requirements in this State."
SECTION 12. Section 454F-7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By amending subsection (a) to read:
"(a) In order to meet the passing of the written test requirement in section 454F-5, an applicant for licensure as a mortgage loan originator shall pass, in accordance with the standards established under this section, a qualified written test developed by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and administered by a test provider approved by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System based upon reasonable standards."
2. By amending subsection (d) to read:
"(d) An individual shall have passed a
qualified written test if the individual achieves a test score of seventy-five
per cent of the correct answers to questions or better. An individual may
retake a test three consecutive times with each consecutive taking occurring at
least thirty days after the preceding test. After failing three consecutive
tests, an individual shall wait at least six months before taking the test
again. A licensed mortgage loan originator who fails to maintain a valid
license for a period of five years or longer not taking into account any time
during which the individual is [a] an exempt registered mortgage
loan originator, shall retake the test."
SECTION 13. Section 454F-8, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§454F-8[]] Standards
for license renewal. (a) The minimum standards for license renewal for mortgage
loan originators shall include the following:
(1) The mortgage loan originator continues to meet the minimum standards for licensure under section 454F-5;
(2) The mortgage loan originator has satisfied the annual continuing education requirements in section 454F-9; and
(3) The mortgage loan originator has paid all required fees for renewal of the license.
(b) The minimum standards for license renewal for mortgage loan originator companies shall include the following:
(1) The mortgage loan originator company continues to meet the minimum standards for licensure established pursuant to section 454F-5;
(2) The mortgage loan originator company's qualified manager has satisfied the minimum standards for license renewal; and
(3) The mortgage loan originator company has paid all required fees for renewal of the license.
[(b)] (c) The license of a
mortgage loan originator [who] or mortgage loan originator company
that fails to satisfy the minimum standards for license renewal shall
expire. The commissioner may adopt procedures for the reinstatement of expired
licenses consistent with section 454F-H and the standards established by
the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System."
SECTION 14. Section 454F-9, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By amending subsections (d) and (e) to read:
"(d) Continuing education may be offered
either in a classroom, online, or by any other means approved by the Nationwide
Mortgage Licensing System [and Registry].
(e) A licensed mortgage loan originator:
(1) May only receive credit for a continuing education course in the year in which the course is taken, except for continuing education credits received pursuant to this chapter; and
(2) May not take the same approved course [in the
same or successive years] more than once in a three-year period to
meet the annual requirements for continuing education."
2. By amending subsection (i) to read:
"(i) A person [meeting the] who
meets all other requirements of section 454F‑8(a)(1) and (3) may make
up any deficiency in continuing education as established by rule adopted by the
commissioner[.] in accordance with section 454F‑H."
SECTION 15. Section 454F-10, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§454F-10[]] Authority
to require license. In addition to any other duties imposed upon the
commissioner, the commissioner shall require mortgage loan originators and
mortgage loan originator companies to be licensed and registered through
the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System. The commissioner is authorized to
participate in the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System. The commissioner may
establish by rule pursuant to chapter 91, requirements for mortgage loan
originators[,] and mortgage loan originator companies including:
(1) Background checks of:
(A) Criminal history through fingerprint or other databases;
(B) Civil or administrative records;
(C) Credit history; and
(D) Any other source deemed necessary by the Nationwide
Mortgage Licensing System [and Registry];
(2) Fees to apply for or renew licenses through the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System;
(3) The setting or resetting as necessary of license renewal and reporting dates;
(4) Requirements for amending or surrendering a license; and
(5) Any other activity the commissioner deems necessary to participate in the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System."
