Report Title:
Income Tax; Conformity to the Internal Revenue Code for 2008
Conforms amendments to the Hawaii income tax law based upon amendments to the Internal Revenue Code for calendar year 2008. (SD2)
S.B. NO. |
971 |
S.D. 2 |
SECTION 1. The purpose of this Act is to conform Hawaii income tax law to the Internal Revenue Code.
SECTION 2. Section 235-2.3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) For all taxable years beginning
after December 31, [2007,] 2008, as used in this chapter,
"Internal Revenue Code" means subtitle A, chapter 1, of the federal
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended as of December 31, [2007,] 2008,
as it applies to the determination of gross income, adjusted gross income,
ordinary income and loss, and taxable income, except those provisions of the
Internal Revenue Code and federal public laws which, pursuant to this chapter,
do not apply or are otherwise limited in application and except for the
provisions of Public Law 109-001 which apply to section 170 of the Internal
Revenue Code. The provisions of Public Law 109-001 to accelerate the deduction
for charitable cash contributions for the relief of victims of the 2004 Indian
Ocean tsunami are applicable for the calendar year that ended December 31,
2004, and the calendar year ending December 31, 2005.
Sections 235-2, 235-2.1, and 235-2.2 shall continue to be used to determine:
(1) The basis of property, if a taxpayer first determined the basis of property in a taxable year to which such sections apply, and if such determination was made before January 1, 1978; and
(2) Gross income, adjusted gross income, ordinary income and loss, and taxable income for a taxable year to which such sections apply where such taxable year begins before January 1, 1978."
SECTION 3. Section 235-2.4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§235-2.4 Operation of certain Internal Revenue Code provisions; sections 63 to 530. (a) Section 63 (with respect to taxable income defined) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter, subject to the following:
(1) Sections 63(c)(1)(B) (relating to the additional standard deduction), 63(c)(1)(C) (relating to the real property tax deduction), 63(c)(1)(D) (relating to the disaster loss deduction), 63(c)(4) (relating to inflation adjustments), 63(c)(7) (defining the real property tax deduction), 63(c)(8) (defining the disaster loss deduction), and 63(f) (relating to additional amounts for the aged or blind) of the Internal Revenue Code shall not be operative for purposes of this chapter.
(2) Section 63(c)(2) (relating to the basic
standard deduction) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative, except
that the standard deduction [amount in section 63(c) of the Internal
Revenue Code] amounts provided therein shall instead mean:
[(1)] (A) $4,000 in the case of:
[(A)] (i) A joint return as
provided by section 235-93; or
[(B)] (ii) A surviving spouse (as
defined in section 2(a) of the Internal Revenue Code);
[(2)] (B) $2,920 in the case of a head
of household (as defined in section 2(b) of the Internal Revenue Code);
[(3)] (C) $2,000 in the case of
an individual who is not married and who is not a surviving spouse or head of
household; or
[(4)] (D) $2,000 in the case of a
married individual filing a separate return.
[Section 63(c)(4) shall not be operative in
this State.]
(3) Section 63(c)(5) (limiting the basic
standard deduction in the case of certain dependents) of the Internal Revenue
Code shall be operative, except that the limitation [on basic standard
deduction in the case of certain dependents] shall be the greater of $500
or such individual's earned income. [Section 63(f) shall not be operative
in this State.]
(4) The standard deduction amount for nonresidents shall be calculated pursuant to section 235-5.
(b) Section 72 (with respect to annuities; certain proceeds of endowment and life insurance contracts) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for purposes of this chapter and be interpreted with due regard to section 235-7(a), except that the ten per cent additional tax on early distributions from retirement plans in section 72(t) shall not be operative for purposes of this chapter.
(c) Section 121 (with respect to exclusion of gain from sale of principal residence) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for purposes of this chapter, except that for the election under section 121(f), a reference to section 1034 treatment means a reference to section 235-2.4(n) in effect for taxable year 1997.
(d) Section 163 (with respect to interest) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter, except that provisions in section 163(d)(4)(B) (defining net investment income to exclude dividends) shall not be operative for the purposes of this chapter.
