S.C.R. NO.



S.D. 1













     WHEREAS, scenic byways are recognized as roads that incorporate and reflect noteworthy natural, historic, and cultural features of an area; and


     WHEREAS, these scenic byways afford visitors a pleasurable experience as they travel the byways, while the economies of the local communities within which these byways are situated benefit reciprocally from visitor activity; and


     WHEREAS, Congress established the National Scenic Byways Program in 1991 under the Intermodal Transportation Efficiency Act and the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century; and


     WHEREAS, the National Scenic Byways Program is a voluntary program designed to help states protect and promote their scenic roads by which states apply for funding from the Federal Highway Administration of the United States Department of Transportation and submit nominations of certain roads for designation as scenic byways by the Federal Highway Administration; and


     WHEREAS, for example, the state Department of Transportation initiated the North Kona Heritage Corridor Project on the Big Island with community input as a first step to establishing a state scenic byway designation for that area; and


     WHEREAS, in the early years of the 16th century, Piilani Makua, the king of Maui, and his son, Kiha-a-Piilani, constructed within a span of about five years a pathway uniting west and east Maui known as Alanui-Kikeekee-a-Maui, or the winding pathway of Maui, which proceeded clockwise around the northern coast of west Maui across the isthmus to Haleakala Mountain; and


     WHEREAS, an eighteen-mile stretch of the pathway from Honokowai to Kahakuloa, known as Na Hono-a-Piilani, or the Piilani Trail, connects the six sacred bays of Piilani, each with distinct Hawaiian names that reflect their uniqueness; and


     WHEREAS, the six sacred bays of Piilani consist of:


     (1)  Honokowai Bay, or the "watering bay," which is a long, slight curve of calcareous beach sandstone, hard as rock, that extends into the sea about three feet deep;


     (2)  Honokeana Bay, or the "cave bay," which is a deep, boxy recess where the sea has eroded a bed of red ash, coloring the water a murky red;


     (3)  Honokahua Bay, or the "sites bay," which is a beautiful, peaceful, open, sandy beach now known as Kapalua that is a closed semicircular shape with long waves washing far up on the shore, ringed with palm trees and jutting black lava rock;


     (4)  Honolua Bay, or "two harbors bay," which lies along the coast where winds are brisk and ironwood trees form windbreaks that bring fragrance to the air as their soft needles cushion the ground;


     (5)  Honokohau Bay, or "bay drawing dew bay," which lies at the mouth of Honokohau Stream, Maui's longest stream, where the surface of the land slopes into the sea to meet Molokai.  The nearly inaccessible waterfall at the head of Honokohau Stream drops 1,690 feet, making it the sixth tallest waterfall in the world and the second tallest in the nation after Yosemite in California; and


     (6)  Hononana Bay, or "animated bay," which lies at the mouth of Hononana gulch where nearby rests a boulder alongside the road called Pohakukani, the "bell stone," which when struck with a rock, sounds like the ringing of a massive bell, but with a metallic timbre; and


     WHEREAS, there is great interest from the community to designate as a scenic byway the Piilani Trail, the eighteen-mile Heritage Corridor from Honokowai to Kahakuloa featuring the six sacred bays of Piilani, to preserve the area and to provide access for the public; and


     WHEREAS, Hawaii has many other scenic locations that may qualify for inclusion in the National Scenic Byways Program; and


     WHEREAS, funding assistance is required to continually maintain scenic byways and to preserve their accessibility to the public; and


     WHEREAS, it is unrealistic during the current local, national, and global economic downturn to draw on state general funds to support worthwhile scenic byways projects; however, the Federal Highway Administration administers a fund to provide assistance to states whose projects qualify according to federal guidelines; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-Fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2009, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Department of Transportation is requested to conduct statewide community scenic byways educational workshops for the purpose of identifying possible sites for inclusion in the National Scenic Byways Program, including the Piilani Trail on Maui; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation is requested to consult with and invite representatives from the Federal Highway Administration and any other relevant federal agency to participate in the statewide community scenic byways educational workshops; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation is requested to act upon the public consensus derived from the educational workshops to make recommendations to the federal government of sites to include in the National Scenic Byways Program; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation is requested to facilitate the designation of sites to include in the National Scenic Byways Program by submitting:


     (1)  Nominations of roads selected by means of the educational workshop process for designation as scenic byways; and


     (2)  Applications for federal funding to support the promotion, maintenance, and repair of these roads,


to the Federal Highway Administration of the United States Department of Transportation; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation is requested to report to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2010, on the progress of the statewide community scenic byways educational workshops, including the Piilani Trail on Maui, as well as the status of any application to the Federal Highways Administration for funding and to designate selected roads of the State as scenic byways; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, the Directors of Transportation and Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, the mayor and chairperson of the council of each county, the Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration, and the members of Hawaii's congressional delegation.

Report Title: 

Federal Designation; Scenic Byways Educational Workshops