H.R. NO.













encouraging kamehameha schools bishop estate to keep kamilo nui valley in agricultural land use and to renegotiate AFFORDABLE lease rents TO ALLOW EXISTING FARMERS TO REMAIN ON THEIR FARM LOTS UNTIL 2025.




     WHEREAS, the constitution of Hawaii sets forth the goal of preservation of agriculture lands in the State of Hawaii; and


     WHEREAS, land ownership in Hawaii is dominated by a small number of large land owners which exercise large amounts of influence on the overall social and economic fabric of the islands, especially upon those who are dependent upon lease rents particularly at times of lease renegotiations; and


     WHEREAS, Kamilo Nui Valley is the last large parcel of undeveloped land in East Honolulu, and is owned by Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate; and


     WHEREAS, the farmers of Kamilo Nui Valley have been working the land for decades, raising many different types of agricultural products from vegetables to nurseries and are now entering a period of lease renegotiations; and


     WHEREAS, the farmers of Kamilo Nui Valley wish to be able to afford to remain on their farms and that the agriculture lands of the valley remain in such usage; and


     WHEREAS, the City Council on August 11, 2004 unanimously adopted a resolution to maintain Kamilo Nui's agricultural designation until at least 2020, the time period called for under Honolulu's East Oahu Sustainable Communities Plan; and


     WHEREAS, the farmers held their leases since the 1970's, and the leases run until 2025 under the condition that the use of land remain agricultural, however, the lease rents comes up for renegotiation this year; and


     WHEREAS, a local developer and Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate reached an agreement in 2005 to buy the 87 acres of Kamilo Nui Valley for an undisclosed amount of money, under the condition that the developer convince the leaseholders to sell him their lease interests; and


     WHEREAS, most farmers want to continue to work the land and conduct their business as afforded under their leases; and


     WHEREAS, a community group, Livable Hawai`i Kai Hui, submitted a petition to the City Council that was signed by 3,500 Hawai`i Kai residents demanding no change in the current urban/agricultural boundary; and


     WHEREAS, Kamilonui Farmers’ Co-op sponsored, "A Day on the Farm" open hour event, which featured games, live entertainment, ono food, door prizes, community booths, farm tours, and produce from the 12 farms.  The event was attended by over 500 people, including Governor Linda Lingle who gave remarks, and was instrumental in letting the public know about this agricultural oasis in the midst of an urban development.


     WHEREAS, Kamilo Nui Valley is part of the natural watershed for Hawai`i Kai, the first line of defense in a system of flood control of which the marina is also a part of; and


     WHEREAS, development of Kamilo Nui Valley could lead to a situation similar to the New Year's Eve flood of 1987, when flood water turned Hahaione Valley into a river complete with floating cars and trees; and


     WHEREAS, Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate already stated that they will continue to base rents on the agricultural zoning of the land, but also observed that the value of agricultural land has skyrocketed but primarily driven by urban land values; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2010, that the House of Representatives encourages Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate to keep Kamilo Nui Valley in agricultural use for its crucial role in sustainability and for its key role in its watershed abilities to prevent flooding and to protect water quality; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate is encouraged to exercise fairness, reasonableness and discretion in their renegotiations of lease rents with Kamilo Nui farmers in 2010, based on fair market land value against or contingent upon crop type, in an effort to balance the multiple interests involved; and


                BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Kamilo Nui Valley Farmers Cooperative, Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate, the members of the Honolulu City Council, the Hawai`i Kai Neighborhood Board, and Livable Hawai`i Kai Hui.









Report Title: 

Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate; Kamilo Nui Valley