Report Title:
Illegal Fireworks; Reporting
Establishes a program to encourage and reward the reporting of illegal fireworks activities by residents. (SD1)
S.B. NO. |
1254 |
S.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. Chapter 132D, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding three new sections to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§132D-A Illegal fireworks activity; reporting; forfeiture. The state fire council may establish an illegal fireworks activity program in coordination with local Crime Stoppers programs to allow residents of all counties to anonymously report illegal fireworks activity and receive a monetary reward for legitimate reports. The state fire council may determine procedures and a reward structure for the program.
The residents of each county may use their local Crime Stoppers program to report illegal fireworks activity.
Persons convicted for illegal fireworks activities may be subject to the forfeiture of personal property related to the importation, storage, use, or selling of illegal fireworks.
Monetary rewards shall be funded from permit fees collected under section 132D-10. The state fire council shall determine the necessary allocations from each county to fund the program.
The state fire council may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to effectuate this section.
For the purposes of this section "illegal fireworks activity" means fireworks related activity that is prohibited under this chapter.
§132D-B Illegal aerial devices; reporting. The state fire council, in conjunction with the county police departments, shall establish an illegal aerial devices reporting program to allow residents of all counties to report the illegal sale of aerial devices and to receive a $1,000 reward for reports that lead to the arrest and conviction of persons illegally selling aerial devices. The state fire council shall determine procedures for the program and shall also determine the allocation from each county's receipt of fees collected under section 132D-10 to maintain a minimum $ balance in the illegal aerial devices fund.
The state fire council may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to effectuate this section.
§132D-C Illegal aerial devices fund. There is established in the state treasury an illegal aerial devices fund. The fund shall be used exclusively to pay rewards for the reporting of the illegal sale of aerial devices under section 132D-B.
Moneys collected from fees in section 132D-10 shall be deposited into the illegal aerial devices fund pursuant to county allocations under section 132D-B."
SECTION 2. Section 132D-10, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§132D-10 Permits. (a) A permit shall be required for the purchase and use of:
(1) Any consumer fireworks commonly known as firecrackers upon payment of a fee of $25;
(2) Any aerial devices, display fireworks, or articles pyrotechnic for the purposes of section 132D-16 upon payment of a fee of $110; and
(3) Any consumer fireworks for the purposes of section 132D-5 or for cultural uses that occur at any time other than during the periods prescribed in section 132D-3(1) upon a payment of a fee of $25.
(b) All fees collected under this section shall be payable to the county that collected the fee; provided that:
(1) Pursuant to section 132D-B, the proceeds collected under this section shall be deposited into the illegal aerial devices fund under section 132D-C; and
(2) The proceeds shall also be used for the purposes of sections 132D-A."
SECTION 3. In codifying the new sections added by section 1 of this Act, the revisor of statutes shall substitute appropriate section numbers for the letters used in designating the new sections in this Act.
SECTION 4. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.