H.B. NO. |
1930 |
relating to the medical use of marijuana.
SECTION 1. Chapter 329, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding two new sections to part IX to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§329-A Probationers; eligibility as qualifying patients. (a) Any criminal defendant with a debilitating medical condition who is eligible to use medical marijuana pursuant to section 329-122 may request that the court confirm that the defendant is allowed to use medical marijuana while on probation.
(b) The court's decision and the reasons for the decision shall be stated on the record and an entry stating those reasons shall be made in the minutes of the court.
(c) During the period of probation, if a treating physician certifies the probationer for the medical use of marijuana, the probationer may request a modification of the conditions of probation to authorize the medical use of marijuana.
(d) The court's consideration of the modification request authorized by subsection (c) shall comply with the requirements of this part.
§329-B Parolees; eligibility as qualifying patients. (a) Any person who is to be released on parole from a state correctional facility and who is eligible to use medical marijuana pursuant to section 329-122 may request that the parolee be allowed to use medical marijuana during the period the parolee is released on parole. A parolee's written conditions of parole shall reflect whether or not a request for a modification of the conditions of parole to use medical marijuana was made, and whether the request was granted or denied.
(b) During the period of the parole, if a treating physician certifies the parolee for the medical use of marijuana, the parolee may request a modification of the conditions of the parole to authorize the medical use of marijuana.
(c) Any parolee whose request to use medical marijuana while on parole was denied may pursue an administrative appeal of the decision. Any decision on the appeal shall be in writing and shall reflect the reasons for the decision.
(d) The administrative consideration of the modification request authorized by subsection (b) shall comply with the requirements of this part."
SECTION 2. Section 353-66, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (f) to read as follows:
"(f) [The] Except as provided
in section 329-B, the Hawaii paroling authority may require a paroled
prisoner to undergo and complete a substance abuse treatment program when the
paroled prisoner has committed a violation of the terms and conditions of
parole involving possession or use, not including to distribute or manufacture
as defined in section 712-1240, of any dangerous drug, detrimental drug,
harmful drug, intoxicating compound, marijuana, or marijuana concentrate, as
defined in section 712-1240, unlawful methamphetamine trafficking as provided
in section 712-1240.6, or involving possession or use of drug paraphernalia
under section 329-43.5. If the paroled prisoner fails to complete the
substance abuse treatment program or the Hawaii paroling authority determines
that the paroled prisoner cannot benefit from any substance abuse treatment
program, the paroled prisoner shall be subject to revocation of parole and
return to incarceration. As a condition of parole, the Hawaii paroling
authority may require the paroled prisoner to:
(1) Be assessed by a certified substance abuse counselor for substance abuse dependency or abuse under the applicable Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and Addiction Severity Index;
(2) Present a proposal to receive substance abuse treatment in accordance with the treatment plan prepared by a certified substance abuse counselor through a substance abuse treatment program that includes an identified source of payment for the treatment program;
(3) Contribute to the cost of the substance abuse treatment program; and
(4) Comply with any other terms and conditions for parole.
As used in this subsection, "substance abuse treatment program" means drug or substance abuse treatment services provided outside a correctional facility by a public, private, or nonprofit entity that specializes in treating persons who are diagnosed with having substance abuse or dependency and preferably employs licensed professionals or certified substance abuse counselors.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to give rise to a cause of action against the State, a state employee, or a treatment provider."
