H.B. NO.














relating to carrying capacity.





     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that during the 2005 Special Session, the legislature enacted Act 8, Special Session Laws of Hawaii 2005, to establish a Hawaii 2050 task force to review the Hawaii state plan and other fundamental components of community planning.  The legislature finds that Hawaii faces many serious problems on an annual basis, such as the deterioration of public infrastructure, the lack of affordable housing, continued reliance on a service-based economy, the vulnerability of Hawaii in a volatile global energy market, possible interruptions in travel and critical food supplies, threats to our fragile island ecosystems, and the ever increasing number of residents and visitors.  The legislature further realizes that it is responsible not only for resolving daily and more immediate issues and public needs, but also for providing guidance to ensure the sustainability of Hawaii for future generations.

     The Hawaii 2050 task force issued a draft of the Hawaii 2050 sustainability plan on September 22, 2007, and acknowledged community concern regarding carrying capacity and how to best manage the growth of both residents and visitors.  The Hawaii 2050 task force also acknowledged that the Hawaii 2050 sustainability plan covers matters such as land use decisions based on the carrying capacity of known resources.  The phrase "carrying capacity" basically refers to the number of individuals that can be supported in a given area using a limited amount of available resources.  One of the guiding principles of the Hawaii 2050 sustainability plan is respect for and living within the limits of available natural resources in our islands.  Furthermore, one of the five integrated goals in the Hawaii 2050 sustainability plan is to responsibly and respectfully use, replenish, and preserve our natural resources for future generations.

     However, the Hawaii 2050 sustainability plan does not contain any proposal for a carrying capacity analysis of Hawaii's ecosystem.  Such an analysis could guide policymakers in determining whether certain strategic actions will help achieve the sustainability goals.

     The legislature finds that one of the responsibilities of the office of planning within the department of business, economic development, and tourism, as set forth in section 225M‑2(b)(7), Hawaii Revised Statutes, is to conduct plans and studies to determine the maximum annual visitor carrying capacity for the State by region, county, and island.

     The purpose of this Act is to require the office of planning within the department of business, economic development, and tourism to conduct a study of the carrying capacity of the State.

     SECTION 2.  Carrying capacity study; report.  (a)  The office of planning within the department of business, economic development, and tourism shall conduct a study of the carrying capacity of the State.  In conducting the study, the office of planning shall:

     (1)  Review similar carry capacity analyses conducted in other areas, particularly islands;

     (2)  Consider at least the following carry capacity indicators:

         (A)  Residential and non-residential land for housing and commercial uses;

          (B)  Labor supply;

          (C)  Water and power generation;

         (D)  State and municipal services, including health, education, environmental, and public safety services;

         (E)  Physical infrastructure, including air, maritime, and highway transportation;

         (F)  Disaster evacuation and response;

         (G)  Wastewater and sanitation loads;

         (H)  Sustainability of the state economy; and

         (I)  Impact on land and marine flora and fauna and their habitats; and

     (3)  Design the carrying capacity study to determine the ability of Hawaii's ecosystem, and the various segments thereof, to withstand the impacts of additional resident and visitor growth and additional resource consumption and depletion.

     (b)  The office of planning shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2012.

     SECTION 3.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.






Report Title:

Hawaii Carrying Capacity; Office of Planning/DBEDT Study



Requires office of planning within department of business, economic development, and tourism to conduct a study of the carrying capacity of Hawaii.




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