(e) Section 165 (with respect to losses) of
the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for purposes of this chapter[.],
except that the amount prescribed by section 165(h)(1) (relating to the
limitation per casualty) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be a $100
limitation per casualty, and sections 165(h)(3)(A) and 165(h)(3)(B) (both of
which relate to special rules for personal casualty gains and losses in
federally declared disasters) of the Internal Revenue Code shall not be
operative for purposes of this chapter. Section 165 as operative for this
chapter shall also apply to losses sustained from the sale of stocks or other
interests issued through the exercise of the stock options or warrants granted
by a qualified high technology business as defined in section 235-7.3.
(f) Section 168 (with respect to the
accelerated cost recovery system) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be
operative for purposes of this chapter, except that [provisions relating]
sections 168(j) (relating to property on Indian [reservations in
section 168(j) and] reservations), 168(k) (relating to the special
allowance for certain property acquired [after September 10, 2001, and
before January 1, 2005 (including the extension of the qualifying aircraft
placed in service before January 1, 2006),] during the period specified
therein in section [168(k)] 168(m) relating to the special
allowance for certain reuse and recycling property), and 168(n) (relating to
the special allowance for qualified disaster assistance property) of the
Internal Revenue Code shall not be operative for purposes of this chapter.
(g) Section 172 (with respect to net operating loss deductions) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for purposes of this chapter, except that sections 172(b)(1)(J) and 172(j) (both of which relate to qualified disaster losses) of the Internal Revenue Code shall not be operative for purposes of this chapter.
[(g)] (h) Section 179 (with
respect to the election to expense certain depreciable business assets) of the
Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for purposes of this chapter, except
that provisions relating to:
(1) The increase of the maximum deduction to $100,000 for taxable years beginning after 2002 and before 2008, and the increase of the maximum deduction to $125,000 for taxable years beginning after 2006 and before 2011, in section 179(b)(1);
(2) The increase of the qualifying investment amount to $400,000 for taxable years beginning after 2002 and before 2008, and the increase of the qualifying investment amount to $500,000 for taxable years beginning after 2006 and before 2011, in section 179(b)(2);
(3) The increase of the maximum deduction to $250,000 and the increase of the qualifying investment amount to $800,000 for taxable years beginning in 2008, in section 179(b)(7);
[(3)] (4) Defining section 179 property
to include computer software in section 179(d)(1);
[(4)] (5) Inflation adjustments in
section 179(b)(5); [and
(5)] (6) Irrevocable election in section
179(c)(2); and
(7) Special rules for qualified disaster assistance property in section 179(e);
shall not be operative for the purposes of this chapter.
(i) Section 198A (with respect to the expensing of qualified disaster assistances expenses) of the Internal Revenue Code shall not be operative for purposes of this chapter.
[(h)] (j) Section 219 (with
respect to retirement savings) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative
for the purpose of this chapter. For the purpose of computing the limitation
on the deduction for active participants in certain pension plans for state
income tax purposes, adjusted gross income as used in section 219 as operative
for this chapter means federal adjusted gross income.
[(i)] (k) Section 220 (with
respect to medical savings accounts) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be
operative for the purpose of this chapter, but only with respect to medical
services accounts that have been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury of
the United States.
[(j)] (l) Section 265 (with
respect to expenses and interest relating to tax-exempt income) of the Internal
Revenue Code shall be operative for purposes of this chapter; except that it
shall not apply to expenses for royalties and other income derived from any
patents, copyrights, and trade secrets by an individual or a qualified high
technology business as defined in section 235-7.3. Such expenses shall be
[(k)] (m) Section 408A (with
respect to Roth Individual Retirement Accounts) of the Internal Revenue Code
shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter. For the purposes of
determining the aggregate amount of contributions to a Roth Individual
Retirement Account or qualified rollover contribution to a Roth Individual
Retirement Account from an individual retirement plan other than a Roth
Individual Retirement Account, adjusted gross income as used in section 408A as
operative for this chapter means federal adjusted gross income.
[(l) In] (n) Except as provided
herein, in administering the provisions of sections 410 to 417 (with
respect to special rules relating to pensions, profit sharing, stock bonus
plans, etc.), sections 418 to 418E (with respect to special rules for
multiemployer plans), and sections 419 and 419A (with respect to treatment of welfare
benefit funds) of the Internal Revenue Code, the department of taxation shall
adopt rules under chapter 91 relating to the specific requirements under such
sections and to such other administrative requirements under those sections as
may be necessary for the efficient administration of sections 410 to 419A[.];
provided that, except for the first $50,000, each year, employer paid pension
income shall be taxable under this chapter.