SECTION 3. Section 706-624, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (2) to read as follows:
"(2) Discretionary conditions. The court may provide, as further conditions of a sentence of probation, to the extent that the conditions are reasonably related to the factors set forth in section 706-606 and to the extent that the conditions involve only deprivations of liberty or property as are reasonably necessary for the purposes indicated in section 706-606(2), that the defendant:
(a) Serve a term of imprisonment not exceeding two years in class A felony cases under part IV of chapter 712, eighteen months in class B felony cases, one year in class C felony cases, six months in misdemeanor cases, and five days in petty misdemeanor cases; provided that notwithstanding any other provision of law, any order of imprisonment under this subsection that provides for prison work release shall require the defendant to pay thirty per cent of the defendant's gross pay earned during the prison work release period to satisfy any restitution order. The payment shall be handled by the adult probation division and shall be paid to the victim on a monthly basis;
(b) Perform a specified number of hours of services to the community as described in section 706-605(1)(d);
(c) Support the defendant's dependents and meet other family responsibilities;
(d) Pay a fine imposed pursuant to section 706-605(1)(b);
(e) Work conscientiously at suitable employment or pursue conscientiously a course of study or vocational training that will equip the defendant for suitable employment;
(f) Refrain from engaging in a specified occupation, business, or profession bearing a reasonably direct relationship to the conduct constituting the crime or engage in the specified occupation, business, or profession only to a stated degree or under stated circumstances;
(g) Refrain from frequenting specified kinds of places or from associating unnecessarily with specified persons, including but not limited to the victim of the crime, any witnesses, regardless of whether they actually testified in the prosecution, law enforcement officers, co-defendants, or other individuals with whom contact may adversely affect the rehabilitation or reformation of the person convicted;
(h) [Refrain] Except as provided in section
329-A, refrain from use of alcohol or any use of narcotic drugs or
controlled substances without a prescription;
(i) Refrain from possessing a firearm, ammunition, destructive device, or other dangerous weapon;
(j) Undergo available medical or mental health treatment, including treatment for substance abuse dependency, and remain in a specified facility if required for that purpose;
(k) Reside in a specified place or area or refrain from residing in a specified place or area;
(l) Submit to periodic urinalysis or other similar testing procedure;
(m) Refrain from entering specified geographical areas without the court's permission;
(n) Refrain from leaving the person's dwelling place except to go to and from the person's place of employment, the office of the person's physician or dentist, the probation office, or any other location as may be approved by the person's probation officer pursuant to court order. As used in this paragraph, "dwelling place" includes the person's yard or, in the case of condominiums, the common elements;
(o) Comply with a specified curfew;
(p) Submit to monitoring by an electronic monitoring device; or
(q) Satisfy other reasonable conditions as the court may impose."
SECTION 4. Section 706-625, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (7) to read as follows:
"(7) [The] Except as provided
in section 329-A, the court may require a defendant to undergo and complete
a substance abuse treatment program when the defendant has committed a
violation of the terms and conditions of probation involving possession or use,
not including to distribute or manufacture as defined in section 712-1240, of
any dangerous drug, detrimental drug, harmful drug, intoxicating compound,
marijuana, or marijuana concentrate, as defined in section 712-1240, unlawful
methamphetamine trafficking as provided in section 712-1240.6, or involving
possession or use of drug paraphernalia under section 329-43.5. If the defendant
fails to complete the substance abuse treatment program or the court determines
that the defendant cannot benefit from any other suitable substance abuse
treatment program, the defendant shall be subject to revocation of probation
and incarceration. The court may require the defendant to:
(a) Be assessed by a certified substance abuse counselor for substance abuse dependency or abuse under the applicable Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and Addiction Severity Index;
(b) Present a proposal to receive substance abuse treatment in accordance with the treatment plan prepared by a certified substance abuse counselor through a substance abuse treatment program that includes an identified source of payment for the treatment program;
(c) Contribute to the cost of the substance abuse treatment program; and
(d) Comply with any other terms and conditions of probation.
As used in this subsection, "substance abuse treatment program" means drug or substance abuse treatment services provided outside a correctional facility by a public, private, or nonprofit entity that specializes in treating persons who are diagnosed with substance abuse or dependency and preferably employs licensed professionals or certified substance abuse counselors.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to give rise to a cause of action against the State, a state employee, or a treatment provider."
SECTION 5. This Act does not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun before its effective date.
SECTION 6. In codifying the new sections added by section 1 of this Act, the revisor of statutes shall substitute appropriate section numbers for the letters used in designating the new sections in this Act.
SECTION 7. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 8. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
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Report Title:
Medical Use of Marijuana; Probationers; Parolees
Allows probationers and parolees who meet the requirements of qualifying patients to request that the terms of their probation or parole be modified to be allowed the medical use of marijuana.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.