Report Title:
Emergency Environmental Workforce; Appropriation
Appropriates funds to continue the emergency environmental workforce program in light of recent national and local economic downturns and wars, and provides for the continuation of the emergency environmental workforce during future periods of warfare or significant economic hardship.
S.B. NO. |
713 |
SECTION 1. Act 4, Third Special Session Laws of Hawaii 2001, is amended by amending sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 to read as follows:
["SECTION 1. The September 11, 2001,
tragedy, resulting from terrorist attacks in New York, Virginia, and
Pennsylvania, has changed the lives of Americans and the way government
responds to acts of terrorism. Today, all levels of government across the
nation are facing challenges to meet the needs of all constituents.
The federal government faces the monumental
task of developing and implementing America's response to violent acts of
terrorism and preparing an extensive network of security and intelligence to
meet national and international needs. While New York faces the enormous tasks
of rebuilding and restoring disrupted services to its people, other state and
local governments across the nation must deal with the "ripple
effect" of a disrupted world economy.
Here in Hawaii, state and county leaders of
executive and legislative branches of government have begun to assess the
impact of September 11 on the local economy within the context of broader
national and international economies. While the visitor industry has been the
first segment of our local economy to suffer the effects of decreased leisure
travel, other ancillary or related industries have been impacted as well.
Analysis and research are still needed to
provide a clearer forecast as to the potential duration and depth of the visitor
While government assesses the State's
long-term needs and continues its efforts to lessen negative economic impacts
of activities or undertakings beyond our control, immediate short-term
solutions are needed for Hawaii's people being negatively impacted with reduced
work schedules or layoffs. Immediate solutions for immediate relief will
require unprecedented levels of cooperation between state and local government,
and between public and private entities, and bold yet productive proposals.
The purpose of this Act is to appropriate
funds for the establishment of an emergency environmental workforce for
short-term employment for individuals who have lost their jobs because of
Hawaii's recent economic downturn. Individuals willing to accept the challenge
of a workforce job will assist the efforts to:
(1) Isolate the spread of dengue fever;
(2) Eradicate the miconia plant and other
invasive plants; and
(3) Reduce coqui frog and fire ant
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks continue to have lasting impacts on the lives of Hawai‘i residents and other Americans. The ensuing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are ongoing and have cost the United States over $600 billion thus far. The exorbitant economic cost of these wars represents an opportunity cost of providing social safety nets and ultimately translates into lower resiliency in the face of economic downturns.
The legislature finds that the recent collapse of national credit, housing, financial, and other markets has culminated in the current, national economic crisis, which continues to have severe consequences on the local economy, including significant losses in local air transportation, tourism, restaurant, and other industries. Moreover, the department of labor and industrial relations forecasts state employment to grow by just 0.07 per cent annually from 2007 to 2009.
During severe national and local economic downturns, the legislature finds cost-efficiency to be an important principle in determining which state activities to pursue and prioritize. Activities that can accomplish multiple goals can help the state weather seasons of financial shortage. The legislature further finds that the emergency environmental workforce is a program that provides short-term employment to those who need it and uses that workforce to protect Hawai‘i's environment, and that it should be continued, especially during future times of war or significant economic hardship.
The purpose of this Act is to appropriate funds to continue the emergency environmental workforce for short-term employment for individuals who have lost their jobs due to recent national and local economic downturns and to continue the emergency environmental workforce during future periods of warfare or significant economic hardship.
SECTION 2. There is established the emergency
environmental workforce to be attached to [The Research Corporation] the
research corporation of the University of Hawaii for administrative
purposes. The emergency environmental workforce shall:
(1) Employ, as three-month contract employees, approximately four hundred to four hundred fifty individuals who were terminated from their jobs:
(A) [after the September 11 tragedy
as] As a result of the local economic downturn[.] following
the September 11 tragedy;
(B) As a result of acts of war; or
(C) As a result of significant local economic downturn;
[The individuals shall be employed as three-month
contract employees;]
(2) Deploy contract employees to all island mayors certifying a need for environmental clearance and eradication services to supplement current services being provided for the isolation of dengue fever, the eradication of the miconia plant and other invasive plants, and the reduction of coqui frog and fire ant populations; and
(3) Coordinate its efforts with the efforts of the invasive species committee on each island.
SECTION 3. The [Research Corporation] research
corporation of the University of Hawaii shall:
(1) Together with the Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit, develop a planning, administration, implementation, and evaluation strategy, including a program duration plan and a budget for contract and administrative expenses for the sum appropriated;
(2) Consult with private employers with workforces,
which have, or which may be, affected by layoffs [from the economic downturn
as a result of the September 11 tragedy] resulting from any of the events
set forth in section 2 of this Act to develop a recruitment and public
information plan;
(3) Develop a strategy for the interviewing and selection of program participants;
(4) Work with island mayors requesting cleaning and eradication services to administer physical examinations, as may be necessary, to qualifying applicants prior to final contract offers;
(5) Request that the attorneys employed or retained by the University of Hawaii prepare the necessary employment contracts to meet the objectives of the program on an expedited basis;
(6) Submit review and assessment reports to the governor, the senate president, and the house speaker every sixty days for the duration of the program; and
(7) Undertake all other necessary activities for program development and implementation.
SECTION 4. There is appropriated out of the
general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $1,500,000 or so much
thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2001-2002 for the establishment of
an emergency environmental workforce to be administered by [The Research
Corporation] the research corporation of the University of Hawaii.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by [The
Research Corporation] the research corporation of the University of
Hawaii for the purposes of this Act."
SECTION 2. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2009-2010 and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2010-2011 to continue the emergency environmental workforce to be administered by the research corporation of the University of Hawaii.
The sums appropriated shall be expended by the research corporation of the University of Hawaii for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 3. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.
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