H.R. NO.













congratulating Ruth SIlberstein as Hawaii's 2008 national distinguished principal, Meredith Maeda as Hawaii's nominee for the metlife/national association of secondary school principals Hawaii high school principal of the year, Lynn Kahoohalahala as Hawaii's 2008 State Assistant principal of the year by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, AND mYRON mONTE AS THE 5TH ANNUAL WINNER OF THE MASAYUKI TOKIOKA AWARD.




     WHEREAS, in light of the important role the public education system plays in solidifying Hawaii's future, it is always a pleasure and privilege for the Hawaii State House of Representatives to recognize exceptional people who have made significant achievements in education, inspired our state's youth, and encouraged the people of the surrounding communities to become involved in their community's schools; and


     WHEREAS, Ruth Silberstein, the principal at Palolo Elementary School since 2001; created a student centered culture that supports standards-based instruction and makes literacy instruction the responsibility of all staff members, which has earned her the recognition of being named Hawaii's 2008 National Distinguished Principal; and


     WHEREAS, Meredith Maeda, principal at Castle High School, has proven himself as an outstanding secondary school leader by significantly raising student achievement, improving the quality of teaching and instruction, creating community and educational partnerships, and increasing parent and volunteer participation, has been given the distinguished honor of being chosen to represent Hawaii for the MetLife/National Association of Secondary School Principals Hawaii High School Principal of the Year; and


     WHEREAS, Lynn Kahoohalahala, vice-principal at Lahainaluna High School for the past 7 years, who holds the belief that "We all have different gifts, and by working together, all these gifts make us stronger than we would be by ourselves.  It is our school, and my leadership is focused on maintaining the relationship of positive human interaction, connecting students and learning through a shared vision," has earned her the distinguished honor of being recognized as the 2008 Hawaii State Assistant Principal of the Year by the National Association of Secondary School Principals; and


     WHEREAS, Myron Monte, who has held his position as principal at Dole Middle School for five years and previously served as vice-principal at Farrington High School for 13 years, has a strong character, a warm hearted spirit, and a harmonious personality that embraces everyone in the community, and envisioned all barriers that may hinder students from achieving educational success being overcome, has earned the distinct honor of being named the 5th annual winner of the Masayuki Tokioka Award; and


     WHEREAS, Ruth Silberstein, Meredith Maeda, Lynn Kahoohalahala, and Myron Monte, through their dedication and commitment to serving the children in our schools, have proven themselves worthy of being honored as inspirational principals and role models for our public school community; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2009, that this body hereby recognizes, congratulates, and honors Ruth Silberstein for her outstanding accomplishments as Hawaii's 2008 National Distinguished Principal, Meredith Maeda for his achievements to be recognized by the MetLife/National Association of Secondary School Principals as the Hawaii High School Principal of the Year, Lynn Kahoohalahala for her achievements to be recognized as the 2008 Hawaii State representative for the National Assistant Principal of the Year, Myron Monte for his achievements to be recognized as the 5th annual winner of the Masayuki Tokioka Award, and extends to all of them its sincere mahalo for a job well done.







Report Title: 

Roy 2008 Principals Masayuki Tokioka