Report Title:
CIP; 13th Senatorial District
Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the 13th senatorial district.
S.B. NO. |
1211 |
relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of THE thirteenth SENATORIAL DISTRICT.
SECTION 1. The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $94,772,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary, and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for fiscal year 2009-2010 for the purpose of capital improvement projects for the thirteenth senatorial district, as follows:
1. Kuakini street extension project
Construction $2,470,000
Construction management $180,000
Total funding $2,650,000
2. Maluhia hospital auxiliary parking lot project
Construction $1,800,000
Construction management $150,000
Total funding $1,950,000
3. Farrington high school
A. Pool demolition, disposal of hazardous materials, and structural foundations.
Total funding $12,000,000
B. Three-story building construction.
Construction $12,000,000
Roadway realignment, parking
relocation and bus access
improvements $575,000
Design consultant $4,915,000
Contingency $1,000,000
Total funding $18,490,000
4. Kawananakoa middle school
Auditorium renovation; ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances.
Design $900,000
Construction $10,000,000
Equipment $200,000
Total funding $11,100,000
5. Lanakila elementary school
Parking lot resurfacing.
Design $4,000
Construction $106,000
Total funding $110,000
6. Likelike elementary school
Electrical upgrade and security improvements.
Electrical upgrade $465,000
Parking lot lighting and other
security improvements $250,000
Total funding $715,000
7. Maemae elementary school
Safety fence installation.
Total funding $35,000
8. McKinley high school
A. New athletic complex.
Total funding $
B. Renovate building W.
Total funding $10,000,000
C. Cafeteria extension.
Total funding $2,000,000
D. Building J upgrades.
Total funding $
9. Nuuanu elementary school
A. Portable classroom installation.
Portable structure $375,000
Design $8,000
Equipment $10,000
Total funding $393,000
B. Cafeteria partition repair:
Removal and replacement of
partitions. $90,000
Design $5,000
Total funding $95,000
10. Roosevelt high school
A. Cliff stabilization.
Design $80,000
Construction $750,000
Total funding $830,000
B. Master plan development.
Plans $200,000
Total funding $200,000
C. Gymnasium renovation.
Design $500,000
Construction $5,000,000
Total funding $5,500,000
D. 200-stall multi-level parking structure.
Design $1,500,000
Construction $15,000,000
Total funding $16,500,000
E. Cafeteria air-conditioning installation.
Design $100,000
Construction $1,500,000
Total funding $1,600,000
F. Replace and add stadium lighting.
Design $500,000
Construction $2,500,000
Total funding $3,000,000
11. Kalakaua middle school
Parking lot addition.
Design $24,000
Construction $250,000
Total funding $274,000
12. Fern elementary school
Restroom renovation.
Design $25,000
Construction $300,000
Total funding $325,000
13. Kalihi Kai elementary school
Campus telecommunications improvement.
Design $75,000
Construction $550,000
Total funding $625,000
14. Kalihi Waena elementary school
ADA access ramp project.
Design $15,000
Construction $61,000
Total funding $76,000
15. Kapalama elementary school
Parking lot improvements.
Design $36,500
Construction $222,500
Total funding $259,000
16. Linapuni elementary school
Administration annex project.
Design $748,000
Construction $2,242,000
Total funding $2,990,000
17. Puuhale elementary school
Building annex project.
Design $764,000
Construction $2,291,000
Total funding $3,055,000
SECTION 2. The appropriation made for the capital improvement projects authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made; provided that all moneys from the appropriation unencumbered as of June 30, 2012, shall lapse as of that date.
SECTION 3. The sums appropriated for the respective capital projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act as follows:
(1) For item 1, the expending agency shall be the department of transportation;
(2) For item 2, the expending agency shall be the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation; and
(3) For items 3 through 17, the expending agency shall be the department of education.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.
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