SECTION 16. Section 454F-12, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§454F-12[]] Enforcement
authorities; violations; penalties. (a) In order to ensure the effective
supervision and enforcement of this chapter, the commissioner may, pursuant to
chapter 91:
(1) Deny, suspend, revoke, condition, or decline to renew a license because of a violation of this chapter, rules, an order, or a directive entered under this chapter;
(2) Deny, suspend, revoke, condition, or decline to
renew a license if an applicant or [licensed mortgage loan originator] licensee
fails at any time to meet the requirements of section 454F-6 or section 454F-8,
or withholds information or makes a material misstatement in an application for
a license or renewal of a license;
(3) Order restitution against persons subject to this chapter for violations of this chapter;
(4) Impose fines on persons subject to this chapter; and
(5) Issue orders or directives under this chapter as follows:
(A) Order or direct persons subject to this chapter to cease and desist from conducting business, including immediate temporary orders to cease and desist;
(B) Order or direct persons subject to this chapter to cease any harmful activities or violations of this chapter, including immediate temporary orders to cease and desist;
(C) Enter immediate temporary orders to cease doing
business under a license [or interim license] issued pursuant to the
authority granted under this chapter if the commissioner determines that the
license was erroneously granted or the licensee is currently in violation of
this chapter; or
(D) Order or direct any other affirmative action as the commissioner deems necessary.
(b) The commissioner may impose [a civil
penalty] an administrative fine on a [mortgage loan originator]
licensee or person subject to this chapter if the commissioner finds on
the record after notice and opportunity for hearing that the [mortgage loan
originator] licensee or person subject to this chapter has violated
or failed to comply with any requirement of this chapter or any rule prescribed
by the commissioner under this chapter or order issued under the authority of
this chapter.
(c) The maximum [penalty] fine
for each act or omission described in subsection (b) shall be $25,000.
(d) Each violation or failure to comply with any directive or order of the commissioner shall be a separate and distinct violation."
SECTION 17. Section 454F-15, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsections (b) to (i) to read as follows:
"(b) For the purposes of investigating
violations or complaints arising under this chapter, or for the purposes of
examination, the commissioner may review, investigate, or examine any [licensed
mortgage loan originator, individual,] licensee or person subject to
this chapter, as often as necessary in order to carry out the purposes of this
chapter. The commissioner may direct, subpoena, or order the attendance of,
and examine under oath all persons whose testimony may be required about loans
or the business or subject matter of any examination or investigation, and may
direct, subpoena, or order the person to produce books, accounts, records,
files, and any other documents the commissioner deems relevant to the inquiry.
(c) Each [licensed mortgage loan
originator, individual,] licensee or person subject to this chapter
shall provide to the commissioner upon request, the books and records relating
to the operations of the licensee, individual, or person subject to this chapter.
The commissioner shall have access to the books and records and shall be
permitted to interview the officers, principals, mortgage loan originators,
employees, independent contractors, agents, and customers of the [licensed
mortgage loan originator, individual,] licensee or person subject to
this chapter concerning their business.
(d) Each [licensed mortgage loan
originator, individual,] licensee or person subject to this chapter
shall make or compile reports or prepare other information as directed by the
commissioner in order to carry out the purposes of this section, including[:]
but not limited to:
(1) Accounting compilations;
(2) Information lists and data concerning loan transactions in a format prescribed by the commissioner; or
(3) Other information deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.
(e) In making any examination or investigation
authorized by this chapter, the commissioner may control access to any documents
and records of the [licensed mortgage loan originator] licensee or
person under examination or investigation. The commissioner may take
possession of the documents and records or place a person in exclusive charge
of the documents and records in the place where they are usually kept. During
the period of control, no [individual or] person shall remove or attempt
to remove any of the documents and records except pursuant to a court order or
with the consent of the commissioner. Unless the commissioner has reasonable
grounds to believe the documents or records of the [licensed mortgage loan
originator] licensee have been, or are at risk of being altered or
destroyed for purposes of concealing a violation of this chapter, the [licensed
mortgage loan originator] licensee or owner of the documents and
records shall have access to the documents or records as necessary to conduct
its ordinary business affairs.
(f) [The] In order to carry out the
purposes of this section, the commissioner may:
(1) Retain attorneys, accountants, or other professionals and specialists, who may be exempt from chapter 76, as examiners, auditors, or investigators to conduct or assist in the conduct of examinations or investigations;
(2) Enter into agreements or relationships with other government officials or regulatory associations in order to improve efficiencies and reduce regulatory burden by sharing resources, standardized or uniform methods or procedures, and documents, records, information, or evidence obtained under this section;
(3) Use, hire, contract, or employ public or
privately available analytical systems, methods, or software to examine or
investigate the [licensed mortgage loan originator, individual,] licensee
or person subject to this chapter;
(4) Accept and rely on examination or investigation reports made by other government officials, within or without this State; and
(5) Accept audit reports made by an independent
certified public accountant for the [licensed mortgage loan originator,
individual,] licensee or person subject to this chapter in the
course of that part of the examination covering the same general subject matter
as the audit and may incorporate the audit report in the report of the
examination, report of investigation, or other writing of the commissioner.
