Report Title:
Yoscooter; Limits on Operation
Defines "yoscooter" in the Statewide Traffic Code; allows counties the ability to regulate the use of "yoscooters" on public sidewalks. (HB771 HD1)
H.B. NO. |
771 |
H.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. Section 291C-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By adding a new definition to be appropriately inserted and to read:
""Yoscooter" means an electrically-powered vehicle which has three wheels in contact with the ground and is designed to be operated at speeds of fifteen miles per hour or less."
2. By amending the definitions of "moped", "motorcycle", "motor scooter", "motor vehicle", and "vehicle" to read:
""Moped" means a device upon which a person may ride which has two or three wheels in contact with the ground, a motor having a maximum power output capability measured at the motor output shaft, in accordance with the Society of Automotive Engineers standards, of two horsepower (one thousand four hundred ninety-two watts) or less and, if it is a combustion engine, a maximum piston or rotor displacement of 3.05 cubic inches (fifty cubic centimeters) and which will propel the moped, unassisted, on a level surface at a maximum speed no greater than thirty miles per hour; and a direct or automatic power drive system which requires no clutch or gear shift operation by the moped driver after the drive system is engaged with the power unit. "Moped" excludes a yoscooter."
"Motorcycle" means every motor
vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel
on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground but excludes a farm
tractor [and a], moped[.], and yoscooter.
"Motor scooter" means every
motorcycle which produces not more than five horsepower, and excludes a moped[.]
and yoscooter.
"Motor vehicle" means every vehicle
which is self-propelled and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power
but which is not operated upon rails, but excludes a moped[.] and
"Vehicle" means every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a roadway or highway, including mopeds, yoscooters, and bicycles, but excluding toy bicycles, devices other than bicycles moved by human power, and devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks."
SECTION 2. Section 291C-148, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§291C-148 Driving [upon]
a bicycle on a sidewalk. [(a) Except as provided in
subsection (b), no person shall drive any vehicle upon a sidewalk or sidewalk
area except upon a permanent or authorized temporary driveway.
(b)] Unless otherwise prohibited, a
bicycle may be driven at a speed of ten miles per hour or less on a sidewalk or
sidewalk area; provided that the driver of the bicycle shall yield the
right-of-way to any pedestrian, and [that] bicycle riding shall
be prohibited on sidewalks in business districts.
[(c) This section shall not be construed as
preempting the director of transportation's or counties' authority to control
parking on sidewalks under section 291C-114. Nor shall this section be construed
as prohibiting the director or a county from authorizing parking on sidewalks
when the authorization is promulgated in accordance with section 291C-114.]"
SECTION 3. Section 291C-163, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) This chapter shall not be deemed to prevent counties with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction from:
(1) Regulating or prohibiting stopping, standing, or parking except as provided in section 291C-111;
(2) Regulating traffic by means of police officers or official traffic-control devices;
(3) Regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages on the highways;
(4) Designating particular highways or roadways for use by traffic moving in one direction;
(5) Establishing speed limits for vehicles in public parks;
(6) Designating any highway as a through highway or designating any intersection as a stop or yield intersection;
(7) Restricting the use of highways;
(8) Regulating the operation and equipment of and requiring the registration and inspection of bicycles, including the requirement of a registration fee;
(9) Regulating or prohibiting the turning of vehicles or specified types of vehicles;
(10) Altering or establishing speed limits;
(11) Requiring written accident reports;
(12) Designating no-passing zones;
(13) Prohibiting or regulating the use of controlled-access roadways by any class or kind of traffic;
(14) Prohibiting or regulating the use of heavily traveled streets by any class or kind of traffic found to be incompatible with the normal and safe movement of traffic;
(15) Establishing minimum speed limits;
(16) Designating hazardous railroad grade crossing;
(17) Designating and regulating traffic on play streets;
(18) Prohibiting pedestrians from crossing a roadway in a business district or any designated highway except in a crosswalk;
(19) Restricting pedestrian crossing at unmarked crosswalks;
(20) Regulating persons propelling push carts;
(21) Regulating persons upon skates, coasters, sleds, and other toy vehicles;
(22) Adopting and enforcing such temporary or experimental regulations as may be necessary to cover emergencies or special conditions;
(23) Adopting maximum and minimum speed limits on streets and highways within their respective jurisdictions;
(24) Adopting requirements on stopping, standing, and parking on streets and highways within their respective jurisdictions except as provided in section 291C-111;
(25) Regulating the use of yoscooters on sidewalks;
(26) Regulating the age of a user of a yoscooter; and
[(25)] (27) Adopting such other traffic
regulations as are specifically authorized by this chapter."
SECTION 4. This Act does not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun, before its effective date.
SECTION 5. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.