In administering sections 401 to 419A (with respect to deferred compensation) of the Internal Revenue Code, Public Law 93-406, section 1017(i), shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter.
In administering section 402 (with respect to the taxability of beneficiary of employees' trust) of the Internal Revenue Code, the tax imposed on lump sum distributions by section 402(e) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter and the tax imposed therein is hereby imposed by this chapter at the rate determined under this chapter.
(o) Section 451 (which provides general rules for taxable year of inclusion) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative, except that the provisions of 451(i)(3) and 451(i)(6), as they relate to a qualified electric utility, shall not be operative for purposes of this chapter.
[(m)] (p) Section 468B (with
respect to special rules for designated settlement funds) of the Internal
Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter and the tax
imposed therein is hereby imposed by this chapter at a rate equal to the
maximum rate in effect for the taxable year imposed on estates and trusts under
section 235-51.
[(n)] (q) Section 469 (with
respect to passive activities and credits limited) of the Internal Revenue Code
shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter. For the purpose of
computing the offset for rental real estate activities for state income tax
purposes, adjusted gross income as used in section 469 as operative for this
chapter means federal adjusted gross income.
[(o)] (r) Sections 512 to 514
(with respect to taxation of business income of certain exempt organizations)
of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes of this
chapter as provided in this subsection.
"Unrelated business taxable income" means the same as in the Internal Revenue Code, except that in the computation thereof sections 235-3 to 235-5, and 235-7 (except subsection (c)), shall apply, and in the determination of the net operating loss deduction there shall not be taken into account any amount of income or deduction that is excluded in computing the unrelated business taxable income. Unrelated business taxable income shall not include any income from a prepaid legal service plan.
For a person described in section 401 or 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, as modified by section 235-2.3, the tax imposed by section 235-51 or 235-71 shall be imposed upon the person's unrelated business taxable income.
[(p)] (s) Section 521 (with
respect to cooperatives) and subchapter T (sections 1381 to 1388, with respect
to cooperatives and their patrons) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be
operative for the purposes of this chapter as to any cooperative fully meeting
the requirements of section 421-23, except that Internal Revenue Code section
521 cooperatives need not be organized in Hawaii.
[(q)] (t) Sections 527 (with
respect to political organizations) and 528 (with respect to certain homeowners
associations) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes
of this chapter and the taxes imposed in each such section are hereby imposed
by this chapter at the rates determined under section 235-71.
[(r)] (u) Section 529 (with
respect to qualified tuition programs) shall be operative for the purposes of
this chapter, except that section 529(c)(6) shall not be operative.
[(s)] (v) Section 530 (with
respect to education individual retirement accounts) of the Internal Revenue
Code shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter. For the purpose of
determining the maximum amount that a contributor could make to an education
individual retirement account for state income tax purposes, modified adjusted
gross income as used in section 530 as operative for this chapter means federal
modified adjusted gross income as defined in section 530."
SECTION 4. Section 235-2.45, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§235-2.45 Operation of certain Internal Revenue Code provisions; sections 641 to 7518. (a) Section 641 (with respect to imposition of tax) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter subject to the following:
(1) The deduction for exemptions shall be allowed as provided in section 235-54(b);
(2) The deduction for contributions and gifts in determining taxable income shall be limited to the amount allowed in the case of an individual, unless the contributions and gifts are to be used exclusively in the State; and
(3) The tax imposed by section 1(e) of the Internal Revenue Code as applied by section 641 of the Internal Revenue Code is hereby imposed by this chapter at the rate and amount as determined under section 235-51 on estates and trusts.
(b) Section 667 (with respect to treatment of amounts deemed distributed by trusts in preceding years) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter and the tax imposed therein is hereby imposed by this chapter at the rate determined under this chapter; except that the reference to tax-exempt interest to which section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code applies in section 667(a) of the Internal Revenue Code shall instead be a reference to tax-exempt interest to which section 235-7(b) applies.
(c) Section 685 (with respect to treatment of qualified funeral trusts) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for purposes of this chapter, except that the tax imposed under this chapter shall be computed at the tax rates provided under section 235-51, and no deduction for the exemption amount provided in section 235-54(b) shall be allowed. The cost-of-living adjustment determined under section 1(f)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purpose of applying section 685(c)(3) under this chapter.