(g) The authority of this section shall remain
in effect, whether [such licensed mortgage loan originator, individual,]
a licensee or person subject to this chapter acts or claims to act under
any licensing or registration law of this State, or claims to act without such
(h) No [licensed mortgage loan originator,
individual,] licensee or person subject to investigation or
examination under this section may knowingly withhold, abstract, remove,
mutilate, destroy, or secrete any books, records, computer records, or other
(i) The commissioner may charge an examination
fee based upon the cost per hour per examiner for all [mortgage loan
originators] licensees and persons subject to this chapter who are
examined by the commissioner or the commissioner's staff. The hourly fee shall
be $40 or an amount as the commissioner shall establish by rule pursuant to
chapter 91."
SECTION 18. Section 454F-16, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§454F-16[]] Mortgage
call reports. Each licensed mortgage originator and each licensed
mortgage loan originator company shall submit to the Nationwide Mortgage
Licensing System reports of condition, using the form entitled "REPORT OF
CONDITION", which shall be in such form and contain such information as
the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System may require."
SECTION 19. Section 454F-17, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§454F-17[]] Prohibited
practices. It shall be a violation of this chapter for a [mortgage loan
originator] licensee or person subject to this chapter to:
(1) Directly or indirectly employ any scheme, device, or artifice to defraud or mislead borrowers or lenders or to defraud any person;
(2) Engage in any unfair or deceptive practice toward any person;
(3) Obtain property by fraud or misrepresentation;
(4) Solicit or enter into any contract with a borrower that provides in substance that the person or individual subject to this chapter may earn a fee or commission through "best efforts" to obtain a loan even though no loan is actually obtained for the borrower;
(5) Solicit, advertise, or enter into a contract for specific interest rates, points, or other financing terms unless the terms are actually available at the time of soliciting, advertising, or contracting;
(6) Conduct any business covered by this chapter without holding a valid license as required under this chapter, or assist or aid and abet any person in the conduct of business under this chapter without a valid license as required under this chapter;
(7) Fail to make disclosures as required by this chapter and any other applicable state or federal law including rules or regulations thereunder;
(8) Fail to comply with this chapter or [rules]
any order or rule issued or adopted under the authority of this
chapter, or fail to comply with any other state or federal law, including the
rules and regulations adopted thereunder, applicable to any business authorized
or conducted pursuant to this chapter;
(9) Make, in any manner, any false or deceptive statement or representation, including with regard to the rates, points, or other financing terms or conditions for a residential mortgage loan, or engage in bait and switch advertising;
(10) Negligently make any false statement or knowingly and wilfully make any omission of material fact in connection with any information or reports filed with a governmental agency or the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System or in connection with any examination or investigation conducted by the commissioner or another government agency;
(11) Make any payment, threat, or promise, directly or indirectly, to any person for the purposes of influencing the independent judgment of the person in connection with a residential mortgage loan, or make any payment, threat, or promise, directly or indirectly, to any appraiser of a property for the purpose of influencing the independent judgment of the appraiser with respect to the value of a property;
(12) Collect, charge, attempt to collect or charge, or use or propose any agreement purporting to collect or charge any fee prohibited by this chapter;
(13) Cause or require a borrower to obtain property insurance coverage in an amount that exceeds the replacement cost of the improvements as established by the property insurer;
(14) Fail to truthfully account for moneys belonging to a party to a residential mortgage loan transaction; or
(15) Deliver a misleading or deceptive communication or advertisement, whether written, electronic, or oral, when marketing or soliciting a residential mortgage loan. A communication or advertisement that uses the name or trademark of a financial institution as defined in section 412:1-109 or its affiliates or subsidiaries, or infers that the communication or advertisement is from, endorsed by, is related to, or is the responsibility of the financial institution is a misleading or deceptive communication. Advertising that a specific interest rate, points, or financial terms are available when the rates, points, or financial terms are not actually available is a misleading or deceptive communication."
