Report Title:
Environment; green economy sector; workforce
Appropriates federal funds from the economic stimulus package to (1) DBEDT to identify and develop a strategy to meet the needs of a green economy sector; and (2) RCUH to create an emergency environmental workforce to provide employment to persons who have lost their jobs in the economic downturn. (HB281 HD2)
H.B. NO. |
281 |
H.D. 2 |
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the State is undergoing a significant and possibly protracted economic downturn in tandem with the national and global economic and financial crises. Numerous jobs have been lost, a number of large and small companies have declared bankruptcy or left the state, and many families have suffered foreclosure on their heavily mortgaged houses. In the past year, the forecasts of the council on revenues have consistently reduced the projected tax revenues. Across-the-board spending restrictions have already been put in place in state government, and a general hiring freeze has already been implemented except in areas that impact public health and safety.
In recognition of this situation throughout the United States, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a federal economic stimulus package of aid for distribution to the states, has been enacted. In anticipation of these federal funds, which puts a focus on the creation of a clean energy economy and green technology, the legislature finds that it is necessary to identify and develop a framework for action to seek partnerships and opportunities to address the need for a highly skilled and well-trained workforce to meet the needs of an emerging green economy sector developed through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the emergency environmental workforce was created within the research corporation of the University of Hawaii to employ persons who lost their jobs in the subsequent economic downturn. The legislature finds that a similar emergency workforce development program is again required to provide employment and retraining for persons affected by the current recession. The legislature further finds that this program may be funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Furthermore, through the State of Hawaii's Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative and its partnership with the United States Department of Energy, Hawaii is becoming a recognized national and international leader in addressing issues like climate change, renewable energy, energy-efficiency, and alternative transportation fuels to not only stabilize its economy, but also to enhance and protect its natural resources and environment. Hawaii's on-going efforts that include a aggressive environmental workforce to address invasive species eradication, watershed management, and a clean energy economy provide an opportunity for Hawaii to develop a "green collar" workforce.
The purpose of this Act is to prioritize the expenditure of any federal economic stimulus package of aid to address the growing need for a highly skilled and well-trained "green collar" workforce to meet the needs of Hawaii's emerging "green economy" sector, including:
(1) Identifying and linking green collar job opportunities with workforce development training opportunities to meet state and county demands;
(2) Developing public, private, philanthropic, and nongovernmental partnerships to build and expand the state's green workforce development programs, network, and infrastructure;
(3) Providing policy guidance for job training programs in the clean energy and green technology sectors to assist and prepare targeted populations such as displaced workers, veterans, or at-risk groups;
(4) Developing, collecting, interpreting, and distributing state and county labor market data on clean energy and green industry workforce needs, trends, and job growth;
(5) Assisting collaboration of the counties in the development of the clean energy and green industry workforce sector; and
(6) Establishing an emergency environmental workforce for short-term employment for individuals who have recently become unemployed due to Hawaii's recent economic downturn. Individuals on the workforce will assist the efforts to:
(A) Eradicate invasive species; and
(B) Carry out other ongoing environmental programs.
SECTION 2. The department of business, economic development, and tourism shall identify and develop a policy framework for action to seek partnerships and opportunities to address the need for a highly skilled and well-trained "green collar" workforce to meet the needs of an emerging "green economy" sector. In formulating the strategy, the department shall:
(1) Identify and link green collar job opportunities with workforce development training opportunities to meet state and county demands;
(2) Develop public, private, philanthropic, and nongovernmental partnerships to build and expand the state's green workforce development programs, network, and infrastructure;
(3) Provide policy guidance for job training programs in the clean energy and green technology sectors to assist and prepare targeted populations such as displaced workers, veterans, or at-risk groups;
(4) Develop, collect, interpret, and distribute state and county labor market data on clean energy and green industry workforce needs, trends, and job growth; and
(5) Assist collaboration of the counties in the development of the clean energy and green industry workforce sector.
SECTION 3. There is established the emergency environmental workforce to be attached to the research corporation of the University of Hawaii for administrative purposes. The emergency environmental workforce shall:
(1) Employ approximately four hundred to four hundred fifty individuals who were terminated or laid off from their jobs as a result of the local economic downturn. The individuals shall be employed as short-term contract employees; and
(2) Deploy contract employees to all state or county agencies certifying a need for environmental clearance and eradication services to supplement current services being provided for the eradication of invasive species or other ongoing environmental improvement programs.
SECTION 4. The research corporation of the University of Hawaii shall:
(1) Together with the pacific cooperative studies unit, develop a planning, administration, implementation, and evaluation strategy, including a program duration plan and a budget for contract and administrative expenses;
(2) Consult with private employers with workforces, that have been, or that may be, affected by layoffs from the recent economic downturn to develop a recruitment and public information plan;
(3) Develop a strategy for the interviewing and selection of program participants;
(4) Work with state and county agencies requesting services to administer physical examinations, as may be necessary, to qualifying applicants prior to final contract offers;
(5) Direct that the attorneys employed or retained by the University of Hawaii prepare the necessary employment contracts to meet the objectives of the program on an expedited basis;
(6) Submit review and assessment reports to the governor, the senate president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives every sixty days for the duration of the program; and
(7) Undertake all other necessary activities for program development and implementation.
SECTION 5. There is appropriated out of federal funds received by the State from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and any other applicable federal acts the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2009-2010 for the department of business, economic development, and tourism to identify and develop a policy framework for action to seek partnerships and funding opportunities to address the need for a highly skilled and well-trained "green collar" workforce to meet the needs of an emerging "green economy" sector as required by this Act.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of business, economic development, and tourism for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 6. There is appropriated out of federal funds received by the State from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and any other applicable federal acts the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2009-2010 to fund the emergency environmental workforce created by this Act.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the research corporation of the University of Hawaii for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 7. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.