Senator David Y. Ige, Chair |
Senator Josh Green, M.D., Vice Chair |
2:40 p.m. |
Conference Room 016 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
(Deferred from Friday, February 6, 2009)
RELATING TO HEALTH. Makes amendments to clarify the support and expansion of new technology in the use of telemedicine; clarifies that telehealth is within the scope of a physician's practice.
RELATING TO MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Establishes medical savings accounts.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Establishes a health savings account for persons subject to the income tax laws of Hawaii.
RELATING TO HEALTH. Requires all physicians, health care professionals, and laboratory directors to report every incidence of staph infection to the department of health; establishes a permanent staph advisory committee within the department of health.
RELATING TO HEARING AID DEVICES. Requires health insurance policies and contracts to provide coverage for the cost of hearing aid devices in their base plans.
RELATING TO TEMPORARY LICENSURE OF DENTISTS. Amends the dentistry statutes to provide for temporary licensure to practice dentistry while in the employment of or under contract with the Department of Health.
(Deferred from Monday, February 9, 2009)
RELATING TO TAX ON TOBACCO PRODUCTS OTHER THAN CIGARETTES. Increases the tobacco tax on tobacco products other than cigarettes from 40% to 60% of the wholesale price and deposits 33.3% of the proceeds collected into the community health centers special fund.
HTH, WAM [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO TOBACCO. Removes sunset clause in Act 131, Session Laws of Hawaii 2005, which contains a repeal date of July 1, 2009, and keeps in place the requirement that an entity engaged in the retail sale of cigarettes or other tobacco products obtain a retail tobacco permit.
HTH, WAM [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO CIGARETTES. Prohibits sale, distribution, and import of purse packs of cigarettes or cigarette packs containing fewer than 20 cigarettes per pack. Defines "purse pack". Imposed fines.
HTH, CPN [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO TOBACCO. Makes permanent the retail tobacco permit law.
HTH, WAM [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO SMOKING. Allows condominium property regimes and cooperative housing corporations to prohibit smoking pursuant to an adoption of a rule.
RELATING TO SMOKING. Prohibits smoking on public beaches, parks, and certain recreational areas during certain community events.
HTH, JGO [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO THE LIQUOR TAX LAW. Increases the liquor tax and directs the increased revenues to the health systems special fund.
HTH, WAM [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Establishes limited immunity for seeking medical assistance for victims of drug overdoses.
HTH, JGO [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Makes Hawaii's controlled substance laws consistent with that of federal law and clarifies sections of chapter 329 relating to controlled substances.
HTH, JGO [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO REMOTE DISPENSING PHARMACIES. Allows remote dispensing pharmacies to operate on islands without a pharmacy, provide medications to patients with health insurance, and dispense controlled substances.
HTH, CPN [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO REMOTE DISPENSING. Allows persons in remote areas that have no pharmacy to obtain prescription drugs through telepharmacy at a dispensing pharmacy, even if they have health insurance.
HTH, CPN [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS. Specifies that any person who provides for an automated external defibrillator training program is generally immune from vicarious civil liability resulting from any act or omission of a Good Samaritan attempting to use the device to resuscitate a person.
HTH, JGO [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO MEDICAL ORDERS. Clarifies that, under certain conditions, a physician assistant acts as agent of the supervising physician when issuing a medical order and the order is deemed to be issued by the supervising physician. Clarifies that, under certain conditions, when following a medical order issued by a physician assistant, a registered nurse follows a medical order issued by the supervising physician for whom the physician assistant acts as agent. Does not relieve physician assistants or registered nurses from exercising due care in performing within their respective scope of practice.
HTH, CPN [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO EPIDEMIOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS. Grants the Department of Health authority to take samples necessary for epidemiologic investigations.
HTH, JGO [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO HEALTH. Establishes a licensure program for genetic counselors.
HTH, CPN [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO HEALTH. Establishes the heart healthy working group to develop a plan to eliminate or drastically reduce the use of trans fats in Hawaii's food preparation and food service industry.
HTH [Measure added 02-09-09] |
RELATING TO SINGLE-USE MEDICAL DEVICES. Requires health care providers to obtain informed consent from patients for use of certain reprocessed medical devices. Requires director of health to provide oversight and to adopt rules pertaining to reprocessed single-use devices.
HTH, CPN [Measure added 02-09-09] |
No testimony will be accepted.