SECTION 20. Section 454F-18, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:
"(b) In addition to any other powers provided by law, the commissioner shall have the authority to:
(1) Administer and enforce the provisions and requirements of this chapter;
(2) Adopt, amend, or repeal rules and issue declaratory rulings or informal nonbinding interpretations;
(3) Develop requirements for licensure through rules, including establishing the content of the written tests required under section 454F-7;
(4) Investigate and conduct hearings regarding any violation of this chapter or any rule or order of, or agreement with, the commissioner;
(5) Create fact-finding committees that may make recommendations to the commissioner for the commissioner's deliberations;
(6) Require an applicant or any of its control persons, officers, directors, employees, partners, members, managers, and agents to disclose their relevant criminal history and request a criminal history record check in accordance with chapter 846;
(7) Contract with qualified persons, including investigators who may be exempt from chapter 76 and who shall assist the commissioner in exercising the commissioner's powers and duties;
(8) Require that all fees, fines, and charges collected by the commissioner under this chapter, except for fees designated for deposit into the mortgage recovery fund pursuant to section 454F-C, be deposited into the compliance resolution fund established pursuant to section 26-9(o);
(9) [Subpoena] Process and investigate
complaints, subpoena witnesses and documents, administer oaths, and receive
affidavits and oral testimony, including telephonic communications, and do any
and all things necessary or incidental to the exercise of the commissioner's
power and duties, including the authority to conduct contested case proceedings
under chapter 91; and
(10) Require a [mortgage loan originator] licensee
to comply with any rule, guidance, guideline, statement, supervisory policy or
any similar proclamation issued or adopted by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation to the same extent and in the same manner as a bank chartered by
the State or in the alternative, any policy position of the Conference of State
Bank Supervisors."
SECTION 21. Section 477E-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definition of "creditor" to read as follows:
""Creditor" means any bank;
savings and loan association; trust company; financial services loan company;
credit union; [mortgage banker, broker, or solicitor;] mortgage loan
originator; mortgage loan originator company; pawnbroker; mutual benefit
society or fraternal benefit society; debt adjuster; the issuer of a credit
card as defined in section 708-800; any person who initiates, extends, renews,
or continues loans of money or credit; any person who regularly arranges for
the initiation, extension, renewal, or continuation of a loan of money or
credit; or any assignee of an original creditor who participates in the
decision to grant, extend, renew, or to continue [such] a loan or
SECTION 22. Section 846-2.7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:
"(b) Criminal history record checks may be conducted by:
(1) The department of health on operators of adult foster homes or developmental disabilities domiciliary homes and their employees, as provided by section 333F-22;
(2) The department of health on prospective employees, persons seeking to serve as providers, or subcontractors in positions that place them in direct contact with clients when providing non-witnessed direct mental health services as provided by section 321-171.5;
(3) The department of health on all applicants for licensure for, operators for, and prospective employees, and volunteers at one or more of the following: skilled nursing facility, intermediate care facility, adult residential care home, expanded adult residential care home, assisted living facility, home health agency, hospice, adult day health center, special treatment facility, therapeutic living program, intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded, hospital, rural health center and rehabilitation agency, and, in the case of any of the above-related facilities operating in a private residence, on any adult living in the facility other than the client as provided by section 321-15.2;
(4) The department of education on employees, prospective employees, and teacher trainees in any public school in positions that necessitate close proximity to children as provided by section 302A-601.5;
(5) The counties on employees and prospective employees who may be in positions that place them in close proximity to children in recreation or child care programs and services;
(6) The county liquor commissions on applicants for liquor licenses as provided by section 281-53.5;
(7) The department of human services on operators and employees of child caring institutions, child placing organizations, and foster boarding homes as provided by section 346-17;
(8) The department of human services on prospective adoptive parents as established under section 346‑19.7;
(9) The department of human services on applicants to operate child care facilities, prospective employees of the applicant, and new employees of the provider after registration or licensure as provided by section 346‑154;
(10) The department of human services on persons exempt pursuant to section 346-152 to be eligible to provide child care and receive child care subsidies as provided by section 346-152.5;