(d) Section 704 of the Internal Revenue Code (with respect to a partner's distributive share) shall be operative for purposes of this chapter; except that section 704(b)(2) shall not apply to:
(1) Allocations of the high technology business investment tax credit allowed by section 235-110.9;
(2) Allocations of net operating loss pursuant to section 235-111.5;
(3) Allocations of the attractions and educational facilities tax credit allowed by section 235-110.46; or
(4) Allocations of low-income housing tax credits among partners under section 235-110.8.
(e) Section 1212 (with respect to capital loss carrybacks and carryforwards) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter; except that for the purposes of this chapter the capital loss carryback provisions of section 1212 shall not be operative and the capital loss carryforward allowed by section 1212(a) shall be limited to five years; except for a qualified high technology business as defined in section 235-7.3, which shall be limited to fifteen years.
(f) Section 1221 (with respect to the definition of capital assets) is operative; provided that the provisions of section 301 of Public Law 110-343, which provide that gain or loss from the sale or exchange of any applicable preferred stock by any applicable financial institution (such terms being defined by Public Law 110-343) shall be treated as ordinary income or loss, shall not be operative. A sale or exchange of any applicable preferred stock by any applicable financial institution (as those terms are defined by section 301 of Public Law 110-343) shall be treated as a sale of a capital asset and taxed accordingly.
[(f)] (g) Subchapter S (sections
1361 to 1379) (with respect to tax treatment of S corporations and their
shareholders) of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for
the purposes of this chapter as provided in part VII.
[(g)] (h) Section 1400N (with
respect to tax benefits for Gulf Opportunity Zone) of the Internal Revenue Code
shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter, except that sections
1400N(a) (with respect to tax-exempt bond financing); 1400N(b) (with respect to
advance refundings of certain tax-exempt bonds); 1400N(c) (with respect to the
low income housing credit); 1400N(d) (with respect to special allowance for
certain property acquired on or after August 28, 2005); 1400N(e) (with respect
to increase in expensing under section 179); 1400N(h) (with respect to increase
in rehabilitation credit); 1400N(l) (with respect to credit to holders of Gulf
tax credit bonds); 1400N(m) (with respect to application of new markets tax
credit to investments in community development entities serving Gulf
Opportunity Zone); 1400N(n) (with respect to treatment of representations
regarding income eligibility for purposes of qualified residential rental project
requirements) shall not be operative for purposes of this chapter.
[(h)] (i) Section 1400S (with
respect to additional tax relief provisions) of the Internal Revenue Code shall
be operative for the purposes of this chapter, except that section 1400S(d)
(with respect to the special rule for determining earned income) shall not be
operative for the purposes of this chapter.
[(i)] (j) Section 6015 (with
respect to relief from joint and several liability on joint return) of the
Internal Revenue Code is operative for purposes of this chapter.
[(j)] (k) Sections 6103(i)(3)(C)
and 6103(i)(7) (with respect to disclosures of information to the United States
Justice Department or appropriate federal or state law enforcement agency for
purposes of investigating terrorist incidents, threats, or activities, and for
analyzing intelligence concerning investigating terrorist incidents, threats,
or activities) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes
of this chapter.
[(k)] (l) Subchapter C (sections
6221 to 6233) (with respect to tax treatment of partnership items) of chapter
63 of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes of this
[(l)] (m) Subchapter D (sections
6240 to 6255) (with respect to simplified audit procedures for electing large
partnerships) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes
of this chapter, with due regard to chapter 232 relating to tax appeals.
[(m)] (n) Section 6511(h) (with
respect to running of periods of limitation suspended while taxpayer is unable
to manage financial affairs due to disability) of the Internal Revenue Code
shall be operative for purposes of this chapter, with due regard to section
235-111 relating to the limitation period for assessment, levy, collection, or
[(n)] (o) Section 7518 (with
respect to capital construction fund for commercial fishers) of the Internal
Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter. Qualified
withdrawals for the acquisition, construction, or reconstruction of any qualified
asset that is attributable to deposits made before the effective date of this
section shall not reduce the basis of the asset when withdrawn. Qualified
withdrawals shall be treated on a first-in-first-out basis."
SECTION 5. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2050 and shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008.