S.B. NO.



S.D. 2
















     SECTION 1.  (a)  The state historic preservation division shall reconvene the state historic preservation division's 2006 archaeological working group and shall expand the membership of the working group to include the original members and a broader cross-section of the State's historic preservation community, including:

     (1)  A member designated by Kamehameha Schools;

     (2)  A member designated by the office of Hawaiian affairs;

     (3)  A member designated by the Society for Hawaiian Archaeology; and

     (4)  Members designated by archaeologists and historic preservation officials of state, county, and federal agencies.

     (b)  The expanded working group shall compile, review, and amend the recommendations of the 2006 working group and submit a final report, including the findings and recommendations of both the original working group and the reconvened expanded working group, no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2011.  The expanded working group shall:

     (1)  For the purposes of improving the quality of documents submitted to the department of land and natural resources for use in the historic preservation review process, established pursuant to chapter 6E, Hawaii Revised Statutes, consider the necessity of instituting a requirement for the licensing of archaeologists acting as principal investigators in the State.  The working group shall also consider:

         (A)  Any qualifications and standards of professional conduct that should be required for any persons working under the direction of a principal investigator, as described in paragraph (1), and the methods by which these requirements shall be enforced;

         (B)  Any qualifications that should be established for archaeologists of the state historic preservation division and other archaeologists working in the State;

         (C)  The scope of activities to be regulated under a system of licensure for archaeologists or principal investigators, or both;

         (D)  The necessity of making some or all of the requirements applicable to individuals other than those acting as principal investigators, as described in paragraph (1); and

         (E)  Any alternative methods to licensure that may achieve the goal of improving documents, as described in paragraph (1), including but not limited to making these documents available for public review and comment prior to the department's approval of the document;

     (2)  Review licensure, permitting, professional development, certification requirements, and qualification practices for archaeologists and other historic preservation professionals in other states;

     (3)  Consult with faculty of the University of Hawaii at Manoa applied archaeology program and the Hawaiinuiakea school of Hawaiian knowledge to develop training models for continuing professional development and educational opportunities for archaeologists of the state historic preservation division and other archaeologists working in the State; and

     (4)  If the need for licensure or some other form of regulation for cultural resource management archaeology is identified, make recommendations for an entity to implement the archaeological licensure or regulation system, including:

         (A)  The entity structure and composition;

         (B)  Any powers and duties of the entity; and

         (C)  Application requirements, minimum standards, fees, license or permit parameters, and procedures for license or permit renewal or revocation.

     SECTION 2.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2050.




Report Title:

SHPD; Archaeological Working Group



Revives the 2006 state historic preservation division's archaeological working group to complete their report; expands the purpose of the working group to provide recommendations to improve the oversight of archaeologists and other similar personnel operating in the State.  (SD2)




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