(11) The department of human services on operators and employees of home and community-based case management agencies and operators and other adults, except for adults in care, residing in foster family homes as provided by section 346-335;
(12) The department of human services on staff members of the Hawaii youth correctional facility as provided by section 352-5.5;
(13) The department of human services on employees, prospective employees, and volunteers of contracted providers and subcontractors in positions that place them in close proximity to youth when providing services on behalf of the office or the Hawaii youth correctional facility as provided by section 352D‑4.3;
(14) The judiciary on employees and applicants at detention and shelter facilities as provided by section 571‑34;
(15) The department of public safety on employees and prospective employees who are directly involved with the treatment and care of persons committed to a correctional facility or who possess police powers including the power of arrest as provided by section 353C‑5;
(16) The department of commerce and consumer affairs on applicants for private detective or private guard licensure as provided by section 463-9;
(17) Private schools and designated organizations on employees and prospective employees who may be in positions that necessitate close proximity to children; provided that private schools and designated organizations receive only indications of the states from which the national criminal history record information was provided pursuant to section 302C-1;
(18) The public library system on employees and prospective employees whose positions place them in close proximity to children as provided by section 302A‑601.5;
(19) The State or any of its branches, political subdivisions, or agencies on applicants and employees holding a position that has the same type of contact with children, vulnerable adults, or persons committed to a correctional facility as other public employees who hold positions that are authorized by law to require criminal history record checks as a condition of employment as provided by section 78-2.7;
(20) The department of human services on licensed adult day care center operators, employees, new employees, subcontracted service providers and their employees, and adult volunteers as provided by section 346-97;
(21) The department of human services on purchase of service contracted and subcontracted service providers and their employees serving clients of the adult and community care services branch, as provided by section 346‑97;
(22) The department of human services on foster grandparent program, retired and senior volunteer program, senior companion program, and respite companion program participants as provided by section 346-97;
(23) The department of human services on contracted and subcontracted service providers and their current and prospective employees that provide home and community-based services under Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act (Title 42 United States Code Section 1396n(c)), or under any other applicable section or sections of the Social Security Act for the purposes of providing home and community-based services, as provided by section 346-97;
(24) The department of commerce and consumer affairs on proposed directors and executive officers of a bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, trust company, and depository financial services loan company as provided by section 412:3-201;
(25) The department of commerce and consumer affairs on proposed directors and executive officers of a nondepository financial services loan company as provided by section 412:3-301;
(26) The department of commerce and consumer affairs on the original chartering applicants and proposed executive officers of a credit union as provided by section 412:10-103;
(27) The department of commerce and consumer affairs on:
(A) Each principal of every non-corporate applicant for a money transmitter license; and
(B) The executive officers, key shareholders, and managers in charge of a money transmitter's activities of every corporate applicant for a money transmitter license,
as provided by section 489D-9;
(28) The department of commerce and consumer affairs on applicants for licensure and persons licensed under title 24;
(29) The Hawaii health systems corporation on:
(A) Employees;
(B) Applicants seeking employment;
(C) Current or prospective members of the corporation board or regional system board; or
(D) Current or prospective volunteers, providers, or contractors,
in any of the corporation's health facilities as provided by section 323F-5.5;
[[](30)[]] The department of commerce and
consumer affairs on [an]:
(A) An applicant for a mortgage
loan originator's license [as provided by chapter 454F]; and
(B) Each control person, executive officer, director, general partner, and manager of an applicant for a mortgage originator company's license,
as provided by chapter 454F; and
Any other organization, entity, or the State, its branches, political
subdivisions, or agencies as may be authorized by state law."
SECTION 23. Chapter 454, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
SECTION 24. Section 454F-13, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§454F-13] Surety
bond; required. (a) Each mortgage loan originator
shall be covered by a surety bond in accordance with this section. In the
event that the mortgage loan originator is an employee or exclusive agent of a
person subject to this chapter, the surety bond of the person may be used in
lieu of the mortgage loan originator's surety bond.
