S.R. NO. |
101 |
REQUESTS the Board of Education to modify PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL graduation requirements by requiring fifty hours of community service from all students as part of the Department of Education's Civic Responsibility requirement.
WHEREAS, a 1997 University of Maryland publication, Mandatory Community Service: Advocates for Children/College Park Scholars, reported that over five hundred school districts across the nation require students to perform community service as a graduation requirement; and
WHEREAS, according to the Public Education Network, a national association of local education funds and individuals working to advance public school reform in low-income communities across our country, young people who become involved in their communities will remain civically engaged throughout their adult years; and
WHEREAS, Former President Clinton has voiced support for community service as a means of building character, teaching civic responsibility, opening doors to career possibilities, and providing services to communities that the communities otherwise would not have; and
WHEREAS, according to the UNITE Foundation, a nonprofit Kentucky organization that promotes drug free partnerships between community members, youth, law enforcement, and education, keeping youth occupied with positive activities is the best way to combat underage drinking, drug use, and other damaging behaviors; and
WHEREAS, independent schools in Hawaii that require their students to participate in community service have found that students who were initially reluctant to participate find personal fulfillment through this learning experience in providing service to others; and
WHEREAS, some independent schools recognize students who provide more than the minimum number of required community service hours during commencement exercises, thereby exhibiting the school's valuing of civic responsibility; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Education's vision for a public high school graduate includes having graduates who "exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship"; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that Hawaii's youth would be well served by having them participate in community service as a means of preparing for their role as responsible, voting citizens in our society; and
WHEREAS, fifty hours of required community service would provide ample opportunity for youth to become immersed in service without interfering with academic requirements; and
WHEREAS, Hawaii public school students already electing to perform senior projects may choose a service learning project that would further help them learn civic responsibility and that can be used in part to fulfill a community service requirement; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2009, that the Board of Education is requested to modify public high school graduation requirements by requiring fifty hours of community service from all students as part of the Department of Education's Civic Responsibility requirement; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Education is requested to report its findings and recommendations to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2010; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Education, Superintendent of Education, and Executive Director of the Office of Community Services.
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DOE; Community Service Requirement