H.C.R. NO.














requesting the department of accounting and general services to compile annual state agency information relating to efficient use of motor vehicles.




     WHEREAS, the issue of climate change has stimulated governments throughout the world to take action to preserve the global environment through various state-sponsored environmentally-friendly measures; and


     WHEREAS, Hawaii, as an island state, has a special interest in protecting and safeguarding its unique and fragile environment, not only for the sake of the land and endemic flora and fauna, but also to ensure that the State's precious natural resources are preserved for residents and visitors alike; and


     WHEREAS, the State's energy objectives, as stated in the Hawaii State Planning Act, include planning for the State's facility systems to be directed toward the achievement of greater energy security in the face of threats to Hawaii's energy supplies and systems and reduction, avoidance, or sequestration of greenhouse gas emissions from energy supply and use; and


     WHEREAS, Hawaii is heavily dependent for its energy needs on imported oil; and


WHEREAS, Hawaii has been continuously subjected to volatile oil pricing, the dearth of local oil refiners resulting in consistently higher gasoline prices than on the mainland, and the State's isolated geographic location that precludes local energy consumers from crossing state lines to choose more competitively priced energy sources; and


WHEREAS, various state agencies own or lease fleets of motor vehicles operating on either gasoline or diesel fuel; and


WHEREAS, the State does not have ready access to information concerning the efficient use of state motor vehicles; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2010, the Senate concurring, that each state agency is requested to provide information annually to the Department of Accounting and General Services relating to the agency's efficient use of motor vehicles; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each state agency is requested to report information on:


     (1)  Types of vehicles the agency's fleet or under the agency's control;


     (2)  Fuel efficiency of each type of vehicle;


     (3)  Progress made in improving the fuel efficiency of the agency's vehicles; and


     (4)  The agency's plans to promote further improvement in fuel efficiency; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Accounting and General Services is requested to compile the reported information and submit a consolidated annual report to the Legislature not later than twenty days prior to the convening of each regular session; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor and the Comptroller.









Report Title: 

DAGS; State Agencies; Efficient Use of Motor Vehicle Fleets