(b) The surety bond shall provide coverage
for each mortgage loan originator in an amount prescribed in subsection (c).
The surety bond shall be in a form as prescribed by the commissioner. The
commissioner may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 with respect to the
requirements for the surety bonds necessary to accomplish the purposes of this
(c) The penal sum of the surety bond shall
be maintained in an amount that reflects the dollar amount of loans originated
as determined by the commissioner.
(d) When an action is commenced on a
licensee's bond, the commissioner may require the filing of a new bond.
(e) Immediately upon recovery of any action
on the bond, the commissioner may require the filing of a new bond."]
SECTION 25. Section 454F-21, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§454F-21] Fees and costs.
(a) Each application for a mortgage loan originator license shall be accompanied
by an application fee of $250, or an amount as the commissioner shall establish
by rule pursuant to chapter 91.
(b) Upon obtaining approval for a license,
an initial license fee shall be paid to the commissioner in the amount of $175
or an amount as the commissioner shall establish by rule pursuant to chapter
(c) By December 31 of each year, every
mortgage broker and loan originator licensed under this chapter shall pay an
annual license renewal fee of $325, or an amount as the commissioner shall
establish by rule pursuant to chapter 91."]
SECTION 26. As of January 1, 2011 or a later date approved by the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the authority granted under Public Law 110-289, section 1508(e), no new license shall be issued and no license renewal shall be granted under chapter 454, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and all persons who meet the definition of a mortgage loan originator or mortgage loan originator company shall be required to be licensed under chapter 454F, Hawaii Revised Statutes. A mortgage broker or mortgage solicitor who holds a license under chapter 454, Hawaii Revised Statutes, that is valid as of December 31, 2010 who files an application for a license pursuant to chapter 454F, Hawaii Revised Statutes, by November 30, 2010 and whose application is determined by the commissioner to be complete by December 31, 2010 shall be determined to be in compliance with the licensing provisions of chapter 454F, Hawaii Revised Statutes, until the commissioner makes a final determination on the issuance or denial of the individual's license.
SECTION 27. A person licensed under chapter 454F, Hawaii Revised Statutes, shall not be required to be licensed under chapter 454, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and shall not be subject to the provisions of that chapter upon the effective date of the person's licensure under chapter 454F, Hawaii Revised Statutes; provided that this section shall not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun before the effective date of the person's licensure under chapter 454F, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
SECTION 28. The commissioner of financial institutions is authorized to hire temporary staff members, who shall not be subject to chapter 76, Hawaii Revised Statutes, in order to carry out functions related to the initial licensing required by this Act. All expenses associated with the hiring of temporary staff pursuant to this Act shall be paid out of the compliance resolution fund established pursuant to section 26-9(o), Hawaii Revised Statutes.
SECTION 29. There is appropriated out of the compliance resolution fund established pursuant to section 26-9(o), Hawaii Revised Statutes, the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2010-2011 for all expenses, including the hiring of temporary and permanent of staff, related to establishing and maintain the licensing regime created by chapter 454F, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the division of financial institutions of the department of commerce and consumer affairs for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 30. This Act, including the repeal of chapter 454, Hawaii Revised Statutes, effectuated by section 23, does not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun before its effective date.
SECTION 31. In codifying the new sections added by section 3 of this Act, the revisor of statutes shall substitute appropriate section numbers for the letters used in designating the new sections in this Act.
SECTION 32. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 33. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2010; provided that the repeal of chapter 454, Hawaii Revised Statutes, contained in section 23 shall take effect on January 1, 2011.
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Report Title:
Secure and Fair Enforcement of Mortgage Licensing Act; Residential Mortgage; Appropriation
Makes amendments to the application, licensing, and regulatory requirements of the Secure and Fair Mortgage Licensing Act. Establishes the mortgage recovery fund to protect consumers injured by violations of chapter 454F. Includes mortgage loan originator companies in the regulatory system established by chapter 454F. Authorizes the commissioner of financial institutions to hire temporary and permanent staff to effectuate the purposes of chapter 454F.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.